Chapter 2

"Damn!" Luisa checked the time on her desk clock and realized she was going to be late.

No, no, no. The clock might have died.

She double-checked the time on her phone, grabbing it from the floor where it must have fallen last night, but it was correct.

What happened to the alarm? She remembered setting it earlier. But no worries, she still had ample time to make it if she hurried.

She scrambled out of her bed, seeing the brightness coming from the windows. But the dirty clothes that scattered on the floor caught her foot, making her stumble and fall to her knees.

"Damn it!" She mumbled again under her breath as she recovered from her clumsiness. She immediately sat on her ass to check on her injury.

"Ouch!" Her hands automatically touched her sore joints. There was no wound, but she could already tell it would turn black and blue soon.

"Damn, clothes. Can this day get any worse?" She grabbed the offending items and threw them on the other side of the room.

She had bruises before, much worse than this, so she did not mind as she stood up and ran to the bathroom. She had to shower because she could still smell the alcohol in her body.

"Ok, five minutes." She told herself, giving herself a time frame as she moved at lightning speed inside her small bathroom to prepare herself for the day.

She should not have gone out with her friends last night. But Vinnie would not stop daring her to go against that punk who thought so highly of himself.

She could not help the wide grin from showing on her face as she stopped in front of her mirror, remembering the event that happened last night. She believed it was all worth it.

"I told you, Errol. I could beat you and make you eat my dust." She mumbled at her reflection, recalling the angry expression on his silly face as she left him in a pile of smoke. But enough of that.

First, she needed to look good, taking out her few makeups and tying her hair in a neat bun. She almost did not recognize herself after. She never liked wearing makeup, but her mother insisted she had learned how to use them.

Then, she was back in her room, rummaging through her stuff for the decent clothing she had to wear. She turned around and suddenly scrunched her nose at her view.

Well, she was late. She had no time to clean up. She grabbed her shoes and walked toward the door. But abruptly stopped, "Where can I find my keys?" Scanning the room.

Her room was not exactly clean or orderly. It was ninety-five percent disorganized. The only thing that did not look messy was her dirty hamper, empty of her dirty clothes.

The rest of her small apartment was no different, as she rushed out of the room when she finally remembered leaving her key at the kitchen counter.

She always promised to clean up. But between her job and the other things she had to do. She could hardly do anything else inside the house.

She rushed down the stairs of her apartment, bypassing the elevator that broke down even before she had transferred to this place.

"Good morning, Mrs. Linda. How are you today?" Luisa greeted the elderly, sweet woman who was just about to enter the main door on her way out. She was carrying two large paper bags of groceries that seemed heavy.

"I feel good." The woman answered with a friendly smile on her face. "You look beautiful today. Is there a funeral?" The woman teased her, seeing that she was wearing something she would never wear unless someone died.

She was more comfortable with jeans, a shirt, sneakers, and occasional dresses, but not business attire. She suddenly looked like those stuffy people she served in the restaurant.

But she had no choice today. She had to wear this and go on an interview if she wanted a better-paying job. She could not keep waitressing if she had to earn more money.

"Yes, Mrs. Linda. My future. And I need to bury it right away." She answered with a wide grin enjoying their regular interaction. "Let me help you with those." She decided that a few minutes to help a friend would not hurt.

She quickly grabbed the two paper bags from the arms of Mrs. Linda and assisted her to her apartment, which was fortunately just on the first floor.

Afterward, Luisa blew her a kiss once she was in her apartment and ran along the hallway. But before she could exit the main door, someone again called her attention.

"Hey, Luis. Do you have a minute?" Mr. Ramon, a community volunteer in the nearby shelter, called her. He lived on the first door on the right.

"Yes, of course. What do you need?" She asked, not wanting to be impolite but hoping he would be quick.

"The shelter would need a few more volunteers next week. Do you think you can swing by and bring some of your friends with you?" The man hesitantly asked, but he seemed to be desperate.

"No problem, Mr. Ramon. I will come by later so we can discuss it more. But as of now, I am late for an interview." She excused herself and ran faster on the way to the door.

"Good luck." She heard the older man say, turning around to smile at him before exiting the building and sprinting out of the door.

But she was barely out on the pavement when she bumped hard into a wall. She almost fell to the concrete floor if not for a pair of hands holding her arms, steadying her on her feet.

Who put a wall on the street? Her mind quickly thought of as she recovered from her temporary shock. Of course, she soon realized that it was no wall but a man standing in her way.

"Are you alright, Miss?" The man asked in his masculine baritone voice but slightly different accent. But his hands remained to stabilize her but gentler this time.

"Yeah! Just surprised." She quickly stepped away from him, breaking the contact of their skins. "I am sorry for bumping into you. I was in a hurry and did not see you." She apologetically smiled at the stranger.

She admitted it was probably her fault. She was not looking where she was going as her mind was already racing to her destination. She was such a clutz for someone good at maneuvering a fast car.

She believed she had not seen him in this neighborhood before. He did not look like someone who was from around this part of the community.

"That is ok." The man responded as he straightened his expensive coat and rearranged his tie.

The man did not even bother smiling back as his face remained passive.

Not friendly much as far as she observed. Certainly not someone from around this place.

"I am sorry again, but I have to run." She could tell that she was running late. She had to get out of there if she would make it to her interview.

"Wait!" She heard his voice again. "Miss..." There it was again, calling her. "Do you by any chance know Miss Luisa Richmond? Can you point me to where she lives?" Making her stop.