Chapter 3

This time, Luisa ensured she was not late, arriving at work early. She had already lost her interview that morning. She could not afford to lose her current job as well. It was just not in her options.

She buttoned up her uniform and tied her hair in a slightly loose, high ponytail, allowing her black hair bangs to flow freely on her forehead. She did not like it when she neatly tied her hair into a bun. It felt so restricting.

"What is with the face?" Her friend suddenly showed up in front of her as she smoothened the crease on her uniform.

She suddenly felt defeated as her body slumped down on the wooden bench in the middle of their locker room. She hoped to get that job, but the earlier incident made her miss the appointment. She believed she almost had it in the bag.

She still could not figure out who the man was and why he was asking about her. But, of course, he could not simply trust anybody, especially someone in a suit. So, she told him that nobody by that name resided in that place.

Maybe this man was sent by them to look for her. That was the only reason someone would be searching for her. No one would bother to look for her except for her mother and uncle.

"I did not get the job." She dejectedly responded to her friend, who also sat down beside her, deciding not to mention the other incident. It was not relevant anyway.

"Stop being overly dramatic, Luis. You are no good at it." Her friend bluntly remarked as she stared at her with her brows raised to the sky. "Besides, you never like that job. You are just setting yourself up to fail."

She allowed a few deep breaths to escape her lips before she turned to her friend again. She was correct. She never liked what she was applying for, except for the higher pay.

"But what am I good at anyway? I barely finished high school." Luis asked her friend, deeply thinking about it. "I am not like you, Noreen." Looking at her best friend.

She was never good at academics and failed math several times. Science was still a big mystery to her. Don't start talking about history. Because she never liked looking at the past or the present. Never mind the future.

She was not like her mother, who loved to get into the details of other people's lives. But she always wondered why she never tried to make it big.

If her mother had pursued her career, she could have been a big name in the media industry. But she was contented to stay hidden behind the limelight.

"You are always looking at the big picture the wrong way. You should focus on what you love to do, and you will find what you are looking for." Noreen tapped her on the back, giving her support.

Her best friend had her future all planned out. On the other hand, she was still trying to figure out what she would do the next day. She could not even plan what she would eat for dinner.

Noreen was a working student, studying to be a doctor while she was a college dropped out, who barely made it to the first semester when she decided to quit.

"Come on now, Luis. You are a fighter. You can do better than that job they were offering." Noreen boosted her ego, just like most times that she failed. "You will find a better one."

She always wondered what she would do without her friends. Well.

She could always go back home, but that was not an option. Not yet. She would prove to them that she could live her life the way she wanted. She just needed a good break.

In truth, she knew what she wanted, but it was not that simple. Even her mother would not support her with her plan. It was why she had to go far away from them.

"Anyway, we have to hurry. I don't want the dragon breathing down my back tonight." Luis stood up, shaking her head to expel herself from her negativity.

She had to perform well tonight because the boss said that they had some special guests. She was already on the watch list, she could not add another strike, or it would cost her this job.

They immediately walked to the dining area, where everyone gathered. The manager wanted to give his final instructions before opening up for the night.

"Who do you think we are serving tonight? The dragon seemed agitated more than usual." Luis whispered to her friend, who was next to her, referring to the manager.

The entire restaurant looked more brilliant than usual. The chandeliers were sparkling like diamonds as the lights bounced on them. Everything looked perfect.

"I heard he was a big deal in their country, a prince. And someone who owned a lot of companies all over the world. Well, that was what the internet said." Noreen uttered in her low voice, not wanting their boss to overhear them.

"A prince? Who gives a damn about a prince nowadays? But if he had plenty of money, then that would explain..." She pointed her lips to the man still talking in the center of the room.

People would do anything for money. Some would even compromise their principles for a buck. She had seen it happen, though she was not generalizing everyone.

But that was the hard, sad truth. Money did make the world go round. But for those with none, unfortunately, the world stopped revolving for them.

After a few more words, the manager finally ended his long tirade. She was about to go silently to her designated place when he decided to call her attention.

"Luisa, can I have a word?" She stopped quickly and turned to face the man already standing before her. "I need you to behave and act accordingly. It is my last warning. If you fail, I have no choice but to fire you."

That was also her fact. Her boss was out to get her. One wrong move and she would be out of a job, which she badly needed. But could she blame him when she had already messed up a few times?

In truth, she had no one else to blame in her situation than herself. If she could only get contented with this job, she could perform better. But she had to keep chasing a vague dream.

She wanted her life to have meaning through her hard work. Not through the help of the people around her. She could not keep depending on her family. They could not protect and provide for her needs throughout her entire life.

"Yes, Sir." She responded respectfully, going through her responsibility like a machine with a goal. She had to be perfect today.

Things were running so smoothly that she felt her boss would have no choice but to reward her with praise until she saw him walking through those doors, the same man looking for her earlier.

The manager quickly walked toward their new guest, guiding him to the VIP section with his companions, including the stunning girl in his arms.

"Isn't he dreamy? Like he is a real fucking prince." Noreen suddenly came from nowhere and stood behind her, whispering how much she found him attractive. "He looks so handsome and very much single."

"Who are you talking about?" She quickly asked her friend, wondering who Noreen was referring to now.

Unlike her, Noreen was one of those girls who would easily find a gorgeous man attractive. To her, they were excellent species to look at and examine.

Maybe her brain loosened up with all her studying of the human anatomy. So, she could only try to understand her friend and her fascination with muscular and attractive men.

"The Prince, of course." Noreen pointed at the new guest that her boss was entertaining. His stranger.

She stared at his face, assuring herself that this prince was the same man from earlier. But she was positive. Then, why would this prince be looking for her?

Then, it was also unlikely that her uncle or mother would have sent a prince to look for her. Then, what was wrong with this picture? Why was he here? Was this just a coincidence?

"I have to go. I have new customers." Noreen walked away from her, leaving her to wait for her turn.

Then, another waiter came to her side. "Can you serve these drinks to the new guests? Please." The man said, handing her the tray of drinks, indicating their VIPs.

"Why? What is wrong?" She asked, seeing the discomfort on the face of her colleague.

"I think I have the stomach flu. I need to go to the bathroom. Please, help me out." The man in the same uniform as her begged for assistance.

Without any choice, she grabbed the tray from her coworker and strode toward the table, using the tray to cover her face, just in case he would recognize her face.

She walked awkwardly, slightly hesitant, ignoring the other guests trying to call her attention as she passed their tables. She only had one goal on her mind, to serve their drinks and leave.

She hoped he would not see her or discover who she was.