Chapter 11

Her body was falling. Then she was sinking. The cold water enveloped her small frame. Her lungs gasped for air as she found herself drowning. Her feet and hands flailed on the surface, struggling hard to float.

Yet, she failed once again, just like most of her life.

Her mind finally succumbed to the darkness, feeling the water drag her to its depths. In that instant, her life suddenly flashed in her eyes. It was like watching a movie as her memories played in her mind.

Was this the end?

Luisa was falling, but it hurt when she finally hit the ground. Her hands automatically touched her butt, feeling the tenderness on her flesh.

"Look at how ugly she is." The girl who bumped into her said.

But the other girl placed her hand on her waist to look down at her, laughing at her situation. She could already tell the girl intentionally knocked her down to humiliate her.

"But have you seen her mother? She is stunning." One of the girls said, defending her. But she spoke too soon since it was not the case. "Maybe she took her looks from her father." The other girl with a pretty ponytail added.

"But how can we tell when she does not even have a father?" The girls laughed at her expense, enjoying her misery. Then, they were gone, walking away after making fun of her.

Suddenly, she had enough. She immediately stood up, then her hand spread out, landing on the other girl's cheek. She had no idea what had come over her, but she knew she had to defend herself.

The next thing she knew, she was sitting in front of her mother at their home, preparing for her sentence. The Principal called her mother to the office to discuss disciplinary action against her. She could not even describe how her mother looked at her after that.

"What were you thinking attacking one of your classmates?" Her mother shouted at her, looking furious, frustrated, and disappointed. "What made you do that, Luisa?"

She was not thinking. She wanted to answer back. However, she kept silent instead as she listened to her mother's litany. After all, she believed her mother was right. She should not have stooped down to their level.

"I am sorry, Mom." She decided to take the easy way out. But her mother would not have it as she did not stop reprimanding her for her wrongdoing.

"Sorry would not be enough this time." Her Mom said as she paced the floor, still fuming in anger.

Then, she felt someone pulling her up, disrupting her conversation with her mother. She struggled against whoever it was. Nonetheless, it was no use to her since the hands firmly held her frail body.

Then, her mind shifted to another scene. Another time. "Why don't you just tell me who my father is?" She shouted back, hating that she was miserable.

"I already told you that he is dead." Her mother repeated what she had been telling her since she first asked about him. The lie that she believed her entire life.

"But I heard you telling Uncle Evan that you saw him. You are afraid that he might finally find us. What are you not telling me?" She insisted, wanting to hear what her mother was about to say.

Where did her mother go? She suddenly disappeared. She wanted to hear what she had to say. She wanted an answer. Who was her father? Why did her mother tell her that he was dead?

"Let go of me." But nobody seemed to hear her as she shouted, but her eyes remained closed as she felt her body lay on the hard concrete ground. Now, she was confused about whether she was dreaming or awake.

"Luisa, open your eyes." A voice said to her, sounding familiar. But her eyes remained closed no matter how much she struggled to open them.

On the other hand, she felt a solid pressure on her chest. It weighed heavily on her, repeating several times before it finally stopped.

She thought that it was over when suddenly, she felt the softest lips as it pressed against hers. Then, she felt her lungs fill up with air before the lips disconnected from hers again.

It was a nice feeling that abruptly stopped, although the process repeated several times.

This time, she felt water rushing out of her. Then, she started coughing uncontrollably as her lungs struggled to take on more air. Still, the pain lingered across her body.

"Luisa, you're ok." Another familiar voice shouted in the background. At this moment, she finally opened her eyes and focused on the two people kneeling beside her.

On her left was Cole, who looked happy to see her. On the other side was the Prince, who had an indifferent expression on his handsome face. Maybe she was still dreaming, seeing this man looming over her.

However, her body feeling chilly and aching did not seem like a dream as she shivered on the cold concrete floor. Realization dawned on her as she gazed at the people surrounding her.

"I think so." She finally answered, allowing Cole to help her gently up into a sitting position while the Prince only watched on the sideline.

"Great! You gave me a bit of a scare for a minute there." He uttered with a sigh. Suddenly, she could hear the relieved voices of the people around her.

She finally remembered that as she delivered the drinks to the guests, something or someone bumped into her, making her fall into the pool. Unfortunately, she did not know how to swim. Then, Cole must have pooled her out of the pool.

Immediately, Cole escorted her to a nearby chair, allowing her to catch her breath and find her bearings first. She still felt a little disoriented. Although, she was starting to differentiate reality from her dream.

"I am sorry for creating a fuss." She abruptly said as Cole took the other seat opposite her.

"Don't worry. I believe it was an accident. It was nobody's fault." Cole said as his maid returned to his side, carrying several dry towels.

Soon, he was wrapping her up with them.

"Thanks," Luisa said as she used the towels to wipe her hair from dripping further on the floor. "I am sorry again, but I think I should leave."

She was already wet. She could not continue serving the guests in her condition. Therefore, she decided it was time to leave.

"Nonsense. Come on." Cole pulled her from her seat and dragged her out of the table.

"Where are we going?" Luisa asked, curious and, at the same time, wary of his plans.

"I think I have some clothes upstairs that you can wear." He mumbled as he continued to usher her back inside the house. Then, she remembered the other person earlier. Did he try to help her too?

When she turned around, the Prince was no longer in her old position. In truth, he was nowhere in sight as her eyes scanned the place.

Suddenly, she wondered if he was just a figment of her imagination.