Chapter 12

Cole dragged her inside the house, beyond the living room, and up the massive stairs. As soon as her feet touched the landing on the upper floor, Luisa pulled her hand away from him.

"Wait!" She stopped herself from stepping further into the hallway and tried to catch her breath. "Where are you taking me?" Besides lack of air, her heart was also drumming inside her chest.

Her eyes scanned the area before her, afraid that she might be getting herself into another trouble. Although she knew Cole from way back, she still could not help but be slightly apprehensive.

She was debating whether she should trust him. After all, he was now a stranger to her since they had not seen each other for years. Many might have changed about him, just like how she had changed through the years.

Still, she should also consider that he had been good to her all those years. Then, he just recently saved her from drowning. He still deserved the benefit of the doubt.

"My sister has a room just a few doors down the hall." Cole pointed down to the other side of the stairs. "She usually left a few of her things behind when she came here for a visit."

"I think you are the same size." He added as his eyes studied her from head to toe. "You can borrow them or use mine, but I think my clothes would be too big for you."

She looked at him as if he had gone insane with his suggestion. She could not wear her sister's clothes or his. That was just ridiculous. "Or better yet, I should just go home." She suggested to him, turning around to leave.

But his hold on her arms prevented her from leaving. "Don't be stubborn, Luisa. I could not let you leave like that." He pointed to her soaking clothes that had clung to her body.

Then, he held her hands in front of them, noticing them shaking. "Please, I do not mean any harm. I only want to help." Cole calmly said, probably sensing her hesitation. "I just don't want you to get sick."

Suddenly, his action made her feel slightly guilty for thinking he was just like the other snobs at this party. Of course, he was still the same Cole she had met years ago.

Cole was still the same boy who befriended her. Despite his popularity in school, he still took the time to help an ordinary girl like her when she needed a friend.

"Fine." She allowed him to show her the room. Then, he left her to pick whatever clothes she would like to wear.

She could only surmise that the rich people had too much money to spend, looking at the selection of clothes she found in the walk-in cabinet.

When her hands reached for one, she was surprised to see a tag on it. Meaning it still had not been used. Then, why did Cole's sister buy it? She almost dropped the piece of clothing once she saw the staggering price on the label.

"I can't wear that." She mumbled, immediately putting the damn clothes back in the rack, afraid she might damage them.

She realized it was worth more than her month's salary. How could she afford to pay for that if she accidentally ruined the dress? But would the other dress cost less than that? She doubted.

However, Cole was right. She could not stay in her wet clothes. Her bones and muscles were starting to feel the chill. She had no option but to borrow one of these dresses or suffer getting ill.

"What was wrong with her?" She looked at herself in the mirror. Suddenly, she remembered bumping into someone, which caused her to fall into the pool.

Then, her memory reminded her of staring into his eyes. But she could not fathom if it was real or just a dream. But then again, why would she imagine that man?

Although she was intrigued by his claim regarding her identity, she still doubted if she should trust him. But she still wondered what he and this other fellow knew about her.

"Luisa, are you ok in there?" Cole shouted behind the door, making her suddenly realize that she had been staring at herself in the mirror for too long.

"Yeah, I am ok. I will be out in a few minutes." She hollered back, remembering Cole was still waiting outside.

She hurried, looking for the worse dress she could find in the selection, but most of them looked hardly worn, while the others were still brand new.

Finally, she decided on the simplest and the most modest dress she could find, hoping it did not cost the same as the one she had seen earlier.

Hurriedly, she put it on and looked for a bag where she could place her wet uniform. Then, she rushed out of the room.

"Hey, sorry for making you wait." She spoke upon exiting the room. "Thanks also for letting me borrow this dress." She shyly pointed to the clothes she wore. "I will have it clean and return immediately by tomorrow." She promised.

"Don't worry about it. You don't even have to return it." Cole said. "I even doubt my sister even knew she had that dress." He continued, making it sound like it was not a big deal.

"No, of course, I will return it." She insisted. "Then, I guess. I should be going." Again, she decided that leaving was her best option. She could not continue working without her uniform.

"You're leaving? Why? The party has just started." Cole suddenly asked as he moved closer to her.

"But I could not serve your guests wearing your sister's clothes. My boss would fire me on the spot." She reasoned, suddenly remembering that she was here for a job.

Luisa was lucky that her boss had contacted her about this party. Her boss needed a few extras who could work overnight, serving drinks and food.

She immediately grabbed the opportunity, needing the money. But that was the problem. It was just a temporary job. Now she might even lose this if her boss heard about her latest blunder.

"Who said that you will still be serving? I am inviting you as my guest." Cole moved closer to her as his hands reached her, gripping her gently on both sides of her arms.

"But..." She was about to protest, but he stopped her.

"I would love to catch up. It has been a long time since we last saw each other." He continued before she could continue.

"But, I am not here to party with you guys. I am here to work." She insisted, knowing too well that she would never fit in this crowd. Besides, her boss would have a fit if she should hear that she was socializing instead of working.

"I hope you still consider me as your friend." He added, hearing her hesitation. "Come on, please. If you are worried about your job, I can help you with that."

Still, she knew she should decline. But.

"Come on. Just like before, I have your back." Cole told her as he dragged her across the hallway and down the staircase, not giving her time to refuse.

But, just like before, she found it hard to say no to him, remembering those lines he used to tell her. Suddenly, she could not help but giggle, reminiscing the past they had shared.

She could see people staring at them, probably wondering why Cole was with her. But Cole ignored them as he placed his hand around her shoulders and pulled her closer.

"Where are we going?" She again asked. Rather than going to the poolside, he turned around in another direction, pulling her towards another pathway.

"It is a surprise." Cole vaguely answered her, not giving her any hint. "But I hope you will like it."

But instead of questioning him further, she finally let go of her reservations, letting herself trust this man just like in those old times.