Chapter 96

She threw a mean slap, and he would commend her for that. He could still feel the sting of her fingers on his skin. He did not doubt that it would create a mark. Luckily, a slap was all he got. 

He expected she would create more scandalous scenes. It was not his first time dealing with a woman like her. It was the precise reason he never liked to enter a relationship. It was just messy.

"Excuse me, Sir, but I suggest you put ice on that." He heard his grandfather's assistant speak behind him as he entered the main hallway.

He guessed many had seen their show, which was not surprising. He had lived most of his life with people poking their noses at his privacy. But it also meant his grandfather might have heard about it by now.

Did it matter what his grandfather thought of his action? In a way, yes. But it would not change his decision. He had to expose her for what she was before she created a big mess that would be hard to clean.