Chapter 97

"I am sorry, my Lady," Roan said, her voice sounding very apologetic. "But it is my job to help you." She never left her side despite her outburst. She followed her upstairs, still assisting her even if she did not want it.

Suddenly, she felt guilty for speaking sharply at her. The young girl was only trying to do her job, just like her. Roan did not deserve to be the recipient of her resentment.

She finally stopped and looked at her, calming herself down. "I did not mean to shout at you. Just help me get to my room." She told the other girl, feeling sorry for letting her emotions get the better of her. Slowly, they finally made it to her room. 

"Can you give me a few minutes?" Luisa asked the young lady as she entered her room, leaving the young girl outside. "I just wish to be alone."