Chapter 129

He woke up feeling like his head was about to split in two, and his eyes were on fire as he found it hard to open them. But he could feel that something was strange. It was like he was not in his bed but on top of someone.

Eventually, he forced his eyes to open, only to find himself staring at someone's breast. At least, it was visible in the see-through material of the clothing, not leaving much to his imagination.

Damnit! What did he do last night? He silently asked himself, unable to remember anything. He still had to move to see the face of the girl lying beneath him.

But as his eyes scanned the room, he felt relieved that he was still in the cabin. Then, realization dawned on him as he quickly lifted himself, confirming his suspicion.

What happened? He asked again, still finding the entire night's event a mystery. What was she doing here, in this room, with him? How did they end up in this position?