Chapter 130

She had already prepared a hot pot of coffee, cooked some pancakes, and fried a couple of sausages she remembered putting on the fridge yesterday. Now, all that was left to do was put them on the table.

Then, she could go to her room upstairs, clean up, change into a new set of clean clothes and pack up her things so she would be ready to leave after eating breakfast.

But he was back before she could accomplish her plan. He walked into the kitchen, bathed and changed, with his jawline looking freshly shaven and hair combed into place. He was perfect, while she still looked like a rag.

"Hey! I thought I could still help, but it would seem you have already finished here." He looked around, seeing that she had already cleaned up the pans and the food was already on the counter.

"You can wash later if you like." She offered since there was nothing else much to do now except eat the food.