Chapter 131

He knew he should stop. 

But how could he when all he ever thought about was her? His mind said she was not what he needed, but his body only craved to have her. He had never been obsessed with a woman that he completely abandoned reason.

But today, he did not care about anything else but her. He needed to have her. He even doubted that he could stop even if she asked him. He believed he was beyond his control.

He could feel his mind falling deeper into the depths of his desire as he stared into her blazing eyes. It was like he was looking in a mirror. He could see that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

She had bewitched him. That was his only explanation, as his senses ran wild with careless disregard for the consequences of his subsequent actions. It finally released him from his restraint, freeing him to do what he had wished since she landed in his arms.