Chapter 146

He almost laughed at her shocked expression. Was it too surprising or unthinkable that he could drive a fast car? True, he had never driven fast on the street, even if he drove a sports car. But it was more of being cautious.

"Are you sure you know how to handle a car like that?" He could still hear the question in his head.

He could not be reckless on a public street where he could cause trouble or endanger other lives. That was not responsible driving. Like he never drove under the influence of alcohol.

Therefore, he could understand her doubt. Besides, they still barely know much about each other. He doubted she knew that he had raced professionally in the past. Although it was a short stint, he still made a small name in the racing business.

Now, he could only drive for passion more than anything else. He opted not to join the competitive racing circuit since he devoted his time to building his empire. He did not have the time for it.