Chapter 147

It was like music to her ears as the car passed her at tremendous speed. But what was more surprising was how good the Prince was. He was doing a decent job.

Ok. Fine. 

He was doing more than just fine. 

If she was being honest, the Prince was doing more than spectacular with his performance. So far, he was leading the pack, not by much, but good enough to win this particular race. 

She doubted the other drivers were taking it easy on him, seeing how everyone seemed to be pushing their cars to their limits. She could feel the hairs at the back of her neck prickling at her anxiousness to know who would win the race.

She was already picking some favorites. But, of course, in her heart and mind, she only wanted one person to win. Still, she would not admit that to him. Not yet, anyway. Not after doubting his abilities.