Chapter 181

She had never felt more alone in her entire life as she stared at her television screen, unable to remember whatever she was watching a while ago. Her mind seemed to be elsewhere, thinking about other things.

Eventually, she moved away from her couch, turning the television off, tired of sitting down and doing nothing. She quickly moved to the kitchen and looked for the stash of wine she had hidden from her daughter. 

She did not want her daughter to see that she was drinking at night when she was already sleeping. But she only drank when she felt extremely stressed out, just like tonight.

"Luisa, what is happening to you?" She had tried her phone several times, but it kept going to voice mail. She was beginning to worry about her.

She wondered what was happening to her daughter. Why was Luisa not calling her to confirm these rumors about her? She did not know how long she could keep their identity from spreading across the globe.