Chapter 182

She looked at his two growing boys, a year apart, as they played their ridiculous video games. They were not young anymore, but they still acted like children as they threw things at each other.

But she did not mind as long as they were throwing pillows and not punches, like the other kids she had seen nowadays. Soon, they would compete for the attention of all the girls around them, looking at their handsome faces. 

Or maybe they already had, remembering how many boys had courted her during that age. And this modern day, they would seem to start younger than during her time.

"Caden," Amelia shouted, addressing her first boy. "Asher, I need you to tone down your voice and clean this room." She would not tolerate their sloppy room and unruly behavior.

She only hoped that her two sons did not take too much of her attractive, handsome husband's genes, remembering his Casanova days. She could only smile, remembering the good old times and how they had met.