Chapter 203

Every time she turned, there he was. The man was one big distraction to her day. She intended to have fun, but seeing him prevented her from enjoying the joyous event.

She could see her friends having a great time, whereas she felt miserable and lonely. Therefore, when an attractive foreign dignitary showed interest in her, she immediately grabbed the opportunity to get distracted.

"Mmmhhh!" She mumbled as he deepened the kiss. Honestly, he was a good kisser, enjoying the feeling of being with someone.

His lips were soft and warm as he devoured her in a long, intense kiss. Then, she felt his arms cradle her body as one of his hands moved along her back while the other moved to her hips, pulling her much closer to his body.

After a minute more, she suddenly felt uncomfortable as his lips moved toward her ears while his other hand moved to her butt cheeks. Soon, he was kissing her between the shallow of her neck and shoulders.