Chapter 204

Of course, her heart was racing both from apprehension and excitement. She kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, knowing she could not be this lucky. She never was in her entire life.

At the same time, she felt her heart pumping with so much energy just by standing close to her Prince. Yes, her very own Prince Charming, who had never left her out of his sight.

"Are you having fun?" Liam whispered to her ears as they approached her family once again after a grueling dance number and numerous introductions.

"I am overjoyed." She sarcastically answered him, faking a big smile on her lips. "But if I smile one more time, my lips will eventually fall off." She complained to him, finding it hard to keep putting on a happy face and bowing to all their guests.

Although she kept telling herself that she did not need saving, she still appreciated that he was always there to guide her through the difficult part of the evening.