Waking up, I had the worst headache of my life. Wait whats this feeling of wetness? What why can't I breath, what's happening? Panic struck me, what do I do? Will I die again? Is this some sick joke from that stupid bus?
" Who are you?"
( I am your system, here to help you stabilize, you and your realm).
" Wait is this actually real?"
( Yes host this is all real, now say open status)
Name Ragnar true name €$˚>{ @#&•%€$>?
Race god true race @#& €$£§|≠{£
Realm none
God existence rank = 2/12
God of water
Worship points = 1000
Origin energy = 50/50, recovery rate = 1 every month
Worshipers = 0
Number of worlds with worshipers = 0
Number of galexy's with worshipers = 0
Number of universes with worshipers = 0
Number of multiverses with worshipers = 0
Skills ( water manipulation ) ( grant blessing low-high) ( god pressure ) ( summon worshiper ) ( realm making ) ( control water spirits )
Titles ( god of water ) (son of €$£§˚! $£ @#$€£§˚<§)
" system what are those weird markings?"
( system and host do not have the authority to know )
"Okey anyways how do I make this realm thing"
(host only needs to imagen a ball of water isolated from outside influence and the reshape the inside as you like.)
I did what the system told me and imagened a ball of water. Then I imagined it to be it's own space and all of a sudden I was inside the ball. To say it was beautiful would be an understatement. Light shined on the thin water surface of the ball, lighting up the inside with a beautiful shine hard to describe. But I could marbel on the beautiful sight later, I still hade work to do.
Since i'm a god of water, why not go with a water approach. I imagined a bunch of waterfalls all lining up on the edge, going around in a circle. Then I imagined, rivers flowing from the waterfalls, all connecting in the middle of the realm. In the middle of the realm, where all rivers met I imagined an island, with trees and grass. After that I imagined a beautiful grassland between the rivers.
"System, can I change how my realms looks later?"
( Host can change how the realm looks, every time host increases existence rank.)
"Good to know. How do I finish creating the realm?"
(Host simply needs to think his done.)
I imagined the realm establishing and i have to say imagining and seeing is two different things. I was very happy with the end result.
"What's next system"