Ragnar gets reincarnated as a god by the great all mighty bus kun.
Spoilers ahead
Ragnar gets reincarnated as a god of water, but gets much more. Follow Ragnar as he gains and lose friends and fight chaos. How will Ragnar protect himself, protect his friends and followers. As all we know collapse and evolve into something new. As reality cracks as his friends lose everything, for he had nothing to lose. Will Ragnar survive the weight of time, or will he give in, like his ancestors? Read to find out.
this is a good novel so far yhe only problem is the start it needs to be either re-writen or edited because spelling and whatnot is not done well until a few chapters in when spelling mistakes disappear for the most part
this is almost the best book I've ever read just give the book a chance 👍 I'm currently in the hospital because of almost dying and discovering this book was about the only good part now the nurse is looking at me weird anyway about to get some morphine so 🤷 goodnight
I love this story first couple of chapters could use a little word refinement but don’t let that turn you away from this great story I’m using my power stones on this story from now on as long as it isn’t dropped
Reveal Spoiler
Just a honest opinion. Story Development is bad. There is not much exciting story to it and it's very confusing. Characters just pops up with little to no introduction to them. It make excited what going to come and happen in the chapter and new characters would just add more things me to get confused about. How about when introducing a new god, give us a brief description of him/her appearance/behavior as well as his domain e.g is he/she a god of fire, god of water, etc. although it's a very small thing. Could've started with a better ranking system instead of just doing 2/12, 3/12, 4/12, so on and so forth... it looks too plain.. 🤣
I wanna see a new novel but a different god :)