Chapter 220: The End of One Journey

Ragnar cursed behind the curtains of the events he watched unfold. The light was shining once more, and it was time to leave. He could see the image of God in the distance through the other version of him: but witnessing this conversation was not to be. 

Ragnar left the sequence of events and was quickly taken off his feet by the streaming river of time coursing through the events of the other Ragnar's life. 

Ragnar found himself back in the realm. Like usual he was fighting the creatures born in his realm. It was a disturbing sight to Ragnar. Why would someone kill the vermin, when they could make them their own, and grow the realm that way? 

Although Ragnar hated the practice of his other self, he couldn't deny its efficiency. The new strength coursing through him spoke volumes of the power he was getting just from this. 

Things followed the same rhythm for a while. Until one day, old Ragnar stopped his endless killing. 

Ragnar was surprised, as there hadn't been any change in forever. But what came next surprised him even further. Old Ragnar began taking the vermin under his realm, making them into Nightwater vermin. 

Both Ragnars felt a fresh, unrefined power as the vermins integrated into the realm. The empty place, used only as a battlefield to hone old Ragnar's strength, turned into a paradise filled with lush lifeforms beyond mortal comprehension. 

Old Ragnar began sending out all fourth-dimensional vermin. They colonized realities, spreading the power of nightwater into the cosmos and beyond. 

Ragnar was on cloud nine the whole way. Even if the empty spots forced him out, back into the loop, Ragnar still managed to gain tremendous power through the glimpses he lived through. 

Time passed at a fast pace, and with each new hole made, that forced him to leave made even more time pass. 

Old Ragnar's father's siblings were already so old that common sense no longer applied to them, Water, as an example had already reached seventy percent. In other words, seventy percent of all realities inside the dimensions had water. However, she had ended her journey prematurely by her own hand.

Many of Bjorne's siblings had already left behind their legacies tired of immortality leaving Bjorne alone with the new generation. 

Old Ragnar's mother was a creature of time, but even then, the prospect of eternity scared her, and she too would leave, only 10^82145 years after old Ragnar's birth. 

The list went on as more beings were funneled through the tunnels of life, some would stick, but many others left. 

Ragnar watched all these things unfold, but what really stood out to him, was when he first saw Cronus, as a mortal. 

Old Ragnar had seen him and decided to take him under his wings. He taught him many things, some very similar to the things Cronus taught Ragnar not so long ago. 

Cronus then went away on his journey into the world, not to return much later. 

But when he did return, he had gone beyond old Ragnar. He had become a representativ of Time, one of the three infinities. And so he had returned to say goodbye. 

Much time passed yet again. Two idiots known as Gluttony and Kronius were making problems throughout the dimensions, and Nightwater and god put them quickly in their place. Bjorne meanwhile was growing tieredof it all like his siblings before him, and so eventually he too left. 

God took many misfits in under him trying to teach them what was right and wrong. One such misfit was Paarthadox. A young dragon who lost everyone he cared about to Norse mythology. 

The course of events had brought him down a rabbit hole of hatred. 

Ragnar felt weird seeing Paarthadox so, well, weak. He wasn't the guy Ragnar had come to know. Instead, he was a lost child guided by God, and advised by Old Ragnar. 

Old Ragnar found himself a love. A girl he was sweet on by the name Nyx. They would spend years with each other, just talking. These times were boring to Ragnar, as he had come to terms with the fact that he loved someone else under these years. He had come to miss Ratri unde these moments of joy the other him felt. 

But the price had to be paid. He had to finish the journey, he had to win the fight and free the dimensions from the new, lesser God's terror, as well as Gluttony and Kronius, and with every moment he was growing strong enough to fight. 

Ragnar noticed Paarhadox beginning to act different, even distant like he was planning something. Then one day, Ragnar noticed the last scene was playing out before him. 

Cronus stood before old Ragnar. He seemed almost tearstruck. 


Old Ragnar asked as he glanced around in the frozen reality. The sun dinosaur Nyx had somehow been frozen in time when it was supposed to be impossible. 

"Cronus, can't you do something, change things up? Why would you accept his wish."

Cronus looked at old Ragnar and sighed. 

"I was not the one to accept his wish or grant it. Time found it entertaining to blend things around, and so it will be done. But with my authority, I can grant you a wish, so long as it does not contradict the one Time has deemed to grant."

Old Ragnar looked at Nyx again. He smiled bitterly and walked up to her, as he grabbed her chin and kissed her frozen lips. 

"Listen well Cronus my disciple. I want only one thing. If in any future the new version of me has a child, let it be my unborn son instead. Losing the life I've lived is not a great pain. Both me and Nyx are already old. But my son has never lived. So please give him that privilege."

That was the last Ragnar saw before being thrown out. 

Now he stood stranded on the path with no way forward and no way back, inside the mind of a being who was slowly being forgotten. 

Ragnar had to find a way out, or he would die.

The light Bjorne had given him shone a path he followed. 

Ragnar kept his eyes closed, fearing the things in the dark. Nothingness surrounded him on all edges. He had to somehow navigate out of this mess, without seeing things he shouldn't 

The powers he had gained from inheriting old Ragngars strength kept him afloat on the thin line between being and not being. 

At one point Ragnar began fighting off small doses of inexistence; small particles latching onto him and attempting to make him cease to be. 

Later on, they got more extreme. They acted like chains, dragging him in all directions. 

At some point, Ragnar stopped walking and was floating along. He kept the light close to himself. It acted like a beacon of his existence, the time he had been, and the power that he claimed. 

Ragnar began reliving his life in a buble. But in these moments the life he lived was not the one he had come to know. But when he was a mortal. The mundane things back then were all he wanted now. He wanted to put an end to the fight and to do that he had to win.

This was one of the many things that gave ragnar the strength to continue the journey home. 

He didn't know where, when or how he was going to come home. But "all roads lead to Rome", he told himself.

Ragnar was developing a headach. A real killer one, that made his thoughts a jumbled mess. He felt like he was being compressed into a bender and then stepped on over and over again. With every step he took it was only getting worse.

By this point, the light was dragging him, because he couldn't even walk himself. 

He was beginning to fall apart slowly but surely, but then, he took a final step, and he became a vortex, that consumed itself into nothing, and so Ragnar disappeared from the old version of him's mind. 

Ragnar almost screamed when he rgained his sense of self. He just then realized what he had done. He had left the other version of him's mind by entering his own mind, therefore escaping nothing into something. And since he can't return to nothing, he came back to something. That something is his realm. 

Ragnar finally felt alive again, and the feeling was great. Because now he had something he never had before. The strength to take out those hunting him. He would bring down all those who haunted him, even now in the realm. And he would do it using the strength given to him by the efforts of his old self. 

Ragnar smiled, as he spread his senses throughout the seventh dimension. The hunt had begun and he was the hunter. His enemies would have to watch out because he was coming for them.