It was just a few hours later and the sun was about to come up, so that meant that we all had to go up to the human world, returning one of them back into society.
Great, just another thing to add on to my list of problems.
The first was that I could no longer do magic for who knows how long.
The second was I couldn't control when I turned. It would happen like any other werewolf.
I just hope that I have the sanity when turned.
And the third thing was that I always had to watch my back now even more than usual.
Because, well, you know, a human now knows where we hang out to be ourselves. And that in itself is even more dangerous than the dark matter demon that wants to end me.
Once and for all.
But the one thing that the demon does not know is that I may not have magic anymore, but I can still use the phrase, 'My bite is worse than my bark.'
And it was true. Very true indeed.
I have never actually turned before, because of the fact that I had magic on my side. Plus, there was the fact that I had no other choice...
I hurried down the alley way down to the candy shop named, 'Canine Sweet Tooth', which was not only open to the supernatural community, but was run by werewolves.
Three to be exact.
They were my most loyal customers at my shop. And not only that, but the owner and founder of, 'Canine Sweet Tooth', was just cleaning up so that she could go home to her house in the human world.
It is not uncommon that werewolves and vampires run on a night shift, but they had lives too. They even make special candy that gives a supernatural the energy boost they need to run around in the daylight up above.
I still have to keep up with my studies, because I am in my final year of college. It took me a while to get there. It's no Harvard or Yale, but at least I get the education that I need to become a great and inspiring illustrator for children's books.
I love kids with a great chunk of my heart. But I am afraid to have them because, now, I don't know if I would make a good enough mom. I know that Damion wants kids, eventually, but we never actually talked about how we were going to pull that off, because of our difference in species.
Plus there was also the fact that he would indeed make a great father.
A family man is really what he wants to be. And he really is one. He just needs to have a kid first.
But for the longest time, I wanted a family of my own as well. I just had never found the right man first.
But now I have.
Another thing that stands in my way of having a child is the thought, 'what if my child doesn't like me', or 'what if Damion thinks that I really am a bad mom.'
These are the new thoughts that flood my mind ever since that night.
Damion has never told me that he wanted kids with a full breed werewolf, but I could read his thoughts and that in the very back of his brain, he doesn't think it, but he feels it very strongly.
This was enough for my fingers to curl up into fists, and my claws started to come out.
Wait. Claws?
I wasn't even on the outside yet.
And that is when I noticed that I was standing in a part of the room underground alley that a hole in the ceiling was most likely an uncovered man hole in the streets above.
And if my instincts were correct, tonight was actually supposed to be a full moon.
Now, I don't know I even thought that I wouldn't change in the split second that I felt a tingle in my finger nails. It happened so slowly that I was dying of pain.
No, I couldn't allow myself to turn. I willed myself at first, and then remembered that I was no longer a witch, so magic was out of the question.
But I tried anyway to get out of the moonlight, because the pain was too much to bear.
My back arched in a way that felt unnatural. I could feel the hair on the back of my neck stand up. And everywhere else.
The only thoughts that were going through my barely human mind right now were that I was turning for the first time.
And I don't like it.
No wonder that the first night Damion turned right in front of me was he acting like he was in pain.
Because it freaking is!
This is what giving birth must feel like.
Well, so be it. I welcomed the pain, pretending that it was just a dream that I was going to soon wake up from.
Any time now.
But that was not the case. In fact, the pain only got worse with every minor movement that I made.
Breathing included.
My heart was beating harder than usual. My senses were going into overdrive. And my body felt stronger as my mind lost all of its control.
My humanity was gone.
I was now an animal.
I was a werewolf.
And if I had one wish, it would be that my magic would make my mind sane again.
But the genie was off duty and I had the instincts of a killer. Oh boy, this was not going to end well for the people if I ever got out of here. That and the fact that I already knew who I was going to go after.
And then I saw a flicker of movement on both sides of me. I could smell their fear. I could see the fear in their yellow eyes. And I could sense that they were going to hurt me.
Ha. Not on my watch.
Nobody is going to hurt or kill me again.
And with that thought, I noticed a voice in my head. I shook it, not knowing what was going on. I understood it as if it were a language that I never heard before.
And then as the clouds in mind were fading away, my human side started to make sense of the words that I had just heard.
It was my sister telling me that it was okay and to move out of the moonlight.
I looked up and saw what she was talking about. The light of the full moon was making by brain mush.
I listened and moved out from under the man hole.
It felt as if a great weight was lifted off me because there were less clouds in my brain, less killer instincts, and less physical mass that was just way too manly for my lady taste.
As the world became more clear, I saw the fear in Damion's eyes as well as my sister's. And let's not forget the other werewolves.
The owner of , 'Canine Sweet Tooth,' came barging outside of her shop and opened her mouth as if she couldn't believe what she had just saw.
I spoke first, "I am so sorry about that. I had never turned before until just now. I'm still getting used to this werewolf thing so I am just going to go home and take a shower and go to bed, because I am tired."
And that is where my sister said, almost holding in a laugh, "Well, you might want to put on some clothes, because, well, turning into what you just were killing your clothes. Literally."
She pointed at my being.
And that is when I realized that I was butt naked.
I covered myself as much as I could but failed miserably.
Thank God that Damion was tall and muscular, so he took off his jacket and walked over to me, eyeing me the whole way there.
"Hey," I played, "My eyes are up here. Down boy."
His smile told me that he wasn't going to back down so easily.
I smiled back at him, knowing that I was naked under his leather jacket, and it was like one of those dreams where you never want to wake up from.
He kissed me first on the neck and then moved his way to my jaw, then nibbled a little on my lower lip, until he found my hungry mouth that was ready for more.
When he broke the kiss, my breathing was rushed and not only did my first first time transforming hurt like a mother trucker, but this was so worth every moment after that.
It wasn't the fact that I was naked, minus the jacket, but there was something in me that I wanted to tell him, but not in front of everybody else.
It was so weird not having any magic, but I welcomed.
I sometimes wondered what it was like to be a non magic person.
But I found something even better than that. I found the love of my life. I found the one who was going to keep me safe.
And I found the one that was going to be the father of my future children, you know, now that I am a full werewolf.
And I didn't need any magic to know that he was thinking the same thing.