
I lost consciousness due to exhaustion and couldn't speak words when I woke up again. "H-Here, please drink this tea." Rika gave me a cup of tea, but I only stared at her with my swollen eyes. It doesn't matter anymore; it won't be long until they try to get rid of me. "Young miss?" I ignored Rika's words as I stared at the ceiling.

It still feels like a nightmare, lying on an unfamiliar bed with my parents nowhere in sight. I wonder if I'll be able to wake up from this nightmare if I close my eyes again. Even though I wanted to ask Rika what use that cup of tea would do to me if I'm already dying inside, words won't come out.

I can't tell her that she should just let me be since there's no hope that Night will let me go, and I'm feeling drained from all that crying I did. "The lady must feel hungry now. Please drink this tea; it'll help you regain your voice. I shall also prepare for the lady's meal." Rika said while avoiding eye contact with me.

She left the room while I stared at nothing. What am I even doing here? Tears won't come out of my eyes anymore, and I can feel my stomach grumbling, but I didn't have the appetite to eat. My body's telling me that I need to eat, but for what? I will still die in the end. At this point, I don't think it matters anymore, even if I die. I have nothing now. Why would I try my best to survive in this living hell? Everything's gone.

I wonder why it has to come to this. It was supposed to be a typical day; mommy and daddy were excited about how we'll celebrate my 18th birthday. They said their precious daughter was finally becoming an adult, and they couldn't wait to make me happy. But what is this? It's not supposed to be like this. I'm not happy at all.

"I want to go home," I said, even though sounds wouldn't come out of my mouth. Do I still have a home to go back to? My nanny, I remember bumping into her as soon as I arrived back from school. She told me to come with them, to escape, but my parents were not there, and I couldn't just leave without them.

"Young miss, I brought you this soup," Rika said as she returned to the room. "Would you like me to help you eat?" I didn't respond, and I didn't even look at her. However, Rika didn't stop there; she moved toward the bed and started blowing onto the soup. "It'll make your energy come back." She said as she tried to feed me, but I flipped the bowl, and the soup splashed on her arm, which caused her to wince due to pain.

It must have been hot, and I felt terrible for what I did, but I couldn't stop my actions. It's as if my mind's telling me to hate this girl, even though she didn't do anything bad to me. But being in this place and an employee of Night makes me think she's also evil.

Rika immediately wiped the soup that stained the bed before she could wipe herself. "I-I apologize, young miss. I'll bring you another one." She said as she continued wiping the bed and even my arm that got only a little bit of soup on it. I saw how she looked like she was afraid of me.

But why? Am I scary?

I usually feel bad because of how rude that was, but all I can feel is emptiness. After crying all those tears, I slowly forget why I'm still here. It would be nice if all of these were just a nightmare. That I'll wake up in the end.

Hours passed, and Rika continued persuading me to eat. Why is she trying so hard? I don't understand her. What more do they want from me? I'm not rich; those luxuries and wealth belong to my parents. If they want to get those, why bother keeping me here? "Y-Young miss, I have brought another soup. But if you don't want soup, then I can—" Rika flinched and stopped talking after I looked her in the eye.

Can't she just let me be? I can't speak, so I can't tell her how annoying she is.

"I-I won't stop until the lady eats and drink the tea."

Oh, now I see where this is going. The foods were poisoned, and so was the tea. Rika's trying her best to kill me with those innocent eyes of hers. Fine, maybe if I drink that tea, I'll wake up from this nightmare. I pointed my finger to that cup of tea, and Rika's face brightened. "Y-Yes, young miss! I'll bring another hot tea. Just wait for a minute." Rika rushed out of the room with excitement in her eyes. Is she really that excited to kill me?

It wasn't long until Rika arrived with a newly brewed tea. She offered it to me with a bright smile. Everyone in this place must have all psychopathic tendencies. This girl is basically offering me poison, smiling from ear to ear. Even though the tea was still hot, I drank it in one go.

"Young miss! Is your tongue alright? That was really hot for you to drink in an instant." Rika said. Why bother? I stopped listening to her as I lay back on the bed. Is the poison already working? I feel drowsy all of a sudden.

"Young miss?"

I would prefer her to stop calling me young miss. It's annoying to be called like that by the person who will murder you. But if this is how I will die, I'm still lucky. My parents died in that man's brutal hands. I can't even imagine how much suffering they must have endured until they finally got their peace back.

This all happened because of Night.

As I shut my eyes close, I saw Night's image in my mind slowly deteriorating into something I can't even describe. A monster, that's what he is. If I die in my sleep, I will be at peace.

Tears came out of my eyes before I could finally fall asleep. I'm useless; I wasn't able to help anyone.

When I thought I could finally die, I woke up again. The rain resonated in my ear, and I gazed at the window. "I guess I'm still in hell." I blinked many times after I heard my voice. It's back? How? I didn't do anything but sleep. Was it because of that poisoned tea?

"You've woken up, young miss!" That loud and shrill voice made my head hurt. "I shall prepare the lady's food," Rika said enthusiastically.


Rika stopped right before the door after I told her that. "Is there something wrong, young miss?" She turned to me. Why is she asking if there's something wrong when none of these things are right?

"I don't want to eat," I said. "I want to go home."

Rika tilted her head. "Home? But this is your home now, young miss." She said with an innocent tone and a clueless look on her face. Home? Do you even call a place where a murderer continues to walk free a home? Who decided that?

"No. This isn't my home, and it will never be." I said firmly as I got up from the bed. But the moment I tried to walk, I immediately fell to the floor as I couldn't feel my knees. Rika quickly went towards me and supported me. "Stop touching me." It makes me feel dirty.

"B-But young miss, you can't walk properly." She said as if I didn't know that. "It's because you're not eating your meals. You need to get your energy back." How dare she say that to me? Does she think being in this unfamiliar place is easy? I don't even know how much I'm trying my best not to cry right now.

"I'm going home, back to where my parents are."

"But the young miss parents' are—"

I glared at Rika, which stopped her from spouting what she was about to say.

Wait, now that I think about it, they're only telling me my parents are dead. But I didn't see their bodies in that bloody mess of a room. T-That's right, why didn't I think of that? Why did I believe these people? "My parents are not dead." Thinking about how these people might be using me to threaten my parents makes me feel hope inside. If my parents aren't dead, I still have my everything.

I need to see them with my own eyes.

Even though I felt weak, I crawled toward the sliding door. Rika could easily stop me, but she didn't as she just tried to persuade me with her words. When I reached the sliding door, I stood up and leaned on it before opening it. The moment I opened it, someone was already waiting outside in front of the door, and that someone gave me shivers down my spine.

I became frozen still.