Yamaguchi Household

When he moved closer, my feet instantly backed away as my eyes were glued to him. When he stared at me, I froze again. My body can't move, and I can't speak any word either as I feel the fear I felt that day. It's like Night's doing some magic on me that's making me unable to move.

His cold and unfriendly aura slaps me back to reality as Night walks closer to me. The fear of being reached by him made me able to move again, but I could only back away. He's wearing something like a yukata with messy hair that looks like he just woke up from a deep sleep.

Fear and anxiety made my heart go wild; it was beating too fast and loud I could almost feel my whole body vibrating with it. Even though I was afraid, I tried to look strong before him. "What more do you want from me? Is it because I keep stalking you before?" I glared at him as I balled my fists. If his reason is my stalking, then he's a psychopath.

Who would kill people just because of a stalker? He should have killed me instead! "Or are you using me to threaten my parents? To get money from them? If that's what this is, you're a jerk!"

My voice echoed throughout the room, and I gulped as I felt Night's cold aura getting stronger. Did I hit a nerve? I know he is a snob, but I never thought he could kill someone. "Don't think too highly of yourself. I don't want you here either." That's the first time I heard Night say something longer than 'okay' in my high school life. And it was the most hurtful words I have ever received in my whole life.

A look of hatred and anger replaced his usual nonchalant expression. I don't understand why I wanted to cry seeing him look at me like that. But I did my best to suppress my tears. I didn't want him to see me as someone weak. Even though I should be the one getting angry in this situation, seeing Night be angry like that was a new sight. It is I who lost everything, even those feelings towards Night that I really treasured before. I should be the one getting angry at him.

Night continued moving closer to me, but I backed away from him. I'm afraid to be near him. "Don't do anything stupid and stay here." He said with such an authoritative tone. He looks at me as if he's looking at an insect he despises. "If you don't want to die, do not take a step out of this room." He turned his back on me and walked towards the sliding door, but he stopped before he could open the door.

"Do whatever I tell you to do if you still want to live until tomorrow."

Night walked out of the room after giving me such threat. As soon as he was out of sight, I lost my strength on my knees. It was sudden, and I quickly fell on my butt. I continued gasping for air as I was suffocated by Night's words. The tears I was trying to suppress came running down my cheeks, and I sobbed louder than before.

I don't understand why I'm crying like a child, but I can feel an aching pain inside my heart, and all I can do is cry to calm myself down. It's like someone's stabbing me, and I can't control the pain.

"Y-Young miss? D-Do you want me to call the family doctor?" Rika sat on the floor and asked me with a worried tone. I completely forgot that she was here because of Night's overwhelming presence. "S-Should I wipe your tears for you?" She's panicking with her every move. Does she really care about me? Or did Night tell her to act like that to keep me in this place? To fool me.

I continued crying like a child. It's been so long since I last cried like this. "I want to go home. I want to see my parents." I sobbed. "I don't want to be in this place anymore. I don't even know where this is, but I hate this place." No one would even listen to my cries; even if I continued doing this, it would exhaust me. Due to exhaustion and hunger, I lay on the floor while still crying my eyes out. The tears won't stop again, and I can feel that burning sensation in my throat, but I still can't stop.

"Why are you doing this to me?!" I shouted while bumping my head on the floor. "What did I ever do to you?" It's not like Night could hear me, and he won't listen to me even if he can hear me. He's such a jerk. Why did I fall for such a guy? I was blinded because of his good looks, not knowing how much trash he was. It feels like I'll go crazy the more I stay here, and I might kill myself if this goes on.

I would rather die than be in this place.

I continued panting as if I was running away; I was out of breath. "Let me go," I murmured into thin air. Would those people be able to hear me with the loud sound of the rain outside? Is it because of the typhoon?

It's too painful. "Y-Young miss, you should eat something for today," Rika said as she knelt on the floor while trying her best to persuade me. "You'll get sick. We can't get you sick." Hearing those words made me stop sobbing.

What does she mean by that? My parents won't pay them the ransom money if I'm already dead? Is that it? Doesn't that prove my assumption that my parents are still alive?

I got up from lying on the floor. If that's the truth, I must help my parents to make everything easier. T-That's right, I can't keep on crying like a child. I'm already becoming an adult. This way, I must help my parents and stop making them worry. My mommy might be crying like me because she's worried about me. "Young miss?" Rika called, which made me turn to her. Despite her innocent and pure appearance, she must be a manipulative girl. I won't trust her.

But how am I going to help my parents? Should I try and escape from this place? That way, I can just run back towards our mansion where my parents are waiting. I don't know where this place is, and I'm not sure if I'm not really in Japan. "Am I in Japan?" Rika tilted her head due to confusion because of my question.

"No, young miss."

My forehead creased. I roamed my vision around the room. I can slightly believe that since Rika isn't speaking in Japanese. But the structure of this house makes me doubt her words. "Then am I still in the Philippines?" Rika nodded with an innocent look on her face. "Then how is there a house like this here?" Someone is unlikely to build a house like this in a tropical country like the Philippines.

"It's our master's house, Hiroshi Yamaguchi."

That doesn't answer any of my questions, though. She added more questions to my mind, like who is Hiroshi Yamaguchi? "Then what is this place?"

"This place is called the Yamaguchi household."

Yamaguchi household? That's the first time I heard of that place. Am I not in the capital city anymore? "Where's that?" Rika didn't answer. Instead, she looked like she was already panicking just with my question. So she can't tell me where this place is? "What will happen if I try to leave this place?" Her eyes went wide open after I said that.

"The lady is safer here in the Yamaguchi household."

I turned to Rika after she said those words. Safer here? There's a murderer inside this household, but I'm safer here? "You said this is the Yamaguchi household." I grabbed Rika's arm tightly. "Why is Night Fuentes here?" My voice cracked after mentioning Night's name.

"Night? Do you mean the young master?"


"The young master's name is Night Yamaguchi, not Night Fuentes."

"H-Huh? What are you talking about?" Night Yamaguchi? I had never heard of that name before. "There's no way I wouldn't know if Night's surname isn't Fuentes." I'm not proud anymore, but I used to be his stalker. I thought he was doing this because I used to stalk him every day.

Rika scratched her head. "Fuentes is the surname of the young master's deceased mother, and Yamaguchi is the surname of the master." She explained. W-What? Night's mother is dead? I know his father only attends parent-teacher conferences at school, but I didn't know that his mother is dead. How would I know that? I haven't seen her with him, and no one knows anything about her.

So everything was a lie? Big fat lies?

But why would Night use his dead mother's surname instead of his real surname? Is he hiding more things about himself?