The Means of Escape

"I'll bring the lady some food and beverages. Please, wait for me patiently." After saying that, Rika went out of the room and left me alone in confusion. So, this place belongs to Night, which means he can kill me anytime he wants, unless they're really waiting for the ransom money from my parents.

I sat on the floor thinking about the words I heard from Night's mouth. Don't do stupid things? Why would he say that to me without explaining why he brought me here? It would have been better if he had already killed me if he's just going to torture me in this place.

Wait, I still have a chance. I need to find my phone quick.

I rushed towards the bedside table, searching for my phone. Even after opening every drawer, I can't find any of my belongings, "Did they throw it away?" There's no way I don't have it in my bag, but my bag isn't here either. How am I going to contact my parents or my friends this way? If my father's okay, he can make his workers track my phone to know my location. What if these people thought of that and destroyed my phone?

"Young miss?" I quickly closed the drawer after hearing Rika calling me from behind. "Uhm, I brought you your meal." She said, ignoring the fact that I was acting weird, and she placed the food tray on the table. It's easy to distinguish how well-thought the meal Rika brought. It's filled with foods that would help me gain my energy, and it'll help me for my escape.

Who would feed their hostage with such foods?

There's no use thinking on an empty stomach. For now, I must eat first. That's the only way to help my parents. I need to escape from this place.

Sitting in front of the table on the floor, I can only see chopsticks. "I'm not good at using chopsticks," I said as I had never had to learn it before since my father didn't want to see me having a hard time, so he didn't force me to use it. He didn't force me to do anything I didn't want.

Rika smiled. "Do you want me to feed you, young miss?" Her words caused my forehead to crease. I know she should suggest bringing a spoon and fork in this situation, but instead, she wants to feed me? What an eccentric person. Are all psychopaths like this? "Oh! If that makes you uncomfortable, I can get a spoon and fork for you."

"That would be nice, please."

Rika flashed her brightest smile again. "Yes, young miss! I'll come back quickly." She said and rushed out of the room.

I sighed. I'm still confused. Night is not the same as he used to be; no, he might not be that person in the first place. It was one of his personas, a mask he's using to hide his true colors. I used to feel butterflies in my stomach whenever I saw his handsome face. Now I feel fear, making me panic whenever he's around.

I don't care if he threatened me; he already did that with a gun, so his words aren't convincing enough. I'm still going to create a way to escape from this place. If he didn't want me to escape, he should have killed me back when he had the chance. But why did he let me go, though? Night said he doesn't want it either. Does that mean he wanted to kill me back there but couldn't? Why? Did someone stop him? Is there someone stronger than him here?

I heard my stomach grumbling causing me to grunt. All this thinking is making me hungrier. There's no way I can think well with an empty stomach. Before escaping, I need to know the ways of this house, just like in a spy movie where I need to sneak around to find a way to escape. I'm not brilliant, but I'm sure I'll figure it out; that's how I've always been. If Night's still going to school daily, it will be easier to escape while he's gone, although I don't know about the other people here.

"Is it delicious, young miss?" Rika asked with sparkling eyes. Can't she stop calling me 'young miss'?

Now that reminds me, she's been sitting right across me and staring at me while I eat. Does she want to eat too? "Why do you keep staring at me?" I can't help but ask since it makes me uncomfortable. It might give me an upset stomach at this point. "Do you want some?"

Rika's cheeks turned red while shaking both of her hands in front of her and shaking her head. "I-I already finished eating." She said, which made my forehead furrow. Then why? "It's just…." She hesitated while fiddling with her fingers. "The lady is so pretty. Everything you do looks pretty. It makes me unable to stop looking at you." Rika said, causing me to blush as I almost spit the food in my mouth.

Why am I blushing over a potential psychopath's words? But what's with her? She's suddenly complimenting me without warning. Is this some kind of strategy to make me let my guard down?

"The lady really looks good with our young master. He's handsome, and the lady's really pretty. I thought that the young master finally found his bride."

What is she talking about? Didn't she witness how Night threatened me with hurtful words? And bride? That would have made me happy if I had heard that before this situation happened since I'm obviously obsessed with Night before. "I don't suit that guy." Night isn't my prince if I still see myself as a princess. He's the cold-hearted monster who held the princess captive and locked her in a dungeon.

Rika continued talking about how Night is the perfect young master, and I'm forced to listen to her. If I still was Night's stalker, I would have been delighted with all these talks about him. All I talked about before was him; my life revolves around him. But right now, I can't afford to squeal and smile over a potential serial killer. I mean, he's already a killer.

I need to escape.

As soon as the night came, I waited for the right time to sneak out of my room. I'm glad Rika's not staying with me inside my room. When I heard nothing else from outside, I slowly opened the sliding door, careful not to make any sounds and just enough for me to peak. Not knowing what's waiting outside is scary, but I am relieved after learning that there isn't any guard near this room. They're kind of lax when it comes to security, I guess?

There are two paths, one from my right and the other one to my left. But where should I go? Instead of wasting time contemplating, I walk towards the path to my right as my instincts tell me it's the correct way. Although I'm still doubtful. The silence is impeccable since it's in the middle of the night, and I have to tiptoe throughout the hallway.

As I pass by, there are many rooms, but I don't dare check any of them. What if it'll lead me to someplace more dangerous? Like a torture room or something? It's not impossible.

"I can do it," I muttered as I continued walking. My goal is to find the exit. How hard would that be? I really thought that it won't be hard. "But why does this place resembles a maze?"

"Kenji, hurry up!"

Hearing a man speak in a language I can understand made me halt. Just when I finally reached an intersection! My curiosity got a hold of me, and I peeked to see whose voice it belonged. There I saw a young man with another man whose face I couldn't see because he was only showing me his back, but all I can say is that he's enormous.

"He's having episodes again. Get the doctor." The big man said to the younger man, whose name I'll be guessing to be Kenji. That young man, he's the one who told me to stop pleading before. "Immediately." Kenji nodded and started walking in my direction.

Oh, shoot! I'm not ready to be discovered here! What should I do? If they discover me, I won't be able to help my parents. Instead, I'll make things worse!

I started panicking, and I looked at both of my sides. Either I go back to my room or just face this guy named Kenji. They'll probably tighten the security if he discovers I'm trying to escape. He'll still see me if I start running back to the room I came from since this path is straight. I don't have much choice here.

What should I do?

Kenji's footsteps are getting louder as he walks nearer. My heart's beating so fast, and my whole body's getting nervous. It's like my body stiffened even though it's not the right time to get frozen still! "I—"Before I could even mutter, someone's hand covered my mouth and immediately pulled me from behind.