Strange and Beautiful

I can't believe it. "What is this?" As soon as I entered the room, the door automatically closed behind me as if the wind from the open window shut it for me. My forehead creased as I continued to not understand what was going on.

Except for the open window, nothing's wrong with this room, making it more suspicious. It's empty, literally emptier than expected. The walls are as white as those from an asylum; there's no sign of this room being used. Weird, it's too weird as if El's hiding something here and telling anyone that enters nothing is suspicious, so move along. No way. This is getting weirder, and in the back of my mind, something tells me that I need to get out of here.

Right! My friends! Ace and Andy can help me. Ace's smart, she can help me investigate if my parents' death is true, and Andy can help me find clues for it.

"What are you doing?"

I flinched after the door opened behind me and heard that voice. El's topless and only has a towel covering his lower body. His hair is still wet. Did he just come out of the shower? "Did the thunder and lightning woke you up?" He asked as if being half-naked like that is typical for me to see. "Does your foot hurt?" No matter how much I think about it, it's strange. There's no way someone as rich as him would help me just because he thinks I'm pretty.

"I-I just got thirsty."

Before he can realize that I have already caught up in his lies, I need to get out of this place. "Right, I want to celebrate your birthday, but these scary men outside keep hindering Lorenzo's trip to the mart." My forehead creased.

"S-Scary men?" Those people from Night's household were the first people that came into my mind hearing that.

"Yeah. Remember the convenience store near the back alley where I found you? They've been keeping lookouts there." A-Am I just near the Yamaguchi household right now? "They were all wearing black clothes with scary gazes on their faces. I think they're searching for someone." I gulped after hearing that. "Are you… the one they're searching for?"

I quickly grabbed El's arms, stopping him from moving away from me. There's no doubt those men belong to that mansion. Even if he's weird, I would rather stay here. "Please, don't tell them that I'm here." He wouldn't, would he?

"Of course, I won't." I don't know if I can trust his words. Even after being comforted, I still don't know anything about him. "But are you in danger? Your parents were murdered. Are they after you now? Do you need help?"

I do need help. Maybe I should ask the police. "I-I need to call the police." But I suddenly felt weak as I leaned on El's body subconsciously.

"Your foot's bleeding again. If you'll excuse me." He lifted me as we went out of that empty room. "Let me treat it again before you go back to sleep." Hearing him say that made me look at his face. I can feel his bare skin on mine, and he's still dripping wet.

El should have at least changed his clothes first before carrying me. "Oh right! It's inappropriate for me to carry you like this without putting clothes on." He realized that after already putting me on the bed.

"Just wait a minute." He rushed to the walk-in closet, and he already had clothes on when he came out. "Here, let me tend to that wound again." El changed the bandage off my wound as he knelt on the floor while I sat on the bed. His actions make me suspicious of him, but I also feel comforted by them at the same time. It's weird.

Do my friends think I'm dead now, just like my parents? Or did they report me missing? If Night did kidnap me, my friends would report it to the police. "Do you read or watch the news? Is there any report about a girl missing the past days?"

"A girl? You mean you?"

I nodded, but El's expression didn't look like he knew. "I've been watching the news daily, but nothing about a missing girl is mentioned." Huh? How is that possible? I'm already missing for like a week. My friends would definitely report it to the police.

"That can't be…." What if Night's controlling the police too? "Are those men threatening people?"

El started putting treatment to my wound as he sat on the floor. "They're not threatening people perse, but their gaze makes them feel scared." He answered. "You know, the atmosphere and tension in the air feel like they could kill."

I gulped. W-What if those people kill me as soon as they bring me back to the mansion because I went back to our house and discovered that my parents are already... already... d-dead. Whenever I think about how much my parents suffered, I can't stop the feeling of hatred from resurfacing inside my heart. "My phone's done charging. Do you want me to call the police for you?" El asked.


El looked at me with confusion in his eyes. Who wouldn't feel confused if a stranger who's apparently in danger doesn't want help from the police? If I report this to the police and Night really can control the police, my friends might get in danger because of me. What if those people do everything they can to get me back? But why? I-If it's the truth that my parents are dead, what use would I have to them?

"Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it."

El chuckled. "What's with that? You doubted me before, so why are you suddenly thanking me?" This man really has to say something back. Although I still doubt him, I am thankful for his help. If he didn't pick me up from the back alley, I would probably be caught again by Kenji and those men. And if he didn't help me see our mansion, I-I would still believe that m-my parents aren't gone. You might call me crazy, but I still hope for their deaths to be a lie. Everything I learned about Night is a lie, so why can't this one be part of his lies?

El stood up from the floor after being done treating my wound. "I'm really kind, don't you think so?"

I grimaced. "Saying it yourself makes it more unconvincing." El laughed because of that, and he ruffled my hair, causing me to frown. "Are you sure your hands are clean?"

El laughed as he pinched my nose gently. His husky voice makes his laugh sounds so deep. He's beautiful and kind but also weird. "You can stay here no matter how long you want. I can help you cheer up." He smiled widely after saying that. I don't know why I keep disregarding reality whenever El's near. He's that kind of person that pulls you into his world. I know right now that I'm being thick-skinned for doubting him while wanting to stay here to keep myself safe.

"Oh right, I'm going to get water for you. You should sleep after." He said as he went out of the room. It's still raining outside, but there's no thunder and lightning. I waited for him before lying down.

Will everything return back to normal?

"Happy birthday to you." My eyes went wide open as I got up after I saw El holding a cake while singing me a happy birthday. "Happy birthday, dear Ellie."

I didn't know what came to me, but I couldn't look El in the eye as tears started coming. It hurts hearing someone wish me a happy birthday when I feel weak and sad right at this moment. Even if I keep telling myself to stop making myself look weak in front of people, I can't stop.

My parents should be surprising me with a birthday cake and singing me a happy birthday, but they're not here. "Are you okay?" El asked after seeing me looking at the ground and silently sobbing. "D-Did I do something unnecessary?"

I shook my head. "I-It's because." My voice kept cracking as I continued sobbing. "It makes me miss my parents even more." Admitting my hurt because of my situation doesn't make me feel good. If only I could do something to get rid of this pain.

El comforted me with a hug again; if this continues, I'll depend on this man to comfort me whenever I feel sad about my situation. It shouldn't be like that; I know too well what will happen if I become too dependent on others. It'll hurt me so much in the end, and I won't be able to handle it for the second time.

I don't know what to do anymore. It feels like I'll burst out crying whenever I talk about my parents.

El placed the cake on the bedside table as he leaned toward me. "Happy birthday." He said as he landed a kiss on me.