Back in the Lion's Den

I placed both hands on my forehead and looked at him in confusion. 'D-Did he just kisses my forehead?'. "O-Oh, I'm sorry. I got swept by the moment." He said while scratching the back of his head. "Let's eat the cake tomorrow." He added and made me drink the water he also brought.

What does he mean by swept by the moment? Who kisses someone's forehead because they got caught by the moment?

The next day came, and I woke up to El's smiling face. "Happy birthday, Ellie." He greeted me again as if the kiss from this morning didn't happen. Hearing him call my nickname reminds me of home. "Let's celebrate it, shall we?" El supported me until we reached the living room, and I was surprised to see how he decorated it.

"I'm sorry if it's not up to your taste, but this is how my sisters do it, so I thought—"

"It's pretty." Balloons are everywhere, a banner with a 'Happy Birthday Ellie,' party poppers, and confetti on the floor. It's simple but charming. "I didn't know you have sisters," I said as I stared at the decoration. How did he know I like the color pink?

"Well, they're my half-sisters, and they live abroad, so I don't see them often either." He said while scratching the back of his head. "You remind me of them." El smiled.

Even though it might be rude, I couldn't stop asking. "Are you a young master?" I asked. He cannot spend money on me if he's not rich. And this apartment of his looks classy even though it's literally empty. Oh right, why is it empty? "Also, why is your apartment empty?"

"Oh, I'm moving out of this apartment soon. I'm just packing my things." He said. So that explains why there's almost nothing in this place. "Do you want to come with me to my new house?"

I quickly shook my head. Why would I come with him? Also, he didn't answer my question. "Are your parents rich?" I repeated it, even though it might be a sensitive topic for him.

"I think so? My dad's a businessman, and he has lots of money." He answered, but he didn't sound prideful or anything like that. It's as if he's talking about someone else's dad, and it felt weird. "Why? Does it scare you that I might ask you to pay for all the good deeds I did for you?"

I nodded. Who would do things for free nowadays? "I might look like this, but I'm not that bad of a person." He said. He might look like what? A playboy? "Oh, I know. There's a way you can pay me."

"Huh? I thought you don't need to get paid?"

El laughed. It was a heartfelt laugh. "I'm not asking for money."

"Then what?"

"I want to become your friend. Can't I?" He's using his good looks on me to make me say yes. It's too obvious. But what will becoming my friend do to him? Does he like me? Because it really does look like it.

"Sure, if you're not planning anything creepy, that is."

El giggled. "I don't have many friends, and you're the first girl I befriended." I don't know if I should be happy about that. "It's like I've received a gift instead of the birthday girl." He ruffled my hair after that.

"Do you like pasta?" El helped me sit on the sofa. I nodded as an answer. Wait, did he prepare some? "Great. I like that too."

"Hello there." A woman in her mid-40s greeted me with a warm smile. "I'm the housekeeper; my name is Juliet." She said as she bowed at me, which made me bow at her as a sign of respect.

"It's the first time our El made a friend with a girl this pretty." She said. I didn't know what to say. I thought El's lying about having a housekeeper, but he's not. He's not lying about Lorenzo being his butler, so a housekeeper should be the norm with this guy. "The two of you should eat before the foods get cold."

It was warm and gentle. The two are so kind that they almost made me forget about my situation. They took care of me as if I were part of their family. "Thank you for celebrating my birthday like this with me," I said. I've never thought I'll celebrate my 18th birthday with strangers. It's my most awaited 18th birthday. But instead of being with my family and friends, I am with a stranger now become a friend.

"Sure. That's what friends do."

He can say that because he has lots of money to spend. The rain turned into a drizzle, and the weather's getting better. Even though I wanted to spend time with my friends, I couldn't drag them into my problem.

What if I'm right about Night controlling the police? If I go to where Ace is, I might endanger her and her family. It'll be unfair to her if I do that, she's already struggling because she helps her family and often works part-time jobs. I can't trouble them.

"I really think I need to go back to that place," I said while staring at the pasta in front of me. "Although you spent a lot of time decorating your home for me, I can't keep running away." Now that I don't have a place to return to, I can't cause trouble for anyone else.

"What's with that? Are you sure you want to return to that place you ran away from?" I nodded. It's not like I have much of choice. I've already lost enough; I can't keep losing people dear to me. And I need to even the score.

"You should do whatever you want, as long as it makes you happy." This won't make me happy, but it'll prevent more loss. It'll keep my friends safe, and I can still think of a way to avenge my parents.

"It's the only way for me to have inner peace." Being in that place suffering is better than making my friends suffer. It's okay if I'm in danger since no one will worry about me anymore, but I can't let people important to me get hurt again. This time, I won't let that happen. For my parents too.

"Should I accompany you? Your foot is still recuperating."

"No." I immediately rejected his offer. El's been kind to me; even if he's a little weird, he comforted me. That was enough for me to appreciate him. I can't let him get in danger. "It's fine. I can do it. I've been resting for a day now. I can totally walk back to the convenience store."

El sighed with a gentle smile on his face. "Fine. Let's eat a lot first before you go back." I agree. Those people might not let me celebrate anymore and might torture me.

"When things become okay, I'll return to you and repay you for all the good things you did for me."

El patted my head. "You don't have to do that, but if you will, you can just treat me to some good food you like."

It made me chuckle hearing that. Why is El so simple with the things he likes, yet it still feels like he's keeping a safe distance from me?

After eating, El's housekeeper helped me take a bath without wetting my wound. Maybe she's also El's nanny; that's why she's used to caring for people. "Are you sure you want to go?" El asked after I was done bathing, and he's drying my hair now.

"I don't have a choice."

"You can just stay here."

I looked up at his face since he was sitting on the sofa while I was on the floor. "I'm not your pet."

"That's not what I—"

"It's fine. I'll be fine. Thank you for worrying about me." El helped me get up. "I can go on my own," I said, even though I'll regret it, but it's better than letting those people see El. He'll be in danger.

"But your wound will continue bleeding if you walk alone." I didn't say anything else as I walked toward the door. El followed me. "You should at least wear some shoes." He suggested that, but I don't think I'll be needing one. They'll still search for me if I am critical of Night's plans. The moment I get out of this place, they'll catch me.

The rain had already stopped as we rode the elevator to the first floor. "Is the convenience store where you found me near here?" I asked while El was still supporting me.

"Yeah, just turn to the left, and there it is."

I faced this man that helped me a lot. "Thank you." With that, I walked towards the convenience store barefooted and endured the pain I felt with every step I took. I'm also wearing the clothes I used when El found me. I don't want to risk wearing something new. Night might investigate it.

If I can't endure this pain, I won't be able to endure living in that mansion for a while until I find the reason why they kept me there. Rika said it, the boss will explain everything. I'm still hoping for it to be the truth and not to become a lie just to keep me from leaving.

My wound's bleeding again like El warned me; I can feel it. When I reached the convenience store, I saw men wearing black suits. It must be them. I looked back in El's direction, and he was already gone. "Young miss?" Hearing that made me feel like I was caught back in the lion's den again.

"It's the young miss!" I turned to my back and saw an unfamiliar face of a young man. "Young miss, your foot!" His face was more of a puppy than a serial killer, which caused me to stare at him, being distracted. What about my foot?

"Young miss!" Kenji arrived sweating buckets. I lost my energy and almost tripped, but Kenji helped me. "Would it be okay for me to carry you?" My body's too tired to retort and let Kenji do what he needs. It's not the time for me to resist.

"Tell everyone we're returning, and we've found the young miss."