
"N-No, I clearly saw blood all over our mansion! And the guard said that my parents are dead." But I didn't see my parents' bodies. I turned to Night. "Did you lied to me?

"You assumed everything." What? "I did not say I killed your parents."

Wow, just wow. I became speechless with how Night said that. It's the first time I felt very annoyed hearing Night's voice. Yes, he didn't say he killed my parents, but he didn't deny it when I asked him. Instead, they all acted suspiciously. Now he's saying I just assumed everything, and it's all my fault? He made me completely misunderstand the situation and didn't even try to explain. No one answered my questions, and they left me in the dark, anxious and scared. This guy aimed a gun at me!

"Then, whose blood are those?" I asked without taking my eyes off Night.

I saw how he rolled his eyes at me, causing me to scoff. I can't believe this guy. He broke me into pieces, but he wouldn't even let me know the truth? "It must belong to those attackers, the ones I told you chasing after you." The old man answered for his grandson because he was too busy being all moody. "Despite our group arriving quickly, your father acquired some injuries and is in a critical condition." Hearing that made me stand up despite my injured foot.

"I need to see my father!" If he's in a critical condition, I need to see him as soon as possible.

"I cannot let you do that." The old man said.

I slammed my hands on the table as I couldn't keep my calm. "Why? I'm his daughter, and he needs me."

"It's for your own safety, my dear. Only Night, two of our members, and I know about the location of your family." He said. "It's dangerous if those people learned that they're still alive. That's why I made it appear as if they died. Those people will attack again until your parents are no longer in this world."

No, why would they do that? "We still don't know what their reason is. Even in our group, we can't trust everyone. That's why you need to stay beside Night at all times." The old man said. If I just need to be by his side at all times, why do we have to get married?

"Why do I need to marry him?" I pointed to Night. "If my parents are safe, why can't I just be with them?"

Night's grandfather couldn't look me straight in the eye. "It was our failure. We couldn't get a hold of you before we transported your parents, causing you to be separated from them. For now, we cannot risk those people learning that your father is still alive. We know those people are after your father's debts, but we are still unsure if that's the only thing they want." He appears to be uncomfortable, but why? "These people are coming after you for an unknown reason. It is what your mother told me. That those people deliberately searched for you."

My forehead creased. Why? Did I do something wrong? I can't remember. Basically, those people are after the debts and me. It'll put my family in danger if I stay with them too. "You see, our group is like a big family. We can't easily protect anyone who does not belong to our family." Night's grandfather explained. So, I needed to marry Night to receive their group's complete protection?

"Then why can't you just adopt me?"

Night's grandfather smiled. "As it may appear to you, I'm old now. Soon I'll be replaced by Night as the next boss, and I'll become powerless. I cannot protect you any longer. But with Night, he'll keep you safe." I highly doubt that! He's the one who scares me the most right now.

I looked at Night, and I saw how his expression changed. It's like he's somewhat… annoyed? But I don't think it's because of me. "No one will question you if you became Night's wife."

Now, I somehow understand why Night hates me. He's being forced to marry me for my sake, and no matter how much he hates it, I don't think he can oppose his grandfather's orders. "But Night hates me." Night quickly looked at me after I said that. He glares at me as if what I said wasn't true.

"Night will do his duties." The grandfather said with a smile, reassuring me that everything would be fine. "And when the time comes that everything's been resolved, you can divorce Night if you want to."

What? Isn't that the worst thing I could do? It's like he's telling me to use Night and just throw him away after I'm done with him. He's just forcing his grandson to do whatever he wants, and now I'm going to be the one to suffer. I feel bad for Night, even though he was being a jerk towards me. But what can I do? Even if I feel bad for him, I must do everything possible to survive.

"How would I know that you're not lying to me?"

The old man placed a letter on the table. "This is a letter from your mother, Amelia. Apparently, it's your birthday today. Do you want something? How do you want to celebrate it?" I can't tell him that I already celebrated it with someone else.

"I want to meet my friends," I said aloud as soon as I picked up the letter. Night's grandfather went silent because of that. "I-I mean, I want to go back to school. I'll marry Night or do whatever if you let me return to school."

Night's grandfather nodded with a smile. "Of course, dear. But you shall remember to keep someone beside you at all times. Kaoru may accompany you since he's the same age as you." I heard Night click his tongue after hearing that. He can click his tongue all day, but nothing will change. I will still use him even though we both hate each other now. "I'll assume that you agree with this marriage, dear?"

If it was the past, I'd be jumping in joy just hearing that I could marry Night quickly like this. It's been my dream since I became a high school student, but right now, I feel like I don't have a choice either way. If I don't marry Night, my parents will continue to be in danger because of me. "Would protecting me also include hunting those people after me?" I just can't agree without knowing the benefits of this marriage.

"Of course, but you shall also tend to your duties and responsibilities as the heir's wife. "I nodded even though I don't know what kind of duties he's talking about. "We must keep this to ourselves since the other high-ranking members might not agree about protecting someone who has already left the group."

I never knew that my dad was keeping such a huge secret from me and that he was a member of a yakuza group. Now I'm going to marry the current heir to that same yakuza group. What is this some kind of messed-up drama? "I shall call your teacher for your bridal lessons." Night's grandfather said. "I almost forgot about your birthday. What do you want to do?"

I shook my head. "I-I prefer resting," I said while holding the letter gently. These people are unlike my parents, who were willing to spoil me rotten.

"Is that so?" Night's grandfather stood up from his seat. "I shall tend to the preparations of your wedding. You shall also get ready to receive your bridal lessons soon, dear. Night, accompany Noelle back to her room." He left after saying all that. Now what? I'm still sitting beside Night, who's being weirdly silent about this. Why didn't he tell his grandfather that he didn't want this marriage? And he should be glaring at me by now, but he isn't.


My forehead creased. Is Night commanding me right now? I scoffed as I stood up while holding onto the table to support myself. "Stop being rude to me," I told him, and I turned around, but then I remembered something. "Don't assume that I still want this marriage like before. I'm over you now." Even though I struggled my way out of the room, I had a smile on my face.

Saying that I'm over Night feels so good. Although he's still handsome as ever in my eyes, I won't like him like before, not anymore. Why did I even fall for him? Entirely because of his face? He's not a prince, not even a little!

"Young miss!" Rika called for me as soon as I got out of the room. Tears are still visible in her eyes as she walks toward me. "I'm so worried about you. Why did you run away like that, young miss? I was so afraid that you might get hurt again." She said continuously without waiting for me to respond. She was crying while avoiding my eyes, making me feel bad. Does Rika feel guilty about what happened? Even though it was purely my decision?

"I'm okay, Rika." I patted Rika's head. Turns out she's not a psychopath and actually an innocent lamb. "None of what happened is your fault." It's entirely on me. I know nothing about my situation at all. It'll become dangerous if those people after me catch me while I'm out.

Still, I don't know if I should start believing everything. The old man didn't show me proof and just said those words to reassure me. Although he did give me this letter that my mom wrote, at least that's what he wants me to believe.