Dear Ellie

"It's the lady's birthday today, so we prepared some food in the dining area," Rika said, disturbing my train of thoughts. "Does the lady want to eat now?" I would rather stay alone in that room to read this letter and think about how illegible the things that old man said.

"I'm still not hungry. I'll just go to my room." And I already celebrated my birthday with El. I can't thank him enough for that.

"B-But, the lady hasn't eaten yet."

I heard Rika whisper those words, but I chose to ignore them. "Would you help me go back to my room?"

"O-Of course!"

Rika helped me go back to my room without asking anything. Still, she continued talking to me, telling me she'd give me a tour of the mansion when my foot healed. Why didn't she do that before? It doesn't feel like I'm a hostage anymore, but it doesn't feel great either. "Just call me if you need anything, young miss." She said and was about to leave the room.


She turned to me with those innocent eyes I once doubted before. "Yes, young miss?"

"Can't you just call me by my name? Hearing you say 'young miss' all the time is kind of uncomfortable."

Rika scratched her head. "No can do, young miss. I will soon call the young miss ane-san when the young master becomes the oyabun of the group, but right now, I still must call the young miss with respect." She said, but I couldn't understand what she was talking about. With that, Rika left the room.

I sauntered towards the bed while holding onto the letter. "I wonder what mom wrote." Even though I'm unsure if my mommy really did write this letter, I opened it and started reading the content.

Dear Ellie, I know you must be having a hard time without mommy and daddy by your side, but I believe you can survive without us, princess. You're a very strong and courageous girl. Of course, you're our daughter. You might doubt what Mr. Kenta will tell you, but it's all the truth. Your daddy and I still couldn't understand why our family had become like this, but we promise you everything will be okay. I hope you'll hang in there until we can meet again. I miss you so much, my baby, every day that passes by feels like years, and I am hurt that I can't be by your side right now. Your daddy is still in a coma. I'm staying with him in this distant place, so far that you won't be able to reach it without help. That's why I want you to stay by Mr. Kenta's side. We can't explain everything right now, but we know that Mr. Kenta will do everything to protect you. I know it's irresponsible for me to say this, but he's the only one that can help us now. I don't want you to get hurt. Please, do not get hurt. I'm sorry we can't be by your side on your birthday, but I still wish you a happy birthday. You're an adult now, my baby. I'm so glad that you came into our life. I love you so much, princess. I am giving you my necklace as a gift; It's the only necklace I saved. Keep it safe for me.

It was short, but based on the handwriting, I can tell it is legit, and my mommy wrote this. She also placed the necklace at the end of the letter. It's her favorite camellia necklace, the one daddy gifted her on their anniversary. Daddy's still in a coma, and I can't do anything but stay here and be protected by these strangers. "I love you too, mommy," I muttered as tears started falling, but I suppressed my sobs.

I've been crying almost a whole day, thinking I've already lost everything, but no. My parents are alive, but they're still not safe. Maybe because I've been taking everything for granted since I thought nothing would change, this is my punishment. Now my parents are not here by my side, and I miss them so badly it hurts so much.

Due to too much crying, I didn't notice that I had fallen asleep.

"Young miss?" When I woke up, I noticed that it was already dark outside. They removed the thing blocking the window in this room. "Young miss? Are you in there?" I also heard Rika knocking on the door nonstop. Is she afraid that I might not be in my room?

"I'm here. Come in."

Rika opened the sliding door, and she immediately sighed in relief after seeing me. "The young master is waiting in the dining area." My eyebrows furrowed after hearing that. Why is she telling me that? What's that supposed to do with me? "He wanted to take a meal with the lady as requested by the oyabun."

What? Correct me if I'm wrong, but that sounds like Night is forced to take a meal with me because grandfather told him so. Tsk, why would he keep on following his grandfather's orders?

"What if I don't want to?" Rika looked troubled because of what I said. She's an innocent lamb, and I don't want to trouble her, so I'll go this time. "Fine, I'll go," I said as I got off the bed, but Rika told me to take a bath first to make myself presentable for Night, and it almost took an hour.

What kind of preparation is this? Just for a simple dinner with Night, I needed to go through all of these? What is he some kind of prince? No, he's not. El would probably suit the role of 'prince' more than Night, although he's eccentric.

When I finished, Rika helped me go to the dining area where Night was waiting. Rika opened the sliding door, and Night was already sitting in front of the low table set on the tatami flooring. I almost forgot that this place is a traditional Japanese mansion, and they're all Japanese. How did I even forget while walking on the tatami flooring? What did I even expect to see?

"You're late."

I rolled my eyes as I sat in front of him. Since I injured my foot, I can't sit properly, which is why I did the most comfortable position. "Can't you at least show some proper etiquettes?" Night immediately criticized how I sat, but I ignored him and waited for the food to be served.

This is so suffocating. I'm being forced to eat with this mean guy because his grandfather requested it, and he couldn't object. It's supposed to be my birthday, and I should be the one happy today. But how will I become happy in front of this despicable man?

"Tsk, how unladylike."

"I'm sorry, you see, I still haven't learned the proper etiquettes," I said sarcastically, making Night gently shake his head. "Don't worry, young master. I shall learn it soon." I emphasized the word 'young master' as I smiled after saying that with an obviously sarcastic tone.

Night scoffed, but I ignored it when the food finally arrived. I immediately took the spoon and started eating. I wanted to get out of this dining room as soon as possible. "How ungrateful." I heard Night mumble. "Itadakimasu." He then said right after.

Oh, I remember that Japanese people say that word before eating. He should have told me; why does he keep picking fights with me? I'm not Japanese, so how would I know?

"I-Itadakimasu." I copied what Night did and started eating again. Since I'm living with Japanese people, I must learn how to do things their way even though I don't want to. Night still shook his head in disagreement; he hates everything I do, and I don't want to deal with him anymore. He's forced to marry me, so he'll be dissatisfied, but can't he at least be kind towards me? He treats me as if I'm not on the same level as him. Is he so great that he treats everyone like they're trash in his eyes?

I would rather study my butt off and land a regular job than become a killer's wife. Although he did not kill my parents, he still did kill a person back in that alleyway. I witnessed it with my own two eyes, and I regret following him that day.

The door opened as soon as we finished eating, and Rika smiled from ear to ear while holding a strawberry shortcake. "Happy birthday to you~." She started singing while Kenji started clapping from behind her. 'What is going on right now?'

"Happy birthday, dear Ellie~." The other servants inside the dining room began singing, too, even though they couldn't pronounce some words well. Still, I think they're sincerely congratulating me.

"Blow the candles, milady." The guy whose name is Kaoru (I think?) said. He's looking at me with those innocent eyes. It surprises me that there are still people here like Rika and Kaoru who still got innocence in their eyes. Is it because they're the youngest? I blew the candle just like how they wanted.

"Happy birthday, milady." They said with excitement while I saw Night going out of the room. That's right, he should just get out if he's going to be such a killjoy. It's not like I told these people to celebrate my birthday, but they still did.

Weirdly, they're treating me preciously like this after treating me like a prisoner before.

"The oyabun asked if you want any gifts," Rika asked as she placed the cake on the table. "Does the miss have something she wishes? You can tell Kenji-san here."

Anything? "No. I'm good." The mood suddenly turned down after I said that. What's with them? "It's really fine. I don't need anything." All I want right now is for everything to be over and to be with my parents again.

With that, we ate the cake, and Rika helped me go back to my room after. "Is my school bag here?" I asked since my phone's there and I need to know if Ace or Andy called me. Rika nodded and quickly gave me my bag; all my belongings were still there. THANK GOD!

"Oh right, I must remind the miss that you shall not tell anyone about what happened the past days." I nodded, and so Rika excused herself and left the room. Things are somewhat getting better, I think? I'm no longer on edge since I know these people won't kill me. I mean, that's what Night's grandfather said, so I'll believe it for now.

When I tried to open my phone, I realized how many messages Ace had sent me. It's all about questions about when I am returning. 'Returning? Isn't it supposed to be questions like 'where I am?' "That's weird." And that's it. Ace didn't send me anything except for questions about my return.

My forehead creased. "What is this?"