Mysterious Kisser

Even though sports festivals are fun, I can't join them since I'm busy with other things. I already informed Andy about it, and he's willing to help me avoid joining some of the games without receiving backlash from our classmates. I'm so glad I have a friend to depend on. 

"We'll be practicing for the games. What about you?" Andy asked as soon as our classmates were out of the classroom. It's our gym class today, and I don't think I want to join. 

"I think I'll just stay in the library." 

"With that guy?" Andy pointed to Kaoru. 

I shook my head. "Kaoru, you should join the gym class." 

"B-But milady— Ellie?" 

I sighed. "I'll be fine. I'll stay in the library, so just go there after you're done." He's also a student. Even if he's my bodyguard, I can't keep him to myself. It's not like I'll be in danger inside the school grounds.