Tomoe Yamaguchi

T-They just kissed, didn't they? 'Oh my god. Why do I have to see that?' 

"Young miss? Where did you go?"

Hearing Rika's voice made me run away from the garden. It'd be terrible if Night learned that I saw him kiss someone in the garden. But who was that girl? Is she his past lover? Or maybe she's his girlfriend, that's why he hates me so much because he has a girlfriend. 

Upon realizing it, it made me wonder why he doesn't care, no matter how much I tried to snatch his attention. It's because he already has someone he likes! Oh no, he's forced to marry me despite liking someone else. And how will I face his girlfriend? What if she tries to slap me and starts picking a fight with me? The fear made me crouch on the floor while holding onto my head. 

"Young miss, I thought you went out." I looked up to Rika. "What are you doing on the floor?"