
Is this guy the same Night that told me not to garner attention? "Are you okay?" I couldn't help but ask him that. "Don't you hate me? Are you doing this to make me suffer?" I'm scared he's being good to me because he'll be extra mean to me as soon as we get married. 

"Why? Do you prefer the cold and snob type?"

I gaped. I didn't expect Night to say something like this, nor smile like this. "Stop playing with me. It's not going to work." After saying that, Night suddenly pulled me closer to him until our faces were only inches away. Everyone's looking at us, and I can't move because he grabs my waist. 

"Everyone's looking at us. You said not to garner attention." I frowned. This isn't like him. What happened to this cold and petty jerk? Is he really going to play with me? 

"I changed my mind." Huh?! "I'll do whatever I want."