Just a Toy

"You heard me right." 

I blinked thousands of times. 'Sexual needs?!' "H-Hold on a minute! Why would I—"That's when I realized Tomoe's not aware that this is only a fake marriage. "I-I don't want to learn it. I mean, I don't need it."

Tomoe raised an eyebrow. "Is the lady confident enough with her skills?" She looked at me from head to toe. "No offense, but you don't look like you have skills." I almost had my mouth open after hearing that. She's entirely right! I don't have the skills. I haven't even watched anything r18+ because I just turned 18! How am I going to have skills? 

"Let's start then." She said as she gulped. 'Wait, does Tomoe even have experience? Or is she just going to teach me based on books?' I didn't have the guts to question her as I listened to her words while she was holding a suspicious book.