Set Boundaries

the morning arrived and I feel groggy once again after not being able to fall asleep anymore. "Are you awake now?" I asked as I heard Night moving on the bed. When I got up, he was looking more miserable than I was. Did he remember what he did last night? "We need to talk about lots of things." Like I said before, I need to make sure that Shiho won't worry about her brother anymore. I don't know why but it's like seeing myself in her, I don't want to make her suffer. It's because I know how it feels to suffer alone without anyone being there for you. 

"First things first, let's not sleep too close to each other," I said as I placed the body pillow I brought in between us. "You can't touch me without permission, and I won't permit anything so don't ever touch me if we're not acting in front of your sister or relatives."