To Reconcile

I opened the door and their attention went to me. "I thought you said you need help from me?" Ace quickly stood up from her seat. 'Oh no, is she going to leave because of me?' I panicked and I immediately blocked her away causing Ace to glare at me. 'S-She's really scary.' 

"I-I can explain." 

"What will you explain? How you lied?" Ace's tone was so cold that I keep trembling where I was standing. "Or you'll lie even more to hide the fact that you're not living with Kaoru's family?" 

Andy looked at me with eyes wide open. "Really? Then where are you currently living?" He asked. 

"That's what I'm going to explain right now," I said as I took a deep breath. "My family's in debt, that's the truth," I said as I roamed my vision. There isn't any object here that could record what I'm saying right now, isn't it?