And I just had to ruin the moment.

"Where is she?" I'm not so sure I should be going into this topic but I just can't help it.

"She's dead." I could already tell that from the look on his face.

"I killed her."

"What?" I'm not hearing this right. He killed his own mother how that right? "Nathan we enjoyed ourselves a little to much so I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that. . ."

"I killed her."

"Is everyone around me a bonafide killer?"

"I'll tell you about that some other day. You should probably get some rest." He got up allowing me view his muscular back that tried to get out of his black t-shirt just for me to look. He sighed and looked at me. I really couldn't do anything but stare at those green eyes mesmerized. He look hot and really tempting. And with the cute face he was making as he was frustrated was turning a part of me on.

Wait a second! Hot! Tempting! Cute!

What is this boy doing to me? I can't fall for him. I'm a boss player I can't fall for a player who'd dump me as if I was worthless. My heart can't fall for something dangerous, can it?

"Your drooling princess." Damn he caught me. Wait me drooling?


"I know I look like a sex god but you shouldn't stare like that you could miss your chances."

"What chances now?"

"Come on you and I both know you love me."

"In your dreams."

"Yeah I also kissed you in my dream in New York in a beach, on top of a cliff."

"That was an accident."

"What about the other time in my dreams that you looking at my eyes when I woke and became hypnotized, fucked me with your eyes only for you to actually try and do it in person and Cass interrupts."

"That was. . . I blame it on hormones." God my face is as red as a tomato from all the blush but this actually makes it was. This guy was really getting to me.

"Meaning you so fucking love this sex god." Referring to him self. I can't help but laugh while he chuckled a bit.

"You have a way with words. I'm speechless."

"That's my job Angle." This cleared the tension that was in here a few minutes ago but now his face turned serious.

"Wait how did you get to know my mom's name again?"

I didn't want to bring my dad into this after all he's been hurting as much as I have." While I was with the Psycho I heard him mention Jessica Audrey so I thought I would ask." I think this is the first time in years I've actually lied. I hate lying. I don't think it suits me and I don't have to lie at school because I do my stuff right.

"Your lying."

"How can you say? I haven't lied in how many years."

"I live in a world of lies trust me I know when someone is lying. If you didn't wanna tell no probs. Just don't lie with me sweetheart you can tell me anything."

"Fine I don't feel like telling you. it doesn't even feel right to me lying anyway so I've told you the truth please try not to pry."


" I'm gonna need your help to find out how she fits in with Project Legacy and my dad."

"Project Legacy and your dad?"

"Who told you she was involved?"

"My mom." I answered before realizing what he just did. "You son of a gun you made me tell you who told me."

"OMG Angel just swore."

"Asshole." I said grabbing a pillow to throw at him.

"Call me when your ready to go home." He ranted quickly before dodging the pillow and came over to peck me on the cheek. That really lit up my whole body. I could feel myself turning pink. He smirked at the effect he knew he had on me and ran out leaving me in a bundle of emotions


After a few more hours I decided it was time I got up. When I went to my mirror I was absolutely disgusted by what I saw. How did Nathan see me like this and still cuddle me? I had smudged massacre and make up all over my fucking face. By brown eyes where now glowing red from tears. My face looked really pale. I had lost my glow. Anyone looking at my face will know I haven't eaten in days. I felt you could make out my skull from my face. My hair. Don't even let me get started on that. It's everywhere. It's like a nest for hawks. Did Nathan really see me like this and peck me.

Now all my head was on is the peck. It felt really soft, warm and gentle. I thought kissing him was amazing but in reality he never kissed me back. No, not now. Get your legs together Aves. I go straight into the bathroom. After spending about an hour tidying my self in there. I needed to look presentable for my first time going out. Every body dies that's just life so I have to soak it in though it's gonna sting but I need to do this so that we can put and end to this psycho shit. I take my time to clean the house a bit. I pick up my car keys and leave. When I get to Karen's house, I meet the whole gang including Karen and my dad. They notice me looking stunning. I like the kind of attention I get when I'm the sexiest in the room.

"Hi guys."

"What's the occasion beautiful?" Nathan asked.

"Well I'm feeling much better than I was few hours ago so why not show it to everyone?"

"So your not depressed about your mom?" Sandra asked worried.

"Sandra sweetheart I've done my fair share of crying and you know I don't like crying. I rather throw all that aggression on that Psycho bastard. So let's hurry up and find out about this guy and kill him." They seem a bit shocked by what I said.

"I like this girl. Mr. Chris give me the privilege of dating you daughter." He said jokingly which made me smile before he looked at me with the grin on his face which made me stop.

"Permission not granted." Dad said with an expression I could not exactly read.

"Good thing your over it because I was ready to break that door you were hiding behind. Glad to be back." Cassandra said.

"Glad to be back."

"Glad to be back indeed." A voice broke from the T.V and from the looks of it the Psycho was airing again. "It's a good thing your gang is alive and working. I think I've done a lot of damage to the Chrisland family so I'mma let you go for a while okay. So that leaves my attention to the Illuminados and The Anderson family. Don't get comfortable though. Nathan I hope your prepared because I'm gonna fuck you up if your not careful. The truth is really gonna mess you up. Bye bye world."


This guy is driving me nuts.

"Yo Jack. I'm going out to investigate the station okay." The fucking station. How does a kid get into a station and they allow him broadcast shit or did they all leave the building and decide not to come to work. I enter my Volkswagen; typical detective car and drive off to the T.V station. What kind of kid does this? Obviously the deranged type of kid but still. And don't ask me how I know it's a kid. It's just a hunch. When I get to the station. I get outta my car in my leather black coat and black pants and dark sunglasses. I'm not a detective, I'm a boss detective. And I don't give a shit as far as I crack a case and let me tell you this case has been the longest so far. When I get to the scene I flash my badge and introduce myself.

"Samson Strucker. FBI agent." I said to the officer in front of me that's holding a gun.

"You've gotta see this detective whoever this fella is he isn't shitting around. He could give you a run for your damn life if you ain't careful." Agent Carson.

"It's great to see you to Carson." I said taking of my sunglasses and looking straight into his grey eyes and seeing his messy blonde hair. We went into the building.

"The security guards fell asleep when he came soon after everyone in the entire building came crashing down and taking cute little naps."

"You serious?" I knew this kid is crazy good.

"Damn serious."

"You sure everyone hear wasn't laced with drugs. . ."

"We're in the process of figuring that out."

"What about cameras?"

"They got absolutely nothing. Come check this video directly from the black box of the company." He said collecting the Ipad from the agent beside him. When he shows me the video. I see The Psycho coming into the building. Everyone immediately crashes on the ground. He looks up at the camera but doesn't reveal his face he looks up. Damn the bastard was good. After that the Camera goes blank not even leaving a clue.

"Any idea why the Camera went off?"

"This is where shit gets bitchy."

"You really need to change your language there could be babies around us. I'm I right agent in the right?" I was referring to the female sexy agent with dark black hair and blue eyes.

"It's Flora for you information Mr. I don't know whatever you name is."

"Someone's fiesty. Me like-y. By the way name's Samson." Throwing the hot chick my signature smirk.

"According to a video that we got. In fact I'm not gonna narrate shit come see for your self." We went into what looked like a control room.

"What are we doing here?"

"I thought you wanted to know what fucking happened with the camera."

"First of all, Language. Secondly how is a dead man related to the camera blacking out." I was referring to the dead man on the floor on front of us.

"According to the Camera in this room. " Flora started. "This dead A-hole destroyed every system in this room that is controlling the camera making the cameras to stop working. After he was done another asshole was kind enough to come in here and strangle him."

"Our victim of death David Thompson. Worked as a bartender in a club. Has zero education 'cause he dropped out from high school. Did little dealings in drugs before he got arrested. After he spent the rest of his days paying taxes and generally benefitting the community. His killer Micheal Brockley. Billionaire and CEO of Landville hotels and upcoming senator." Carson said.

"Wait how do we know who his killer is?"

"We ran an autopsy on his body. Found prints all over his neck. ID our killer and we got his name."

"So where is he now?"

"Dead. Probably in a morgue right now." He said with a carefree expression on his face

"What, how?!"

"I told you this was bitchy shit. Immediately after he was done we traced footprints of his shoe to outside the door. Witnesses said he had a seizure and was rushed to the hospital. After a couple hours doctors said he's brain was fucking messed up what ever the hell that means and he died."



"I don't need your lecture."

"What Mr. Carson is saying now is that we have no leads on this case." Flora said.

"What about where he aired, the studio?"

"That's another puzzle of shit." Carson said fed up of all the questions. "There's nothing there. No prints no signs that anything was moved tampered with except for a single note and I don't think you're going to like what is in the note."

"No prints on paper."

"Nothing to track him with. The only print we found was that of the newscaster on the paper. Bag the body up boys." He said to the remaining CSI officials and takes me to the studio. There is absolutely nothing that seems out of the ordinary in the room.

"Where is newscaster dude?"

"First of all it's a babe. A hot sexy blonde with beautiful legs and thighs and who knows maybe a nice pussy."

"All pussy are nice and juicy."

"This one might be extra juicy."

"All right boys you've had your fun back to business." Flora said obviously disgusted. She looks cute like that.

"I like fiesty pussy too."

"Too bad I hate small dicks."

"That means I'm exactly your type." I released another smirk. Which got an eye roll.

"Now can get on with this." Carson said." Look at the note on the desk."

"Okay. Buzz kill. What happened to the newscaster?""

"Newscaster chick is in the hospital after a serious case of migraine." Carson said.

"Well according to our forensics she got it about the same thing Michael died." Flora said.

"How do they know that?"

"Scientist are crazy. How else?" I pick the note up.



XXR. Shit just got real.

"I need info on suspects ASAP."


This is another chapter released. I brought a new Character into this so that I can give you guys a better view on what the Los Illuminados will be like. Yes that is the full name of the cult. Imagine that I'm giving you spoilers to bad you can never guess what I'm going to do because I always change scenes I plan when I'm writing. This Character just came into my today and I decided to add him although I don't have any plans for him yet I think he is gonna be big. Thanks and vote. Sorry for the late update by the way