"Nathan wait. . ." And that's it. He just zoomed of like as if he didn't listen. After the broadcast Nathan got pissed off and his body started generating sparks of electricity again and he went. "We need to get him back."

"We can't at least not in the state he is in."

"What state?"

"That angry state. He needs to calm down and gain control of the other person that's driving him." Cass said.

"Other person?"

"You mean he's dissociative." Karen said more than asking.

"Split personality is a more appropriate term." Sandra said.

"Whatever you call it biology nerds." Cassandra said.

"What is split personality?" I asked.

"This is a case where by dissociative disorder where by an individual has two or more distinct personality or behavior usually the opposite of the other. Having dissociative personality might bring about impulsivity, self destructive behavior or self harm. Mood swings, self detachment, anixety. Psychologically it could cause depression, altered self consciousness or flashback. Also common with these are amnesia. Seeing Nathan all those might apply to him." Karen said." How did you know he was DID(dissociative identity disorder) ." She asked Cassandra.

"That he was split?"

"It's called DID medically speaking."

"I prefer split."

"You guys should get to the point. My brother is at stake." Sandra said worried. I'm really sorry for her. I wouldn't let Cole go through all this. This brought back memories of Cole to my head. I miss that idiot. I miss him so much. I wish I could ruffle his hair and feel it. I guess I missed my opportunity.

"When we were dating." Cassandra said jolting me out of my reverie. "Nathan was in a completely messed up state while we were together. He went from taking drugs to dealing drugs. Being a science nerd in school no one in school would want to hang with me but Nathan was there with me. After he asked me out. I told him to quit the drugs if we want to work out but he said it helps him forget his past. I wanted to know so I tried pressing it out of him. Instead of explaining he walked out on me and we didn't speak to each other for weeks."

"So one day at a party. He came up and tried to make out with me and fix stuff but he didn't want to explain he took another blunt and inhaled and I angrily took the shit away from him and one thing lead to another. I said he was a son of a bitch. Immediately he snapped. Like he snapped at me. He started to phase."

"Phase?" Karen asked.

"Yeah that thing he does where he starts to vibrate and try to pass through solid matter. Anyway he got really angry and violent. I would have died that day if he didn't struggle to stay in control and leave the area. Later that night he came to my room with blood on his body and on the news fifty there other people were killed that night mysteriously. He's past whatever it was broke him. He's hiding the demon inside of him. There's only one thing keeping him sane and it's this little family he has here if he loses that his gone to the dark side. I don't know what you guys did to his mom but if you guys did something terrible that killed her your both gonna die." Cassandra said

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb with me. The encryption on your computer might be tough but there are always other sources like on the internet. I know the main inventors of the idea are you, Mr. Chrisland and his mom were the big players in this, every other member that work on this project even the cleaners are all dead. I don't know why but whatever you guys did you are gonna pay big time for all the people that have died and in no small measure."

"I need to go upstairs." Karen said with tears trying to bust out of her eyes. Why is she crying.

"What's up with her?" Cassandra asks. Sandra looks down and sad.

"Friends like you all are hard too come by." My dad said. I didn't even know he was here or rather I forgot he was here. "Stick with each other. I'll go sort this mess." He left the room.

Cass started searching for Nathan. I came up with an idea of searching for him by looking for electrostatic force in an area. She started reconfiguring the satellite to search for him. Funny thing is that. They had a satellite for their project. State of the art satellite and highly advance tech that I don't know too much about.

We went to school the next day. I have a bad feeling about today. I just don't like today's bad feeling. Whenever I wake up in the morning feeling angry about what I don't know something bad always happens and today is just giving me the feeling.

When I get to my locker I see a guy and a girl making out.

"Fuck off my locker unless you want those tongues of your swollen for the whole day." I say when I see Jackson. Jackson is exactly like Mason in attitude. Badass, tons of girls and jerky behavior making it seem as if both of them are brothers. But there are visible differences like Mason being more muscular and Jackson having grey eyes instead of Mason's blue ones.

"Well if it isn't Princess Ava. Heard mommy die. Must have been from the heart attack you gave her with that sassy ass attitude." Okay now he's making me angry.

"At least she didn't bring out a man whore on like you."

"This man whore probably got into you a million times." A crowd had formed and he wanted to get their attention but trust me I got this.

"Oh please. I wouldn't let let that fluffy pice of cotton come near me. It just wouldn't make it half way through my pussy seeing how mine is tight and that is too soft."

"How do you know that if you haven't seen it before huh?"

"Obviously, the girls you fucked before all complained that they couldn't feel it. That's why they leave bed early. And also you don't last on bed. I would know seeing as how you've been making out and your member hasn't even stretched a bit."

I could hear a "damn" coming from the crowd. Wiping the smirk off his face and feeling satisfied he leaves the  locker with his embarrassed girlfriend following his back. After a while the crowd dispersed. I open my locker that wasn't locker. How is that possible? I'm pretty sure I locked my locker?. When I looked inside a note was lying on top all the books. Why don't I like the feel off this note.

When I open the note it's empty and words start only appearing on the note.  Not this again.

"This is a puzzle for you to solve. Solve it and I'll get Karen to reveal the truth to you'll in a few weeks."

Is this a joke? How is there a puzzle puzzle in a paper. I carried the paper to my first class. Biology. This is the only class I share with Mason and Sandra together. I usually see them massaging each other sensitively but there is no form of such attraction today. What's up with them?

At the end of the class Sandra leaves Mason without even waiting for him or me. Usually when they have problems she usually comes and hangs out with me.

I make it through the classes till lunch period. Sandra isn't at our usual seat among the popular and she isn't even in the cafeteria. I go to the table and join the others. Most sympathized with me while others talked about other shit.

"So, Ava I heard you've been spending a lot of time with Nathan Audrey?" Kasey leader of the cheerleaders and a bitch of the school like myself.


"What is he like on bed?"

"What?" I scrunched my face up in disgust. The guys start to look at me. A lot of these dudes in this table have either been played by me or they want to get in my pants for a long time. I shouldn't have come hear this is just gonna bring unnecessary attention to Nathan and he does not need that.

"We've seen you hanging around with the guy and stuff. Sandra even said that your living in her house for some reasons so you must have gotten him right. I wonder what it would be like with him. Plus those green eyes." Now she's fantasizing about sex with Nathan.

"She's not in the mood for that Kasey why don't we talk about something else." Colton said. Colton was actually the only guy Nathan talked to when we were in freshman year but rumors say that they had a fight and never talked to each other again.

"Thanks Colton. I need to find Sandra guys I'll be back."

"I'll go find Mason." Colton said and stood up. Following me out of the cafeteria. Once we are walking down the hallway he grabs my arms.


"Where is he?" He's expression turns serious. Like scary serious all of a sudden.

"I don't know who you are talking about?" I said sounding timid. I've never seen this side of him before. Colton is on the quiet boy side he doesn't smoke, fight or do shit like other boys. Men, he's not even a player so how did he get to that popularity group. Colton is bastardly rich that's all I can say. He and Nathan seemed to make get rich at about the same time. But Nathan never sat with us popular ones that's why I never met him although talked about him a couple of times.

"Don't play coy with me. Where's Nathan?"

"I don't know."

"He's living with you so don't tell me that shit." It's a good thing this hallway is empty.

"I'm I controlling his movement now?"

"I've been hearing his name all over the news. What's going on with him?"

"Excuse me but I can't tell you anything unless he's here."

"I already knew about his goddamn speed power before any of you so tell me what happened to him." What. Colton knew. I am so tired of all the revealing and truths coming out of different people these days. Colton is a blonde with deep black eyes and is taller than me and has excellent muscles. Very remarkable specimen. How come I've never seen him around Nathan since.

"If you knew about his abilities means that you should have known him and he would have told you unless you pushed him away." He stands taken back by my statement and I walk away. God Nathan has so much explaining to do to me and I ain't letting this one slide.

When I get to the chemistry lab trying to look for Sandra someone grabs my arm again. Why are people so touchy today.

"What again?" I said turning back to see a worried Mason.

"I'm sorry to disturb you okay. . ."

"What do you want Mason?"

"What's wrong with Sandra?"

"I don't. . ."

"Don't tell me shit Ava." He snapped. What's it with all the boys getting snappy at me I did nothing wrong. "Listen I'm really sorry."

"I thought it was just fun you were having with her so why the sudden interest in if she's okay or not."

"Listen Ava it might have been all fun and games between both of us because let's be honest I only wanted to get in your pants." Why I'm I getting angry. "But with Sandra it was totally different. I mean at first it was all fun and games but Sandra has a touch you'll never have and that's just a fact. I'm sorry Ava but I really need to know where she is Ava."

"Go find her yourself."

"Even if I do find her. She won't talk to me. I need to know what's up with her don't you get. She's driving me crazy just please help me talk to her. If the problem is me I really need to know." Wow. I never thought I'd ever see Mason like this. It kinda makes me jealous this isn't about me. Let's get real the only reason I didn't go all out for Mason was because he was never serious for our relationship hearing him this serious about Sandra is making me jealous but I have to be supportive here so I'll let it slide.

"I'll talk to her but just know it's not about you okay. She's going through a lot. Do me a favor though don't give her space to be lonely try cheering her up who knows she might open up to you."

"Thanks Ava." I go inside the lab and I find Sandra reading.

"I thought you read only at night."

"I need to take my mind of somethings." She said looking at me.

"I can't seem to get him out too."

"How are both of you doing anyway?"

"I don't know. I think he still thinks of me as a friend not anything more than that."

"And your okay with that?"

"I don't know what I'm okay with. Since he came I've been running crazy. It's as if my heart does this flips when I see him."

"I starting to get that too."

"With Mason?"

" It's crazy. He's a player and it's just sex with him but I'm starting to think I want more."

"Maybe you should tell him."

"And ruin all my chances with him. I'm okay like this girl."

"He's worried about you. He has been ever since you've been acting like this or at least that's what he told me."

"I guess he does have a soul."

"I'm serious."

"And so am I. Listen right now I just want to find Nathan anything other than that is not important."

"Even what you feel."

"You know you should really settle your own relationship before helping others." A smirk forms on her face.

" What can I say I'm a generous person." I say taking a seat and dropping my bag on next to the Bunsen burner in the lab which was lit.

"Woah what is that?" I tilt my head in the direction of the burner she was pointing to and I see the paper Psycho gave me. I went over to the note. Picked it up and placed it over the fire. Sandra joins me in reading.

"At exactly 5pm tomorrow a detective will come to the house you stay. Give him a full detailed explanation of what is happening to you and everyone in the house. Make sure you tell only him. Any other person that finds out about it dies.



So this is another fucking chapter in this book and I got to say I'm impressed with my self and of course all of you that's reading. Never knew writing a book is hard.

So new mysteries. Colton knows. Should Mason know. I might decide that in the next chapter until then I'll leave your imagination to do some racking. Thanks vote and comment.