Operation: REVERT, Part 6: King of Animalia

Play "Gangplank Galleon" from Smash Ultimate!

Midoriya was the one to land the first blow, pouring 30% of his strength into his right leg. It was easily blocked by K. Rool's arm, but Deku followed up with an overhead kick, only for Kroctus to grab him by the ankle. The king swung and bashed him against the ground four times before throwing Deku. Kroctus grunted when a spiked stone fist pierced his back, immediately reacting by punching Kirishima in the head. The stone man's head cracked, but he quickly recovered and threw a punch up to K. Rool's jaw. The king easily grabbed his fist and squeezed it, forcing a scream out of Red Riot before throwing him off.

"Hrm?" Kroctus tried to move, but felt his feet were glued by some sticky force, though he couldn't see past his big belly.

"Hah hah ha!" Mineta laughed. "No matter how strong you are, you'll NEVER escape my grapes!"

"Now we've got 'im!" Shoto declared, casting ice to completely freeze the Krock. Unfortunately, Kroctus shook in his prison and successfully broke the ice, even kicking his feet free. Shoto tried to shoot more ice, but Kroctus dodged and sank his teeth into his frosty arm. Mineta formed a rope from his grapes and latched them onto K. Rool's tail, sticking them to the ground to bind him in place. However, now that he was aware of the gooey balls, Kroctus easily spun around and yanked his tail free of them.

"THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE-!" Mineta cried in despair, but these were his final words before Kroctus rushed him and grabbed his puny grape body. As his body threatened to burst like the fruit he resembled, Mineta's life flashed before his eyes. Luckily, Kroctus dropped him when a fiery burst struck him in the back of the head. Feeling a mild aching pain, he turned to see Bakugo, who was bleeding in the head and panting from the previous attack. But during that distracted moment, Ochaco was able to slap K. Rool's belly, willing him to float to the sky. The king was enveloped by the cloud of giant insects, yet they weren't hindering his ascent.

Ochaco grew ill due to K. Rool's heavy weight, and this became worse when the king ignited his Conqueror's Haki again. Ochaco's heart felt so heavy that she fainted, her spell wearing off as Kroctus dropped. He cried, "HRAAAH!" as he positioned his belly with every intent to flatten her. Deku's legs acted on their own as he grabbed Ochaco with blinding speed and escaped before impact.

As soon as he landed, Momo fired a cannonball from her stomach and dealt a direct blow to his mouth! Bakugo followed this with another explosion and Shoto unleashed a wave of fire to further boil the reptile. Kroctus leapt through the fire to grab Shoto, using him to bat Bakugo away. He then rushed over to Momo and shoved Shoto headfirst into her cannon. Kroctus punched Momo in the chin, knocking her on her back with the cannon faced up. Mina squirted acid at Kroctus's head, the king dodging as he set sights on her next. He threw a punch at the Harnitan, but Mina created an Acid Veil to block the attack. He kept furiously punching the acid shield to no avail.

Meanwhile, Froppy struggled in the tightness of Jake's tail, the snake engaged in the fight. "Pssssst, let me in on somethin', silky." Jake whispered to his captive, eying Mr. Aizawa. "What's the deal with that shady fella? He been still as a statue this whole time."

"Gulp!" Tsu choked. "I-I don't know!"

"Don't even think of lyin' to me!" Jake tightened his hold.

Tsu felt like her head would pop like a balloon, but she was determined to maintain composure. "M-My friends are going to beat your king!"

"It sure don't look like it. Old Krocky ain't even use his Haki yet and they can barely put a hold on him."

Shows what you know; that's Mr. Aizawa's doing! Tsu thought confidently. Indeed, their teacher hadn't blinked the entire time, and he was desperate on keeping eyes open to keep his chi blocked. Kroctus was beginning to crack Mina's Acid Veil, but the Kremling was ensnared by Dark Shadow.

"That swarm of bugs provides an excellent cover from the sunlight!" Tokoyami said.

"B-B-B-Bird!" Jake stuttered, backing up. "Demon bird!"

Kroctus shook free of Dark Shadow and punched Tokoyami in the beak. Mina doused him with acid and quickly skied away, then Shoto set him ablaze. "BROOOOAAAARRR!" Mixed with the acid, the flames burned off a layer of his skin, and it smelled as if roasted reptile was on the menu tonight.

"D-Did we get him?" Mina asked.

"Don't count on it." Aizawa said skeptically. Almost instantly, K. Rool leapt out of the flames, and Aizawa dodged back with a start to avoid his punch. The teacher nimbly evaded the king, even when Kroctus threw his crown, but the crown came back like a boomerang and conked Aizawa in the head. The teacher blinked on impulse, and not a second after did K. Rool harden his fist and sock him in the face.

"I was wondering why you were just standing there." the king said. "You were blocking my chi, weren't you? When I tried to shield myself just now, I couldn't muster my Haki."

"You mean you were purposely not using your Haki?!" Momo exclaimed.

"When I'm not in a hurry, I like to steadily examine my opponents' skill levels!" Kroctus said as he dodged Shoto's ice and dealt a Haki punch to his scarred eye. "Consider it a compliment that I resorted to using it!"

"RED RIOT: UNBREAKABLE!" Before K. Rool's eyes, Kirishima entered Fury Mode, assuming a monstrous form with invincible spiked stones. The Red Riot attacked K. Rool with all the force he could muster, the king blocking with hardened arms before dealing an uppercut to the chin. Kroctus kept the rhythm and lay three punches to his head, then he balled his fists to smash Red Riot into the ground. Kroctus faced Mina again, the girl creating another Acid Veil, but this time he easily penetrated it, grabbed Mina by the neck, and slammed her against Kirishima's spikes.

"Here come the rest of 'em." Jake said to himself.

"Argh!" A pair of Pony horns punctured K. Rool's eyes, and mushrooms grew from them around his head. "Gah! What are these blasted—ergh!" A pair of steel teeth bit into his tail, followed by Jurota grabbing and restraining his arms. The king spun and whacked both heroes off, but before he could rip off the mushrooms, Kendo swiped a giant hand and whacked Kroctus off his feet. Ibara wrapped brambles around his ankles, hoping to cut them, but a belly-spin maneuver caused her to fling away.

Kroctus ripped the mushrooms and horns off his head, his eyes regaining vision. "Have some of this, fatty!" Mineta threw more grapes at his feet, leaving Kinoko to reinforce them with sticky shrooms. Posing beside his fellow shorty (though Kinoko was a foot taller), he declared, "You just got yourself a case of Grape Fungus!"

"You're the rottenest fruit I've ever had the honor of working with, mushroom~" Kinoko praised the grape-haired hero.

Kroctus raised his arms in defense as Reiko leapt at him, a master at her twin blades as she maneuvered around and dealt blows to Kroctus's scales, though she left no serious cuts. "Okay, team, just like we practiced with Deadpool!" Kendo said.

"What?! You primates defeated that imbecile?!"

"The 'B' in 1-B stands for 'Best'!" Kendo clamped hands over his head and squeezed the mouth shut. She tried to crank the neck back while Jurota and Tetsu both ran for a combined body-slam to his back. With his feet still glued in mushrooms, his fat figure bent at an unsettling angle. Kendo kept his neck bent, but as Kroctus remained still, they wondered if they actually won.

Jake raised a brow, impressed by their performance. Little did he know of the doll-sized girl running to his curled-up tail. As soon as Kodai grew to normal, she jumped the snake, squeezing his neck and shoving Jake's hat over his mouth. He aimed his gun tail, but Kodai slapped it before jumping off. She quickly used her power to shrink the machinegun, but when Jake gnashed at her, Pony stuck horns in his eyes. Tsu spat mucus to make herself slippery and shake free of her restraint. She wrapped Jake's neck in her tongue and hauled his head into the ground, with Kodai landing a firm kick for extra concussion. "Thank you, Yui!"

"HUUUUR!" But K. Rool's grunt silenced their moment of victory. The king's green scales turned black in Haki, with his nails and gold belly to contrast with it. He CLAPPED his hands against his head with Kendo's hands between, severely squishing and bending them as she backed off. He forced his feet to rip out of the sticky shrooms. Jurota used Tetsu as a weapon and bashed Kroctus's skull, but against his Haki defense, Tetsu's steel defense meant nothing. "T-Tetsu!" Jurota gasped, ridden with guilt over what he'd just done to his friend. Tetsu's skin reverted as he was knocked out cold. His guilt left Jurota vulnerable to a knock-out punch to the skull.

"Th-That didn't get him!" Tsu stuttered. "AAH!" Jake woke up and gnashed at Kodai, but Reiko blocked him with both swords. Jake bit and tried to wrestle the blades away from her, but in pulling them out, Reiko knocked out some of his teeth. She dealt swift slashes against the snake and knocked Jake out. However, Kroctus was relentless as he slapped Pony unconscious, then ran to KO Kendo. Shooting a predatorial glare at Froppy, he charged the frog, but she leapt high and far away. He looked for Kodai, but the size-shifter disappeared. No, she had shrunk to run underneath and behind him. Ibara wrapped brambles around his eyes to blind him, but it took no effort to grab the vines and swing Ibara into Reiko. Reiko sliced the vines to free her friend, but when Kroctus charged at the Poltergeist next, her quick motions were no match for his. Reiko was knocked out cold.

"Hur…" He snarled at Mineta and Kinoko, the latter having squatted to pick up the tiny Kodai. She and Mineta saw no option but to run, desperately throwing shrooms and grapes to impede the oncoming king. "RUN, YUI!" Kinoko threw the tiny away before Kroctus tackled herself and Mineta. They threw their projectiles directly into his open mouth, but the king merely munched the grapes and shrooms. "Hnnnn…BUUUUU!" And he returned them in the form of sticky vomit, gluing both shorties to the ground.

"Nnnn…Mineta! Can you get this stuff…?!" Unfortunately, Mineta had reached the cap of his grapes, as indicated by his bloody nose and his unconscious, pale eyes.

Kroctus licked his lips, deciding to leave them helpless. After Kodai went flying, she found herself caught by a tongue and pulled into the mouth of an invisible source. Once Froppy had her secure, she prepared to hop away—Jake flew up and ensnared the frog. "Ya just can't put me down, can ya?" he hissed, Froppy's camouflage deforming. Her cheeks were puffed, because of Jake squeezing her and because Kodai was still inside her. "Go on. Spit her on out. I'll keep her safe in me~"

Tsu could never give in to such an awful demand. The only way she could protect Kodai was to… "JAKE!" Kroctus yelled. "There were three more of them. Where did they go?"

"I saw 'em head for the base!"

"WHAT?! Why didn't you do anything?!"

"You told us not to bother you while you were fightin'!"

"Hur… Fair enough." On that note, Kroctus became a hawk and flew to Hideout Helm.

After rescuing Ochaco, Deku and Koji raced to the fortress, going up the walkways and breaching the entrance. While Koji carried Ochaco, Deku mercilessly kicked every Kremling guard in their way. A pair of giant beavers – known as Very and Really Gnawty – ambushed them from alternate hallways. Deku swiftly dodged the beavers, and Koji used Anivoice to communicate with them. If you help us find Eri, I'll give you lots of nuts! The Gnawty Bros. leapt forth and trampled more Kremlings.

"If Eri powers you up, you think you'll be strong enough to beat him?" Koji inquired.

"They've been abusing Eri all this time, I'm not going to do the same!"

"B-But how are we going to get away? If he keeps attacking us, we'll never be able to steal a boat."

"That's a VERY good question!" A green leopard pranced up the corridor, their hearts bursting with fear as Kroctus grew to normal form. The king locked his fist on Koji first, but Deku was swift to grab and throw them back. This resulted in Deku suffering the attack, his jaw cracking. Kroctus used his Conqueror's Haki to intimidate Koji, who was then attacked by the Gnawty Bros..

♪ "You can do it, whelp, you can claw 'em gnaw 'em stone 'em beat 'em!" ♪ Kroctus danced and jiggled his belly to the rap, taunting Deku. ♪ "I do this with my mind, you just obey me!" ♪ Deku ran up for a flurry of kicks, Kroctus defending quickly before grabbing his ankle and slamming him to the floor. ♪ "And do you stammer stammer seein' mah eye?" ♪ Deku faced up as Kroctus pointed at his bad eye. ♪ "You better star me, steam me, see me, scrub me, feed me my pie." ♪ He picked Deku up and brushed him against his belly like a towel.

♪ "You ready already, or wheezy-oh?" ♪ Deku kicked away and got free. ♪ "And bestial crushing easy though," ♪ Deku gasped and dodged when the king tried to jump on him, ♪ "and totally the very dope D-N-A now!" ♪ Kroctus continued to dance in a cocky manner. ♪ "You need a shanty shanty shanty a song. You're the big scary regent that conquers us all, you go:" ♪

And all the animals chorused under the call of his Haki: "NA NANANA, NANANA NANA NANA! LA LALALA LALALA LALA LALA!"

Maybe I can take him by surprise! Deku thought, surging power through his squat legs, his eyes sharp on the Kremling. Kroctus readied to grab him, but Deku sprung to the left, off the ceiling corner, off the floor and past Kroctus, around the walls a few times, continuing to circle the king faster to confuse him. I'm behind him! Now's my chance! Deku sprung toward the king, ready to strike his head with 50% strength.

"DWAAAAAAH!" His head throbbed with a mild pain, but Kroctus seized the chance to snap Deku's leg in his teeth. Deku briefly yelped before bringing up his other foot above Kroctus, only for the king to grab it in his left arm. With fewer options, Deku balled both fists and brought them down like a hammer. At the same time, Kroctus's other fist grabbed his, squeezing them. (End song.)

In those few seconds Deku's hands exploded, the flow of time was irrelevant. He felt as if his mind were transferred to a secluded space, empty and quiet, where he was allowed to roam with his thoughts. What were we thinking coming here? Why did I think I could save Eri-chan… just with my own feelings? We were completely outmatched… He smelled us coming a mile away… He had every confidence that he could win. But how…how will people remember me? Will they be inspired that I died fighting to protect someone? At the very least, I didn't hesitate to rescue Eri as soon as possible. …Or will I die in disgrace because I was way out of my league?

His eyes had gone pale, for it seemed Deku's soul had left him. He lay in disgrace at K. Rool's feet with black and red arms. "I-I-I…Izuku…" Ochaco moaned, tears leaking from her weary eyes.

"He's alive. For now." Kroctus said, lifting the boy over his shoulder. "You want to see Eri, boy? Then I'll grant your wish."

He carried Deku into the laboratory. He held his face directly above Eri's. Both their expressions were milky and dull, and they had no energy left to gasp or cry, even when Deku tried to process her strange new appearance and glowing blue symbols. "There she is, boy. Within your grasp. Arm's length. But how, then, do you plan to escape from here? I suppose if you touched her, that arm will be patched right up. But if I decided to press you against her, you would shrink into the form of a pitiful little baby. Then I would give you to Moge-ko to raise and feed like her own child. I wonder how you would turn out then? Mweh heh heh har!"

The giddy look on K. Rool's face made Toru and Kami sick to their stomachs. Would he actually consider such an awful fate for his defeated opponent? Instead, K. Rool pulled him away and marched out of the room. "You probably would turn out exactly the same. After all, it's basic biology. Though I guess you Superbians wouldn't know a thing about that." Kroctus regrouped with the Gnawty Bros., who were holding Ochaco and Koji. "All you have to do is inhale some Bang Gas or a Devil Fruit and BOOM, you're a hero! Meanwhile, the normal humans of your society are dropped to the bottom of the food chain. I would bet not a single normal Superbian knows a thing about advanced combat. No Haki, no Nature Style, they've all accepted their pitiful DNA!"

"Hey, don't you think you should get him treated?" Kami asked.

"Ah, Kami!" Kroctus whirled around and put an arm over her. "I'm sure you remember the good old days! 'Ooo, normal humans are just as good as metahumans!' What a complete and total LIE! Either people are born with power or they have the passion to train their arses off. That's the law of our universe, do you not agree, Kami?!"

"I don't GIVE a damn!" Kami ducked under his arm and escaped his 'loving' hold. "Can we just go find my daughter already?! If the girl is powered up now, we can see if she can restore Kimaya's life!"

"Not yet!" Kroctus stated. "First, we're going to test that effect on Gruntilda, since she is also in need of a new body. I mean, you wouldn't want something to go horribly wrong with your daughter, do you?"

"…" Unable to find a hole in his logic, Kami bit her tongue.

"Treat this boy if you must, Kami." Kroctus handed Deku to her. "And afterwards, lock him in the brig. Same with those two, LOCK THEM UP!" he ordered the Gnawtys. "HELMSMAN! Detach the ship from the land! Klammy, activate the Blast-O-Matic, it's time for the test run!"

"Aye-aye, Kroctus!" Klammy beamed, excitedly inputting the codes. "Transferring Emotion Chi from Rainbow Crown. Melding it with Time Chi. Mental reduction is set to 3 years old. Shall I target just the operatives or the entire region?"

"Entire region! The more area, the faster! Mrs. Goodwall has already returned to the base. As for the Kremlings, it shouldn't have too much effect on them."

The chest of the base opened, extracting the Blast-O-Matic's pointed cannon. Powerful energy, which altered between rainbow and blue, began to build. The Krackshot Krocks zoomed the target away from the weakened Sector U.A., along with the Pro Heroes who were brought to lay, and focused more broadly on the entire region. "FIRE!!"

A great and colorful beam swept across the zoo and beyond. Rattlesnake Jake retreated to the base's walkway just in time, he and Froppy gazing at the blinding sight. Such power would easily reduce this land to total ashes… but when it all disappeared, not a trace of anything had been changed.

The members of Sector U.A. recovered from the shock… but terrific fear plagued their hearts. They were clearly not at home and their parents were nowhere in sight. Such a revelation would drive any 3-year-old child into despair. These young heroes had little knowledge of the outside world and no capability of taking care of their selves. "W-W-What the heck is this place?! Who the heck are all YOU people?!" Bakugo shouted.

"WAAAAH! I want my mommy!" Mineta cried, jumping into Mina's chest. "Will you be my mommy?!"

"EEEK! Stranger danger!" Mina wept, pushing him off.

"La la la la, I can blow up da world!" Momo sang carefreely as she pulled multiple grenades out of her body and threw them around. "The egg goes boomy, goes boomy, hooray!"

"Hurrrrrrr…" A gloomy Aizawa pulled his shirt up over his head and went to sulk in the corner like the shy man he was.

"IT WORRRRRKED! MWEH HEH HEH HAR!" Kroctus exclaimed, feeling as happy as a little kid himself. "Kremlings, capture those worms and lock them in the factory!"

"Heh heh heh!" Jake laughed, feeling relief. "That old emo birb boi ain't havin' me today!"

"B-But, how come the Kremlings weren't affected by the blast?!" Tsu asked.

"I'll let you in on a secret, sweetie." Jake smirked. "Heard this from them Faunus kids. Apparently, most of these Kremlings are Klones."


"Yep! You musta noticed that poison water goin' across the valley. That all comes from the Kloning Facility under the zoo! Kroctus has a bunch of them, makin' more and more Kremlings by the hour. And because them Klones are already fully matured at birth, they can't be reverted back to baby stages."

In the lab beneath the zoo, there were lines of capsules containing water and sleeping Kremlings. "Of course, depending on how strong you wanna make them, it'll take longer to develop them. That's why the Kremlings only Klone common soldiers and not the Kommanders."

"Besides, we couldn't have two Kommanders trying to kill each other." Mrs. Goodwall inferred. "Now, if you aren't going to eat that girl, Jake, then lock her away."

"Hiss, get off mah tail, Ox Tail."

"Since the test was successful," K. Rool began, "it's time to begin the next phase of our plan! Helmsman, prepare a course for Zootopia!"

"Aye-aye, My Lord!" And so, the mobile island detached from the shore and sailed out to sea.

The Law of the Universe decrees that the Main Character always wins, whether that character is a Hero or a Villain. Sector U.A. were called "Heroes," but they were still antagonists, and I, being the protagonist, have defeated them. With this obstacle cleared, it was time for the next part of my journey.


Intergalactic Travel lists Zootopia as the Number 4 most visited city in the cosmos. A real hotspot for animal and nature lovers, Zootopia is commended for its beautifully structured city with a variety of climates and environments. Animals come in small, normal, and giant sizes, with means to accommodate them all, and this proved convenient for various types of tourists.

It began in the morning when a train full of monkeys drove into the city. Cannons boomed from the train's windows, blasting buildings and streets as the Mobians began crying in fear. Police copters flew over the train, allowing leopard officers to nimbly dive onto the vessel. They broke inside as a cramped and chaotic brawl with the apes commenced.

"Chief Bogo, our men have infiltrated the train." the pilot reported.

"Good! See that they capture every last one of those-" replied the buffalo before he was interrupted.

"Chief, there are five ships coming in from the coast! They kind of look like Viking ships."

"CHIEF! The Rainforest District is under attack! S-Some kind of flying ship with storm clouds!"

As the Forsaken Float loomed imposingly over the rainforest, a storm was brewing under the will of Helmaroc's wings. "CAAAAAAAWWW!" The massive bird FLASHED with lightning, and his feathers became spiked and yellow and black! His powerful electricity descended onto the rainforest, and when it mixed with the water, the citizens suffered serious injuries.

"Mom, look!" a jaguar boy pointed at Helmaroc in awe. "It's the Legendary Pokémon Zapdos—AAAAHH!" He and his mom were struck by lightning.

Hawk officers flew toward Helmaroc and fired bullets, but they were easily destroyed by lightning. The hawks closed in on the giant bird, swiftly dodging his electric feathers. Two of the hawks flew in a circle and combined their firebending, sending a large flaming beam, but Helmaroc quickly flapped his wings and pushed the fire back with wind. However, a third hawk dive-bombed from the sky, intending to impale Helmaroc with a Haki beak. Helmaroc saw him, so the bird fell and allowed the fire beam to continue, causing the hawk to get burned.

"Whoops! Sorry, Hawkins-" said one of the fire hawks, but he and his friend were pecked by Master Necky and Necky Sr., pulling the hawks apart with hook-like beaks. Afterwards, the Neckies coughed giant nuts with bullet speed, aptly hitting the hawks in the nuts. Airships soared into the area and launched missiles, but Helmaroc used lightning to redirect them down to the rainforest, explosions all around. The airships were then shot down by the Forsaken Float's cannons.

"CAAAAW! CAAAAAW!" cheered the Helmaroc King.

"'Silly animals! You're no match for my new power!'" one of the hawks translated. "'Dr. Clown gifted me with the Bird-Bird Fruit, Model: Zapdos, harnessed from the Legendary Bird itself!'"

"Well, if he's confessing to killing a Legendary Bird, then he's asking for a longer sentence!" Bogo stated.

"Ch-Ch-Ch-Chief, y-y-you remember those Viking ships I mentioned? Well, they froze Sahara Square."

"What. The. Frick?"

An ice dragon had been unleashed from Lord Fredrik's horn, turning the desert district into snow. "Ahhh, Schnee Dust's finest." Fredrik said, patting his horn. "Only fitting. I heard Schnee's not very friendly with the Mobians."

Polar bear officers were sent into the area, moving snow away from the freezing camels and other civilians, and using their icebending, they sent waves of snow at the Snowmads. Fredrik easily blew a gap through the snow with his horn, then he imbued the tool with Haki to attack the charging polar bears. Fredrik was trapped inside a chunk of ice, but the bears were struck by feathers from the owl general, Skowl, hindering their bending. Bashmaster, the polar bear Snowmad, charged at his same-species foes and swung his hammer to strike them in one swing. Fredrik escaped from the ice and shot ice fists from the horn to knock the bears out.

Armed trucks drove up, and officers perched their selves on top with miniguns. Fredrik hardened the top of his body and charged for the first truck, knocking the officers off-balance when he rammed it. Fredrik used his great strength to lift the truck and throw it into another one. Fredrik used his horn to blow a wave of snow and topple the third truck over, and then he fired ice chunks into the air to rain onto the fourth truck.

The tiny citizens of Little Rodentia were going about their daily business when Moge-ko peeped over the entrance wall, eying them like a hungry kitten. When she and her Mogekos pounced the fence, the air rang with tiny screams, and the poor rodents were caught in Mogekos' mouths. "This city was begging to be destroyed by a kaiju wannabe. Squish! Smash! Smoosh!" Moge-ko happily kicked buildings down as if they were toys.

General Scales charged through Downtown as he slashed his claws through several citizens. When he licked the blood off, his Prey-Prey Fruit activated, causing the other nearby Mobians to attack those people and feast on them like prey. T-rexes stormed through the city, led by their leader, the Red-Eye King, using their own skulls to crumble buildings. In other parts of town, Lightfoots wielded spears as they nimbly dodged officers and stabbed them. Elephant officers stampeded toward Snowhorns (mammoths), and the prehistoric mammals brought down their modern counterparts with little strife.

Chief Bogo barreled toward Scales and rammed the humanoid carnivore, Scales using Haki to push him back. He tried to cut Bogo's back, but a vest protected him, and the buffalo was able to grab his arm, haul him over, and slam him to the ground. A rhino officer leapt and Ground Pounded Scales, but the Kommander bit the rhino's foot and drank blood. It was then that Bogo was tempted to attack his subordinate and bite him. "AAH! Chief, what are you doing?!"

"I'm sorry! I don't know what's come over me!" Bogo cried. Scales was able to shove them off and recover. In order to restrain himself, Bogo grabbed a muzzle and put it over his own mouth, afterwards throwing furious punches at Scales. The reptile used his sword to block him, spinning and whipping his tail at Bogo's legs to knock him down. The rhino charged at Scales, but the dinosaur sliced off his horn, followed by slashing his cheeks with metal claws, drawing blood as the rhino fainted. Scales proceeded to stamp Bogo in the muzzled face.

The Jungle Division had gone to invade Tundra Town. Leaving his Krewmen to raise havoc, Manky Kong was sitting before a group of polar bears with his arms crossed. "In a few hours, this entire city will be under Kremling Krew kontrol." Manky told the mafia. "Now, since you're a crime syndicate in this land, I would like to offer you the chance to work for us. Do so and we can promise you control of the city. If you don't, you'll end up as K. Rool's slaves. Is that a fair compromise?"

From far away, it looked like the tallest polar bear was the boss. However, it was actually the little tuxedo-wearing mouse in his hand, Mr. Big. "Well, when ya put it that way, it looks like I can't refuse." the mouse replied. "Alright, I'll bite. On one condition: there's someone else I want you to protect."

Far north of the city, ZPD Officers Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde were bolting across the bridge to the Grand Hall. "Good thing the chancellor is still on holiday, huh Carrots?" Nick said.

"Yeah, and she'll have our jobs if she comes back and finds this mess—WHOA!" Two gushes of water sprouted up and smashed onto the bridge trying to catch them. Two teenage Fishkids, a boy and girl, leapt onto the bridge, but they were actually fish Faunus. Judy swiftly dodged their Water Whips and sprung at them with headbutts, and while they were down, Nick zapped them into submission with a Taser.

Their ears perked up, and Nick ducked to dodge a whip, wielded by the invisible chameleon Faunus, Ilia Amitola. From the direction of the Grand Hall, Adam Taurus and Sienna Khan blocked the officers' route, weapons at the ready. "Why are you White Fang still causing us trouble?" Judy asked. "The city began to accept Faunus ages ago."

"Open your eyes, Long Ears." Adam stated. "The White Fang were born from hatred and we LIVE off of hatred! Prejudice doesn't just go away, it lives inside all of us, and K. Rool is going to wake it up!"

"'Guess not everyone is keen on evolving." Nick figured. The fox fired a Shock Rod at Sienna, who dodged and whipped her Chain Whip in turn. Nick was caught in Ilia's whip, suffering a shock, but Judy hopped behind Ilia and kicked her into Adam. Now free, Nick ran around Sienna with swift speed, confusing the captain before landing a few direct hits with the Shock Rod.

Adam tried to cut Judy with his sword Wilt, the rabbit dodging and leaping to kick him when a chance presented itself. "Attention all Krewmen, this is Manky Kong." A voice spoke in Adam's earpiece. "I've just made an alliance with the mafia, but in return, they request the safe capture of a rabbit named 'Judy Hopps.'"

"What?!" Adam questioned, glancing at Judy's badge. "Well, isn't this your lucky day, little bunny." Adam turned his sword and pulled back, locking tight on the officer in question. He focused intently on her quick movements, and found the perfect chance to zip past her and CLONK her in the head with the back of Wilt. Such a move would normally kill his opponent, but in this case, Judy was knocked clean out.

"Carrots!" Nick yelled, but Sienna's Chain Whip slashed him in the hip.

The White Fang heard a terrific splash and saw the Grand Hall being enveloped in a great gush of poison water, controlled by Ineptune. "By the time the army or the Kids Next Door get here, it'll be too late. They'll have fallen into our trap!"

Hours later, all ZPD officers were defeated, and all the Mobian citizens were being forcibly escorted to Downtown. Among them were all the Mobians that the pirates had captured beforehand from various regions. It was around this time that the Hideout Helm was sailing from the horizon. "Right on schedule!" Fredrik smirked. "Time to see if the project is a success. Clear all the Krewmen away from town! We don't wanna be caught up in this blast!"

King Kroctus breathed the scent of the Mobian sea as he stood within the mouth of the fortress. "I may have Kommand over several territories, but one thing I don't have that Big Mom has is my own planet. Ideally, the perfect planet for me is one dominated by animals. But because Mobians are so intelligent, my Conqueror's Haki will do little to control them. However, all Mobians have the mannerisms of common animals in their first couple years of life. All I need to do is revert their mentalities to infant age, and their strength will be mine to Kommand! KLAMMY, PREPARE THE CANNON!"

Medical wing

Deku's consciousness returned to him as Kami finished wrapping his arms and legs in bandages. "I never wanted things to go this far." Kami said. "If I was forced to work with K. Rool, I at least wanted to try and protect the people he hurts. I just wanted Kimaya to return safely from her mission so we could spend the rest of our lives in peace. I'm really sorry for what we're doing to your friend… but if there's even a slim chance she can restore Kimaya's flesh, I had to take it."

"I don't want to hear your excuses." Deku replied hoarsely. "If you're not going to help us, then I don't care."

"Hmmm…" Kami sighed before facing up at the monitor, which displayed the king overlooking Zootopia. "If I were any younger, I would be just like him. I would be shouting at him to help my daughter or I would kick his ass all the way across the planet. But I just don't have the strength to hold true to it. While I was trying to live a normal life, he got stronger… and now, even I shrink in his Conqueror's Haki."

"FIRE!!" Kroctus bellowed. The Blast-O-Matic unleashed its beam once again, the Kommanders gazing in awe as it lay a direct blow to City Hall. The Mobians screamed as it erupted into a blinding explosion, swallowing all within Downtown's borders. There were roars, caws, and squeaks as every Mobian in the city began rampaging like wild animals. Hearing all this mayhem, King Kroctus spread his Haki all the way across town. Immediately, all the mindless animals ceased and faced the ominous floating fortress.

"BY THE POWER vested in me, by the almighty Leptys, I pronounce myself your RULER! At last, I can truly take my place as Supreme King of Animalia! Zootopia will serve as our new base of operations! But it will not stop there. My Kremlings have already deployed satellites into this world's atmosphere, programmed to redirect the Blast-O-Matic's laser across the globe. One by one, we will target every major nation and city until EVERY LAST Mobian has been reverted to primitive stages!"

"ROOOOOOAAAAAARRRR!" roared all his Kommanders.

"Now then, I suspect Kids Next Door operatives will be here any minute. I see no reason why we can't assimilate them as well. A new age on Planet Mobius begins now!"

"Marvelous, simply marvelous!" Klammy Rool beamed. "I'll start recharging the cannon posthaste!"

"P-Please…please…" Klammy cocked a brow, hearing Eri's hoarse voice. "Please let me heal Deku-san…"

"Sorry, dear, but my brother doesn't need any more nuisances. We're going to konquer Mobius and you're going to stay put and feed us more energy!"

"Well, what about me?!" Klammy then looked over to Harvey Harper, who was restrained by two Kops. "You promised you would free my friends if I helped with your project!"

"We're not finished with you yet, boy! We may still need your emotionbending to repower the Rainbow Crown. But don't worry, we'll free your friends as soon as we completely take over Mobius."

"Sigh… Had a feeling you'd say that." Harvey said in defeat. I really hope Madotsuki was able to spread the message.

Kami escorted Deku to the prison wing, the boy obediently following her. With no sign of resistance, he walked into the holding cell where Koji, Ochaco, and Asui were placed. The shutter-door sealed them in, and two Kops stood guard. "Hey, Nurse, patch my wounds up next!" Jake hissed. "That kiddo cut me good!"

"Go treat yourself!"

"Hmph!" Jake slithered away in a huff.

Kami turned to leave, mentally hoping they had an escape plan. She felt someone tap her back and angrily turned, "I don't really feel like talking… now?" To her confusion, nobody was there.

"You seem like you don't like K. Rool."

Kami gasped, hearing a close-by voice, yet seeing nothing. "Don't panic!" the voice said in a whisper. "I'm Invisible Girl! I'm with Sector U.A., too."

"Invisible… Girl?" Kami reached and felt around. She gasped when she felt a solid mass.

"Listen, I don't suppose you have your own email account?"

"Um, I do. Why?"

"Would you be willing to send an email to my school? It would really help if they know the situation."

"Um, okay, I guess."

"Great! I really appreciate it, Ms. Kami!"

"Hehe…" Kami blushed. It lightened her conscience to be able to help these operatives.

Deku could only stare at his bandaged hands as they sat defeated in their cell. Froppy crawled to the corner of her cell, a glob traveling up her throat, and Kodai was ejected from her mouth. The doll-size girl was quivering from the dampness and her fear. "I'm sorry, Yui. If I had spat you out, he might've eaten you."

"I-i-i-it's fine. Tsu… are we going to be okay?"

"I don't know… Hey, Deku. I don't suppose you have a plan?"

"There's nothing else we can do." Deku replied. "We were outmatched and the rest of our group is captured. We'll just have to hope the GKND or someone come to our rescue."

"Deku…" Ochaco had never seen Deku in such despair. She wanted to give him courage, reinvigorate his fighting spirit and follow him to an otherwise impossible victory. But they were utterly humiliated, half their sector against one opponent and they were defeated. Perhaps it was up to a greater army of operatives to step in with a much higher chance of victory, and hope they could defeat K. Rool, his Kommanders, and his army. But even if they were rescued, this experience would haunt Deku for life. In his mind, he failed to rescue or keep Eri safe and he disgraced his Kids Next Door.

One week later

"Tragedy continues to befall the world of Mobius as the Kremling Krew lay devastating blows across the planet." Linda reported on Intergalactic News.

"Indeed, it has been one week since the first attack on Zootopia was recorded." Morbo followed. "The Kremlings struck almost out of nowhere, but have made swift work in marking the planet's largest capitals as their own. The lesson here is, a puny human like Dr. Eggman had no chance of dominating a world of animals. Even if he spent his entire life trying to rule Mobius, a superior animal such as King K. Rool was able to accomplish the same task in less than a day."

The clouds submitted to the whim of the Helmaroc King's wings, so only darkness covered Zootopia's sky. A gigantic flag of the Krew's Jolly Roger towered over City Hall, flapping in the wind, alongside smaller flags of the Snowmad, Sharpclaw, White Fang, and even Specter's logos.

"Seems like a fair trade." Mr. Big said as a primal Nick Wilde brought them some glasses of juice, carrying a tray on his head. "But I'm curious… how much is your king planning to Revert? The entire world?"

"As far as I know, only the major nations. Then perhaps the rest of Mobius will follow."

Moge-ko became the ruler of Rodentia, sitting on a throne in the middle of the tiny town while primal mice were tending to her feet. "Eeny meeny miney mouse, catch my supper by its—you." She snatched an unsuspecting mouse and ate him in one bite.

Sahara Square was the only district the clouds didn't cover, and it served as the White Fangs' new base. The Sharpclaw Pirates occupied the Meadowlands, with lots of space for their dinosaurs to roam and chase Mobians as much as they pleased.

Rattlesnake Jake was swiftly dodging bullets from Mobian rebels in a downtown street. He fired an electric sphere from his tail at one soldier, and it linked the other soldiers with electricity, knocking them out. "You on the other side of the law now, pardners!" Jake declared, flashing his gold sheriff badge.

King K. Rool sat in the open mouth of Hideout Helm, guzzling a barrel of grape juice as the Blast-O-Matic unleashed another beam to the heavens. Trusting his brother's calculations, he knew that another major city had been Reverted to primal stages. He finished the barrel in seconds and placed it on Bogo's back, the former police chief crawling away. "Isn't life beautiful, Kami?! This is what happens when you persevere! Not only are the Kremlings conquering Mobius, but the Brotherhood agents that were sent to Sweetopia have stolen one of Big Mom's own generals! If The Butcher cooperates with us, I will have the Royal Linlin Cake in my treasury!"

"Mm-hm." Kami was beyond uninterested. "We still haven't saved Kimaya, yet."

"You know, Kami, it must be engrained into your DNA to put a downer on everyone's good time. Look, I just sent word to Gruntilda, we're going to test Eri's ability on her. …Oh, there she is now!"

A honey comb ship descended and hovered near the open mouth. A robotic body marched off, a glass container in place of a head, containing a crescent-shaped skull. "This weapon you found must live up to the hype! Give me a body, K. Rool, or I'll hit you with a pipe!"

"Right this way, Gruntilda." K. Rool pushed himself off the chair and marched into the base. "Klammy, Grunty is here! Shut down the machine for a moment."

"Okay, Brother." The scientist obeyed, and the pipe that was sucking on Eri's horn detached itself. "Good news, Golden Hive Colony, your people can keep their intelligence for a few moments longer. Though considering they are Charmy's people, perhaps they haven't much intelligence to spare."

Kroctus and Grunty entered the laboratory as the latter's robotic body lifted the skull out of its container. "Just very quickly touch her body. With the amount of power she is producing, there's no telling how much she can Revert you."

With caution, the robotic body held Grunty closer, touching the tip of her chin to Eri. In a sudden FLASH, a body of bones formed under her skull, then guts, organs, and flesh, as if her body was Rewinding through the process of decay. Gruntilda pushed the robot down and backed away from the girl quickly.

"Ack kack…ack kack… RAK KA HA HA HA HA HA!" Gruntilda felt immense weight on her own feet, as she completely forgot how it felt to have a real body. The sight of her own green, long-nailed hands, and the bulbous belly that blocked the floor, filled her with pure glee. "All these ages I couldn't sleep… The years I've gone without seeing my feet… TIME FOR THIS BOD TO HIT THE STREET!"

"OH, FOR GOD'S SAKE!" Kami cried, immediately shielding her eyes. Kroctus joined her in blindness, for no one could bear to look at the horrid sight.

"Oh, look at yourself, K. Rool! You're naked AND green, you big old tool!" Gruntilda argued.

"FIND A PAIR OF CLOTHES or I'll skin you back to BONES!" Kroctus bellowed.

"Luckily, I had some in here." Grunty opened a trunk on her former robot body, using magic to quickly dress herself in her classic black attire. "In case my beauty drove you to fear. And speaking of which, you might like to see, what a certain bitch has been up to lately!" Grunty snapped her fingers and poofed a newspaper into being.

Kroctus took the paper, and his eyes widened upon seeing the headline. "WHAT?!" He hastily skimmed the article in question. "Impossible! I can't BELIEVE Mandy has already conquered a planet while I'm just getting started with this one!"

"She has?" Kami asked, curious.

"But of course she cheated. Just look at this article! She always takes the easy way, never getting her hands dirty."

"Well, that sort of works in our favor. We would've had to attack her to rescue my daughter, so while we're doing that, we can ruin her victory party."

"Hurrr… Since the test on Gruntilda has proven successful, I suppose I can't make excuses, anymore. But this complicates things, Kami. In order to crush Mandy's military, as well as her spirits, I'll need to bring all the Reverted Mobians I can amass! Klammy, restart the machine!" The king stomped out of the room. Kami was about to protest, but soon realized such a task was pointless with him. "We're going to blast five more towns, then we'll gather the Mobians before making preparations."

"Are you certain invading Mandy's forces is a good idea? When the Brotherhooders steal Big Mom's cake and bring it here, you'll have to fight them, too." Klammy reasoned.

"There hasn't been Four Pirate Emperors alive at the same time in nearly 200 years. In these past few months, we've been at each other's throats. The Pirate Wars are going to begin again, so if we try to avoid battling two or three crews at once, we'll shame the pirate world. In fact, I think around the same time the villains bring us the cake, we will attack the Boogey Pirates! And I'm positive the Sky God Pirates will be attracted to the conflict, desperate to liberate the planets from our rule."

"Wait just a minute!" Kami shouted. "It's going to be hard enough invading Mandy's forces, why are we dragging the other pirates into it?! Saving Kimaya's going to be impossible!"

"I made it clear that I'm only following your requests out of kindness. They are not my priority."

"Why do you want to start a war with them, anyway?!"

"Because I am a strict follower of the tradition of pirating. According to the Pirates' Code, the title of Pirate King is rewarded to the single strongest pirate in all the worlds. The Pirate Wars took place because the Emperors at the time sought that very title. And whoever achieved the rank of King would amass the crews of the other Emperors, creating the largest band of outlaws in the universe!"

"So, you wanna beat the other Emperors just to prove you're the strongest pirate?"

"While I do have every intent to win, it won't matter if I lose. As soon as there's a Pirate King, my good friend Bowser will step in and steal their crown. He will shatter Queen Sherry, he will smash Lord Mandy, and he'll squeeze Skaios in the palm of his hand. Then, with all of our armies at his disposal, the Kids Next Door will be powerless!"

"Fine, but I'm staying out of it. If you don't mind, I'll be thinking up a strategy to locate and rescue Kimaya. And I would appreciate it if you had a transport ready for us after I restore her."

"It's a deal. I'll also lend you as many Kremlings as you need."

"Sigh… Thanks." With a calmer mind, Kami walked upstairs to her room. Kroctus watched her leave in silence.

"Some ladies are just too hard to please, ain't they?" Kroctus perked up at the country accent, glancing back as Jake slithered up.

"On break from patrol, are we?"

"Yeh, and Ah couldn't help but overhear." Jake casually slithered around the king. "Why you put up with a skinny little harlot like that?"

Kroctus STOMPED the snake, acid hacking out of his mouth like a hose. "She may be a weakling, but I still treasure our battle. I respect any opponent that is able to give me a challenge. Besides… as much as I hate to admit it, I did kill her father. Therefore, saving her daughter is the least I can do. But I still must maintain my authority. I am the top DNA and I must prove it."

"COUGH! Respect, en't it? I know a thing or two about that. What about them Superbian kids? They weren't good enough for ya?"

"Ever since I was reborn, I've yet to find anyone that could reignite my drive. Those metahumans were no different. But that is why I am determined to win the Pirate Wars, because when I'm crowned King, Bowser will have to fight ME!"

"Ah thought you were on the same side?"

"Of course we are. We've been friends since childhood, and that's exactly why I must be the one to fight him! The two strongest reptiles facing off will be a battle to be remembered for ages! At last, someone who's worthy of my Golden Fury!"

"G-Golden Fury?"

"I may not be a Haki Master, but I was still able to develop a Fury Mode exclusive to my Armament Haki."

"Good golly, you have to show me!"

"I only use it for opponents who are worthy, which so far has been no one. When I battle the Emperors, you may get to see it, though I personally hope they won't earn the honor."

"I know a good opponent! Nigel Uno, from Planet Earth! Let's lure him up here and you can thrash him!"

"You do realize that boy has been dead for three years, right?"

Jake's pupils shrunk. "Beg pardon?"

"Yes. Earth's former rulers did him in. Now, get back to your post." Kroctus returned to the laboratory. Jake bowed his head and took off his hat in respect.

Kroctus approached Eri once again, gazing at her with interest. "There is one thing you've yet to tell me, however. You called yourself a tool… but what kind of tool are you?"

"This Truth Potion will make her talk." Gruntilda replied, taking a bottle out of her robot. "Or else it's the plank you will walk!"

"There's no need." Eri replied in a calm tone. "Even if he knows what I am… I won't let him use me."

"Heh heh heh. And what do you call this situation?" Kroctus asked humorously.

"When that woman unlocked my mind, I remembered my true identity. I am not just a Time Demon… I am the Infinity Weapon, Etherion."

"Eth…Etherion?" Kroctus grew even more intrigued. "Infinity Weapon?"

"A weapon that which possesses infinite power. There are only four in existence, but I don't know of the other ones. But what I do know… is that we choose our masters. And I… do not choose you."

"Is that so?" Kroctus asked, glaring suspiciously.

"Yes. The one I choose to wield me is Deku-san. You can absorb my chi all you want… but I will not allow you to wield me. I know Deku-san will escape and save me… and when he does, you should be worried."

"That sounds like a lot of fun, actually. But if you possess infinite power, then tell me this: do you have the potential to destroy the gods? To erase them from existence?"

"… … Yes."

"Then if I were to defeat Emperor Skaios and force him to touch you, I would be rid of him?!"

"If anyone touches me for too long, they will indeed be erased. Yes."

"Then it is time for the Pirate Wars to begin!"

Planet Hyrule; Castle Town

"BIG NEEEEEEWS!" cried Big Bird, recording the exciting ceremony that was transpiring. "For nearly 4,000 years, the Kingdom of Hyrule has been without its true ruler! Princess Zelda and the royal family remained on Earth while her people have migrated to a new planet. Although a stand-in family have managed the kingdom, they have left the throne unoccupied, forever awaiting their princess's return. At long last, that time is now… but just LOOK WHO IT IS!!"

This should have been a wonderful moment for the Hyruleans, for every single race and the rulers of every region were in attendance. Yet, the once-happy citizens sulked in fear of the demons that overfilled their town. A squat minister approached the queen at the top of the towering altar, gently placing the crown over her horn-shaped blonde hair. "Um… a-all hail the new Queen of Hyrule, the descendant of Princess Zelda." And she stood as all citizens were forced to meet her terrifying glare. "Mandy McKenzie! May she lead our world to ever-lasting glory!"