New real estate

When I came to be I was laying on a plain bed all alone in the middle of nowhere.

It felt like I just had a bleak dream but I knew.

"Fucking hell… It wasn't a dream."

As I slowly stood up remembering everything I had learned I couldn't help but get a headache.

This situation is such a mess.

I'm grateful not having to live on the run in constant paranoïa but this situation wasn't much better…

My first priority is to turn this place into a death trap capable of protecting me and the Dungeon core he talked about.

And if it's the kind of Dungeon core I'm thinking about I need to find it immediately.

I immediately looked around for anything that stood out from the boredom of this place.

A sphere, some kind of crystal, something shiny, anything that didn't look disgusting really.

After a while of randomly walking I saw a large shape in the distance.

Walking closer I immediately recognized what it was.

Daisy was sleeping on the floor, rolled up and hugging a basketball sized crystal ball.

Within it was a green star surrounded by a twirling hurricane of black smoke shining faintly.

And it felt familiar, no that's an understatement.

It felt as if I was looking at myself in a mirror.


[Horror summoning system]

Kei Kuroishi

Race : Ư̸͍̺̗̥̞̠̣̻̲̓̈̓̍n̵̨̝̝͍͎͕̝̚͜k̷̯̹̓̈̔̀͌͝n̵͚̰̼̙̑̉͛̓͐̚͠o̵͉͝w̷̜̬̒̌̌́̚ṅ̸͓̤̀͂͊̓̑͊͊ ̷̢̨̲̱̻͓͇͖̫̾̽͒͂̑̒ȩ̷͇͈̺̈̎͆͒̑͋̎̊͆͝n̵̩̬̪͙̻̻̬̊͜t̴̡̢̪͇͚̜͚̒͊͋̈́́̍̆͆͋͊i̵̻̺̹͓̅̒̏̒͆͊̒̌̈́t̷̛͎̬̠͂y̶̟̰̹̼̻̠̼̪̤͆̋ͅ

Class : Architect of curses and despair

Height : 1.90 cm / 6.2 feet

Weight : 75 kg

Age : 21

Kills : 107 125

[Stats]: 124

Rage : 8

Stalk : 22

Ruthlessness : 21

Deception : 14

Cunning : 23

Chase : 19

Terror : 17





-Realms (Locked)


[Corrupted skill tree ]


The sphere's texture wasn't actually smooth like a crystal ball, it felt more like… a fish egg.

My hands felt like they were melting into it and my head became fuzzy.

I stood there for an unknown amount of time as my mind simply went blank.

So I took my hands off of it and pondered.

My goal hasn't changed, I want to survive at any cost.

Which reminded me of something I had completely overlooked.

My class, Architect of curses and despair.

As an architecture major it didn't strike me as strange at first but now that I'm thinking about it, it does feel like a strange class to have.

I've never heard of such a class in role playing games…

Is it perhaps a production class? Or a debuff support?


Architect of curses and despair :

A Jack of all trades more persistent than a roach. You stand out through your imagination and your sly nature.

All tricks are fair play, traps, curses and deceit are your strongest weapons which you use to drive your enemies insane through endless torture.

May your hands be cleansed by the blood shed from your foes as they end themselves out of madness.


"I see… So I pulled this atlas or whatever probably as a result of having this class. An item that stores all my curses given to a bastard that likes to think like a rat, this couldn't have fallen into worse hands hehehe~"

I then taped onto the Cursed skill tree icon and as its name suggested a new screen on which a pale tree emitting a faint crimson luster popped up.


Corrupted skill tree :

Skill seeds in your possession : 0

Tier 1, root :




Tier 2, trunk : (Locked)

-x3 ?

-x3 ?

-x3 ?

Tier 3, branches : (Locked)

-x9 ?

-x9 ?

-x9 ?

Tier 4, leaves : (Locked)

-x21 ?

-x21 ?

-x21 ?

Tier 5, ϱ̷͎̭͔͑̾̎l̴̦̠͚̋̋̃ȋ̴̲̲͙̌̈Ɉ̵͕̘͔̃̔͝ɔ̵̢̤͍̈́̔͠ʜ̵̣̙̪͊̓͂ǝ̸̬͍͈̒͐͝b̴̭͈͉͑̈́̚ :




(Multiple choices from the same tier can be selected.)


Interesting… Although I do not have any Skill seeds at the moment I am certain that I'll be able to specialize my skill set in the future.

Daisy, who had been quietly watching me from below, slowly stood up and faced me.

"Morning, have you slept well?"

She simply nodded and kept staring at me through her cloudy eyes.

"Is there anything you want to ask me?"

She moved a little as if to show that she was uncomfortable before uttering a single word.


I waited for her to say something else but she stayed silent. It was the first time I met someone more antisocial than me and it felt pretty annoying.

"Home huh… Do you want me to make you a home?"

Once again she nodded.

I didn't really know the details of this whole creation thing so I simply followed the instructions that the tutorial gave me.

"I have to imagine what I want to create…"

It's important to stay calm, I'm an architecture student, this is nothing new.

I imagined myself standing in front of my desk, a large piece of paper in front of me.

No, that doesn't help.

So I imagined something else.

Depths of the keep IV

A city management and strategy game I liked to play in my free time.

This is a super flat map with no natural obstacles or resources.

And I need to build an unbeatable and inescapable death trap upon it.

And a cozy home for Daisy and I…

The unknown, lies, chaos, deception… Those are the best weapons I possess.

There are so many situations I can get inspiration from, and I need to blend them together the best I can.

"Ha, haha, hahahahakaka… I know what I'll make."


A lean man standing in the middle of a wasteland spontaneously started laughing like a maniac.

Even the cold faced beauty standing behind him raised an eyebrow at his eccentric behavior.

The man didn't mind as he stretched his long and thin arm in front of him.

The insane smile plastered on his face widened, showing his sharp white teeth.

His wrist started moving as if he were conducting an orchestra.

The floor in front of him started bubbling as pieces of liquid concrete flowed to the surface.

Soon the phenomenon spread all around him, further and further in the same grid like pattern.

Traffic lights, signs, benches and other miscellaneous road constructs grew out of the concrete like plants before shifting in shape and color to mimic human objects.

In the empty plots of land, humongous skyscrapers rose like pillars of judgment.

But their contents seemed hollow, as if they were just a background to serve whatever insane plots this place would serve.

The young man spoke again after his hour long creation had finished.

"Welcome… To the city of deceit, the silent Seattle."

He snickered to himself, making strange and disturbing faces in the process before speaking once again.

"It seems like I still have a decent amount of miasma left… Let's make this new home a little more… welcoming."

1115 words