First hunt

"Shit, shit, shit. RUN! Those ghouls will soon catch up to us!"

*Pant* *Pant*

"I won't be able to run for much longer, my Stamina is running out!"

Two humans wearing worn out sportswear were running through an empty and devastated city road, behind them, a sea of undead creatures was running after them.

As they arrived at an intersection, the larger figure cried out," Look over there! There's a Dungeon Crack!"

"This isn't the time to raid one of those hellish domains! Run you moron!"

"NO ! We can't outrun them all! We need to hide! Hide inside the Dungeon!"

"WHAT!? Are you out of your mind!?"

The man grunted.

"Just shut up and follow me!"

Against the advice of his friend, the man rushed to the floating, mystical crack and leaped into it headfirst.

"GAHH that moron!"

The other hooded figure said so but still followed in the end, jumping into the crack as several decomposed ghouls grazed the back of her leg.

The ghouls that were furiously chasing her quickly stopped, scattering in search of other prey.

Only one lightly clothed woman remained.

It was unknown whether she was hidden within the group of undead or whether she had arrived afterwards.

What was important however was the incredibly attractive smile she was showing as she swiftly entered the crack seconds before it closed behind her.


Two individuals crashed into a wide and empty street.

"Haha we did it! We're safe!"

"This is insane! What are we supposed to do now!?"

"We just need to wait for the ghouls to scatter and then we can go back out through the po-"

As he pointed to the place they appeared from he saw something that chilled him to the bone.

"Why are you making such a face?"

The smaller figure pushed back her hood and looked over her shoulder. Her face shook in horror as she saw.

That the crack had disappeared.

After hours of aimlessly, wandering through the endless city streets, the two haggard individuals cautiously spoke, carefully keeping their weapons on hand.

"Are you sure we're not still in Seattle? This place doesn't feel like a dungeon… There's not a single monster or disturbing buildings in sight." The woman stopped and flinched as she heard a noise, but it was just a dirty newspaper floating in the wind.

"I'm certain, I can feel a lot more miasma here than outside and it feels like something is watching us. Unlike the outside that is filled with ghouls, monsters and pieces of shit like the plunderers, this feeling is more like a single powerful demonic beast is stalking us."

The man momentarily stopped, looking beside him where his friend had been, but just like the portal they had left a few minutes prior, she had disappeared without a trace.

He anxiously slammed the crooked staff he held in his hand and tightened his grip.

"ʂɛყɛ ყɱ ơɬ ɬąɛཞɧɬ ɛɧɬ ɛɛʂ ɛɱ ʂɬɛƖ ɬąɧɬ ɬɧɠıƖ ɛɧɬ ,ɬɧɠıʂ ɛɱ ɠŋıཞც ɛʄıƖ ყąɱ, Eyes of life!"

Even after chanting a spell in a soothing voice, his complexion didn't seem to improve as if he hadn't found what he was looking for.

His shining green eyes which seemed to have gained the ability to see living beings darted around, but the same monotone gray landscape was all he could see.

As he tried to take his staff off the ground to cancel his spell, the man felt the resistance stopping him from doing so.

As he looked down, he saw the concrete upon which he stood was bubbling, sticking to and pulling on his staff and feet like quicksand made out of tar.


He didn't even have time to exclaim as his entire body was swallowed by the ground.

Nothing was left of him on the surface.

Maybe he was still alive for now but one thing was certain, that man and his companion would never see the sky in their lifetime.

The city above was once again completely silent, carefully monitored by two individuals high above.

"The sight is breathtaking isn't it?"

The young looking man, Kei, spoke gently while leaning against the large skyscraper window.

The girl next to him simply looked outside at the wide city that still didn't seem complete.

"Boring… No water… or forest… Can't hunt."

Her melodious voice was still as hesitant as when she was first summoned.

But it seemed like she was now ready to share her opinion openly.

Kei held his hand on his chin.

"Alright, we still need a little more miasma to make a decent looking sea and forest for you to hunt, please be patient for a while."

The girl didn't react but to Kei this meant she understood.

Her entire attention seemed to be focused on the small figure slowly disappearing below.

"Well it seems like those two rats have finally chosen how to die. It's a shame they didn't enter any buildings and just stood still on the road. The gluttonous street is arguably the most boring out of all my little traps."

Daisy let out a small sigh.

"You… used to be human… no remorse?"

Kai, who was still leaning against the window, slowly turned around, his face going back and forth between a smile and a frown.

"Haa… Not really. To be honest it's been a while since I've last felt anything humane. The only cases where I actually felt happy were when I summoned you and created this whole ghost city…"

He stepped closer to her.

He gestured some things with his hands, making furniture materialize in the otherwise empty room.

"I might have once been human but now I have become something else. And after a millennia of survival and bloodshed, I might have become addicted to the taste~"

Kai stared down at Daisy, his eyes shining in a savage luster.

"But you don't mind right? I can feel that you're just like me, a hunter, so you must have felt it too right? The hunt isn't over~hehe."

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