Long time no see... sis?

Today I've finally found it, the portal leading to the chaos emissary's dungeon!

From what Sylas of Envy told me, this bastard only recently became chaos's pawn and his dungeon isn't even a month old!

The gate is still in the form of an unstable crack, which means he has never even come out to the human realm to stabilize it and place it at a specific point.

Although it makes it annoying to track, it also means that he couldn't have built up his Dungeon properly.

He should have set up a proper siphon to harvest the energies from this world, such a fool.

What's that noise?

Tch, two pathetic monkeys are rushing over here followed by a horde of ghouls, if they keep on going they'll ruin everything!

No wait! This could be an opportunity!

If I were to enter the portal, he would be notified that someone came to invade his domain but if I went in after those hecklers he wouldn't be able to know how many entered.

Ha~ He probably doesn't even know how to handle his Dungeon properly!

I'm so smart.

After waiting for a short time, the humans finally reached me and passed right by without even noticing me.

Of course they couldn't even feel the slightest bit of my presence, such weaklings.

While there's a chance that they'll keep running I prefer to keep things in my grasp, so I sent out a little breath of my pink love dust that they inhaled, making the two of them leap right in.

Oh~ how easily manipulated apes are.

They are barely smarter than those ghouls who give up their hunt immediately after loosing sight of their prey~

I swiftly entered the hell crack before it could close.

After arriving on the other side I was quite surprised to say the least.

The chaos herald has an interesting taste for a devil~

Modeling his first floor to look just like human architecture of such modern monumentality is quite sadistic. Although it's very displeasing to the eye.

The two humans that were thrown in disarray by their situation were of no interest to me, they were bound to die anyway.

As I calmly walked through these pleasantly silent streets, I was able to make many fun discoveries.

While the devil in charge of this place had poor aesthetic tastes, he actually had complex and novel ideas.

If I guessed correctly from the miasma that I can sense, this first floor is made to encourage prey to enter these towers.

The roads have the function to swallow weak prey alive if they stopped moving while standing on them.

This forces prey that wish to rest or hide into the buildings where different traps are present on every floor of every tower.

I'm really happy the herald of Envy told me about this newbie devil, he actually has a lot of potential.

Ah~ I'm blushing at the thought of having him or her at my feet already~

Having him look up at me, begging for my love~

Oh~? I sense something…

Speak of the devil, I actually just found him.

That skyscraper over there, I can feel the aura of a being on the top floor~

"Yaa~ I'm so excited that I'll soon see my new pet!"



[Horror summoning system]

Kei Kuroishi

Race : Ư̸͍̺̗̥̞̠̣̻̲̓̈̓̍n̵̨̝̝͍͎͕̝̚͜k̷̯̹̓̈̔̀͌͝n̵͚̰̼̙̑̉͛̓͐̚͠o̵͉͝w̷̜̬̒̌̌́̚ṅ̸͓̤̀͂͊̓̑͊͊ ̷̢̨̲̱̻͓͇͖̫̾̽͒͂̑̒ȩ̷͇͈̺̈̎͆͒̑͋̎̊͆͝n̵̩̬̪͙̻̻̬̊͜t̴̡̢̪͇͚̜͚̒͊͋̈́́̍̆͆͋͊i̵̻̺̹͓̅̒̏̒͆͊̒̌̈́t̷̛͎̬̠͂y̶̟̰̹̼̻̠̼̪̤͆̋ͅ

Class : Architect of curses and despair

Height : 1.90 cm / 6.2 feet

Weight : 75 kg

Age : 21

Kills : 107 125

[Stats]: 124

Rage : 8

Stalk : 22

Ruthlessness : 21

Deception : 14

Cunning : 23

Chase : 19

Terror : 17





-Realms (Locked)


[Corrupted skill tree ]


I was laying on the absurdly large bed I had created for myself, playing with the different icons and game windows floating in front of me.

My stats now made a lot more sense to me.

They were like traditional stats present in RPG games that had a negative twist implemented into them or had a similar effect.

In short,

Strength => Rage

Perception => Stalk

Endurance => Ruthlessness

Charisma => Deception

Intelligence => Cunning

agility => Chase

luck => Terror

For example, the rage stat was actually just the strength stat, it increases my physical strength and instincts but in exchange the probability of being taunted and entering a berserk state are increased.

Terror is a good example of the latter. Instead of increasing my luck it increases the dread and bad luck I emit, making enemies around me more susceptible to making mistakes.

It also has a rather self explanatory influence on my way to lead and influence others.

The system also added an interesting note.

[Stats have synergies with certain skills and races, some sinful stats can modify the owner's mind and physical appearance depending on his synergies.]

I also checked on some of the skills and achievements I had obtained but my research was cut short.


My mind halted for a second.

Who just knocked on my bedroom door??

There was nobody here except for me.

I had just sent Daisy back into my summoner inventory to try out how it worked so it couldn't be her.

Thoughts continued to cross my mind as the door slowly opened.

And beyond it was… a girl?

Wait, she looks familiar…

Isn't this my sister?

Oh~ right, my sister!

Hold on… my sister?

I don't remember thinking about her during my time in hell but I have a distinct memory of her now…

Did I forget her because of my situation back then?

"Heya big bro~ I made some pancakes, want some?"

I put up a gentle smile.

"Of course!"