Fairy tales need songs

"Hmm~ hm hm hm~ hmm hmm~"

I started humming in an upbeat tempo, lyrics of a song I had made myself coursing through my mind.

One step to the left, a little turn and a step to the right~

The demoness exclaimed in surprise.

"Huh? Why are you humming? Oh you want to woo me now that you know you're going to lose right~ right~"

She clumsily threw a bottle at me before slashing her claws through the smoke.

Attacks I easily dodged with a little step to the side and a step back.

My body started feeling lighter and became relaxed.

Even though I heard the slashes through the smoke barely missing me I paid them no mind and continued humming like a carefree child lost in a misty forest.

"In the abyss I am lost~!

Can you hear it? The heartbeat stops~

There's no grave in which to lie~

Some hopes~ are simply meant to die~"

I raised my hand and pulled my red hood over my dark hair.

"Reanimated yet unrecognizable~

I'm in hell without an angel~

The echo of my dying whispers~

Are louder than wailing specters~!"

"Hmm~ hm hm hm~ hmm hmm~"

Red riding hood and the big bad wolf, act 2.

[Passive skill unlocked for free!]

[Demonic bard's inspiration, your bars are hot but your words will leave listeners cold.

There's a low chance of inflicting curses on targets without cost or cooldown when they hear your voice. Increase the chance and severity of curses if your words are cohesive in rhythm and theme.]

I took a small step back keeping a black claw right out of range before walking forward again.

Several other childish stabs and slashes that came at me were easily dodged, my steps in tune with my humming not slowing down in the slightest.


With one hand I ripped out the intestines and organs that were flowing out of my stomach while I summoned my grimoire with the other.

"Hmm hm~ hm~ hmm~ Summon weapon."


Soul coins : 12 047⿁



Banner of anguish : Dagger of tears⚝⚝⚝⚝⚝


"10 pulls"

The ground trembled as if an earthquake was about to destroy the entire building.

But I couldn't care less, I was dancing in rhythm.

"Oh lost souls~

Why are you doing this?

I don't want to, I don't want to kill you~

Stay silent and don't resist!"

"Hmm~ hm hm hm~ hmm hmm~"

A barrier of hundreds of demonic tentacles rose from the ground all around us, seemingly dancing along with me.

I felt my sister's exhausted breath from the smoke and dashed towards her.

She noticed me at the last moment but it was already too late.

I caught her hands with mine and intertwined my fingers with her claws.

There was no way for her to fight back or get out of my grip.

"Your eyes are bleeding~

And my hands are cold~

Look up at me, here I am the king.

Down here blood is worth gold~!"

"Hmm~ hm hm hm~ hmm hmm~"

I stepped to the side and pulled her along, following my rhythm and completely breaking hers.

Her feet weren't able to keep a stable footing and her hands were in the grasp of the puppeteer.

In the middle of the fight between two devils, an elegant dance began.

Her face was completely startled as she had no idea what was going on.

[First pull, Cooking daddy's knife ⚝⚝⚝]

[Heated blade perfect for a human barbecue.]

The tentacles in front of us merged together and just like for my first summon, it aggressively threw the weapon at me.

This time however I had no need to dodge out of the way, I just needed to make a small turn~

My sister's eyes widened in horror as an incredibly sharp pain appeared in her back.

She cried out in pain, trying to wriggle out of my grasp to no avail.

The smile on my face wisened when the system didn't stop the weapon from hurting her.

This wasn't an attack, I'm just holding my dear little sister.

"Try not to catch it with your face sister, it would be a shame to scar such a pretty face~"


[Second pull, Voodoo needle x10 ⚝⚝]

[Every needle multiplies the pain of the next one."

This time several needles were planted all over her body making her tremble and roar in pain.

[Third pull, Pale moon sickle ⚝⚝⚝]

[Injects moonlight miasma into harvested plants.]

[Fourth pull, Sharpened ruler ⚝]

[Teacher's favorite.]

[Fifth pull, Lost djinn blade ⚝⚝⚝⚝]

[A curved and serrated blade made by a wishing spirit. Grants a negative wish on the first hit.]

[Tenth pull, Spirit knuckles ⚝⚝]

[Good for beating some sense into those that have passed.]

After dozens of weapons had hit, slashed and stabbed her with the strength of a giant, the girl in my arms continuously screamed in pain, tears falling down her rosy cheeks.

To end things I let go of her and high-kicked her in the chin, making her fall over and worsening her injuries.

The smoke had started to dissipate so I could see her more clearly now.

She was bleeding profusely and unlike when she was stabbed by normal kitchen utensils her wounds showed no sign of healing.

Her way of looking at me had changed as well, instead of the contempt and playful look that she showed before she was now staring at me with anger and fear.

I crouched down next to her and grabbed her jaw.

"I like this look in your eyes, the look of a hunter being brought down by a predator. I've seen it so many times that I can recognize it immediately."

She spat a spray of pink powder at my face but I didn't flinch or blink, instead I grabbed the Djinn blade that was lodged deep in her thigh and started twisting it.


I didn't actually think she had any strength left to fight back so it took me by surprise when she jerked forward and headbutted me.

Unlike what I expected, this little demoness didn't give up and instead stood up again with the determination to fight till the bitter end.

Two vials appeared in her hands, but these ones looked a little different than the acid bottles she used before.

I snapped my arm at her but was only able to hit one bottle out of her hand.

While the other was opened and its content was downed into her mouth.

I immediately realized that I shouldn't stay close to her and sprung backwards.

I forgot that a cornered beast was the most dangerous.