Mistreatment ?

"Unsummon Lost djinn blade, summon Lost djinn blade!"

The sword that was stuck in her leg disappeared and reappeared in my hand as I rushed forward to hopefully end this.

My sister's aura and bloodlust multiplied a hundredfold. Her eyes turned completely red and the thin black scales at the base of her claws spread down her arms while also appearing on her legs.

A long and sharp tail sprouted out behind her while twisting horns grew out of her black hair.

She ripped out most of the weapons still lodged in her flesh but the wounds she had accumulated didn't seem to heal.

"Fucking hell, when will this end?"

She had grown almost as tall as me and had definitely become a bigger threat than before.

An almost liquid, purple gas started being released from the space in between her scales and that spread almost instantly covering the entire dining room's floor.

I didn't expect her to be a boss with three phases instead of a mini boss with only two!


I called my only ally that didn't seem to want to help me as she silently stood back.

She immediately told me why.

"You… used curses… on me."

"I'm really sorry for that! I just wanted to make you stronger!"

I didn't take my eye off the transformed succubus but I was still barely able to evade her dash.

"I don't like… to be manipulated…"

"Daisy I'm really sorry! But this isn't the time to pout!"

The demoness continuously swung her claws at me, I was cut several times and all my wounds were starting to slow me down.

"I'm… not pouting… I'm on strike… My boss… bad boss…"

"Okay! Huff… What can I do to make it right!?"

I didn't expect this first threat to be so strong and neither did I think about treating my only ally properly.

I could easily adapt to situations and read an opponent's rhythm but I absolutely sucked at taking life seriously.

"Hmm… I want a lake… and food… I also want to sleep… with you… always…"

My shoulder was impaled by the demon's sharp tail and I could see the horns about to ram into me.


The demoness successfully rammed me and was about to squish me into the wall but was in turn pushed away by another force.

Luckily or unluckily, the force threw the enemy to the side but also launched me into another wall.


I didn't feel the pain but I could still feel my mangled body that was somehow still functional. It was a wonder I could fight this long, even standing up was a miracle.

While I leaned back against the wall, Daisy stepped towards her adversary.

The woman that pretended to be my sister lunged forward prompting Daisy to raise her hands in an awkward fighting stance.

Except, one of the arms that had been raised suddenly dropped down, limp and lifeless, leaving her unable to defend properly.

Was my pseudo-sister now able to use curses like me?

My sister dashed by Daisy, leaving behind a flurry of claw marks and gaping wounds.

She was quickly accumulating as many wounds as me.

Daisy calmly watched her fast and sharp movements without blinking or fighting back.

[You and your villain, Daisy Voorhees, are in a losing fight! As part of the 'Don't you die little shit' bundle, you and your villain will awaken a trait befitting of the situation!]

[Searching for a trait fitting the situation…]

[ The passive trait 'What is dead cannot die' has been unlocked in the villain's skill tree for free! Your villain will take considerably less damage and can regenerate her wounds at an abnormal rate. Drawback : The villain needs to stay still. Drains the villains hunger which can be replenished by consuming human flesh or rotten flesh. ]

[Searching for a trait fitting the situation…]

[The passive trait 'Ruler of Chaos' has been unlocked for free! You can now form a 'pact' to use some of your villains' abilities, the pact remains valid until one of the two die. Drawback : Causes a different type of 'Hunger' to be born within the host. Can change the user's morphology depending on the target.]

I didn't pay much attention to the prompts as the fight was a lot more important for my immediate survival.

Daisy's body, which had been lacerated and pierced by my sister's unbelievably sharp nails, started to regenerate at a visible pace.

Taking the senseless attacks head on, Daisy didn't move an inch, as if waiting for her attacker to realize how pointless her onslaught was and just seeing her tire herself out.

"Are you… done?"

My mindless sister staggered a little as she continuously dashed around Daisy, creating a fatal mistake.

Daisy raised her still working arm to catch my sister's throat, lifting her and choking her in mid air, receiving the relentless scratches on her arms without blinking.

The cuts were deep enough to reveal the bone but everytime the wound simply healed back.

As if swatting a fly, Daisy flicked her wrist making the demoness crash into the table.

Immediately after doing so, Daisy caught her ankle and swung her the other way.

The fight was taking a ridiculous turn, Daisy who was previously on the receiving end toyed with her enemy as if it was a stray cat.

She threw it around, slapped it, kicked it and whenever the scaly cat attacked she stood still and ignored its scratches.

I noticed how the demoness was quickly losing its strength and energy, the scales covering her body were receding and the gas that seeped out of her was running dry.

After being pushed back by Daisy once again, the demoness turned her eyes towards me.

In a last ditch effort, she slid underneath my guardian's grapple and darted towards me.

Eyes aflame in fury.

I had a feeling that I wouldn't survive before Daisy could help.

This berserking succubus will definitely finish me off.

"Fuck this. I want to form a pact!"

[Select the target of your pact.]

"Daisy Vorhees!!!"

The instant after my shout, I felt something penetrate my chest and go all the way through, out of my back. Luckily I didn't feel pain anymore.

Looking down I saw the arm that had completely skewered me and the mad demoness.

She smiled savagely as she looked into my eyes, I smiled but I think all she could see was me sneering down at her.

"How cute."

She tried to take back her arm but felt an impossible resistance.

The gaping wound she had formed was now almost completely closed in on her arm while I used both of my hands to stop her from pulling any more forcefully than she already was.

"You should have gone for the head."

Her eyes widened in a moment of clarity.

Before her head drooped against my bare chest.

She had fallen unconscious.

Daisy was about to pull her off me when I signaled for her to wait.

"She's definitely a bigger threat than I thought but my original plan was to find out more about the mythical world this is and what kind of mess I have found myself in this time. Now that she's unconscious there's no need to kill her anymore."

I grabbed her and pushed her member out of me.

Immediately after, my wound completely closed itself and I sighed with relief now that all my lethal wounds were healed.

The ragged sweatshirt I had on magically repaired itself in exchange of a little miasma floating in the air. I also took the opportunity to conjure a rather long rope in which I channeled a large amount of both miasma and mana.

I flicked the rope in my hands as a sadistic grin spread on my face.

"Please bring her to the second guest room Daisy dear, she needs some rest before her interrogation."

(Have a lovely day)