Love is pain

That youngling and that undead… They humiliated me.


Why again?

I don't understand.

Where did those enchanted weapons come from?

Where could he have gotten his hands on them? He's a devil that was born less than a month ago and he already has things he shouldn't have.

Is it chaos!?

Why would he give such things to a throwaway emissary?

And why is there such a powerful undead by his side!?

Are death and chaos in cahoots!?

I felt a sharp pain course through my head making my body jolt.

The crisp sound of metal clinking rang near my ears as I felt my hands restrained above my head.

Even after opening my eyes I couldn't see anything which was surprising since succubi had night vision.

A ray of light finally appeared as a door slowly opened up, creaking on its hinges.

In waltzed a man I had come to hate, the emissary of chaos that I took as my target.

His eyes were now at my level, staring at me with a vile glint apparent within them.

The spine chilling smile that had never left his face while fighting against me brightened the moment he saw me, making it all the more terrifying.

"How sweet of my little sister to finally wake up, did you have any sweet dreams? Of me perhaps?"

That fucking youngling dares!?

I tried to rush at him and punch him in the face but all I could do was move a few inches forward before feeling restraints on my arms and legs, chains rustling as my body tried to break free.

"Guh. Let me go and submit! Do you know who I am? I am from the Luxuria clan! One of the nine great clans of hell! I am-!"


My lips which were about to berate the lowly devil were shut tight instantly.

Is this the curse of silence!? Only members of nobility should possess it!

I suddenly felt something touch my chest.

As I looked down, I finally noticed that all of my clothes and satchels were gone, the concoctions and artifacts I kept inside them as lifesavers were confiscated by that bastard.

My body was strung a few feet above the ground, completely naked and tied up by tight ropes twisting to my wrists and ankles where metallic shackles kept me defenseless.

I remembered seeing an incubus in my elder sister's dungeon that was tied in the same sensual manner I was.

The man who had done this was pressing his finger in between my breasts, right above my heart.

A shudder went through my body as I felt his nail graze against my skin.

"You are a bitch that played with my memories and is now playing the young master card. Yeah, yeah, I don't care who you're pretending to be now, but since you dared to act like my little sister, wrecked my home and tried to kill me, you'll now either become my obedient little sister for real or… well, you die in the most gruesome way I know."

He pulled his hand away from my body and lifted it. After a small gesture, a parchment magically appeared within it and rolled open for me to see.

"This here is a demonic contract. I am certain you know how this works, for short, sign here, or die."

Wha- How dare he? I'm a noble demon from the Luxuria clan.

Wait, he was just born, there is no way for him to be able to make a contract yet, a devil needs to be at least 500 years old for a written contract or 1000 for an oral one!

Looking closer, what he's holding is clearly just a normal piece of paper made out of miasma!

I just have to pretend to listen to him and sign before getting out of here… then I'll come back stronger and make him pay for this humiliation!

Oh~ I'll have so much fun slicing his skin and limbs off while he's completely at my mercy! I'll pay him back a hundred fold!

Now Kara… put on a gentle face, stupid men always fall for that.

I tried to sweetly accept his proposal but no voice came out.

"My bad… you were saying?"

He grinned and made an exaggerated gesture for me to speak, making me frown and break the submissive facade I had just tried to put up.

"Fu-... Alright… please, I concede. Now untie me you savage."

"You… concede? Nonono that won't do. I want to hear you say, 'I submit'."

He dares !? That punny… I have to stay calm, it's all an act, I don't want to fight him or that weird girl head on again. Just act like a little lamb Kara, just act submissive and then stab him when his back is turned.

"I… I submit, master."

The man who was always smiling suddenly lost his smile, his face morphing into one of boredom and disappointment.

The metallic cuffs that were holding me simultaneously opened, releasing me from the overhanging chains and making me fall down onto the cold marble floor.

In front of me stood the man staring down at me with his crimson red eyes, the gears in his head visibly turning as he thought about something sinister.

For some reason I felt an immense wave of regret and apprehension wash over me, as if I had made the biggest mistake of my life.

As I thought, she's really dumb, thinking she could escape from me.

But why do I feel so empty now? Why am I feeling like this again?

Oh… right…

It's because the hunt is over.

[Demoness Kara Lux has unconditionally submitted to you, do you accept ?]