System power!

As I thought, she's really dumb, thinking she could escape from me.

But why do I feel so empty now? Why am I feeling like this again?

Oh… right…

It's because the hunt is over.

[Demoness Kara Lux has unconditionally submitted to you, do you accept ?]


It's a shame, it was a lot shorter than my previous hunts.

Oh well… I accept.

For a brief moment I saw strange chains, darker than black yet seemingly glitching like white noise from a TV, shoot out from my chest and go around her neck, like a ghostly leash before it disappeared completely, as if what I had seen had been a lie.

Me asking for her submission was completely improvised, I was just hoping that a system which can summon and control murderous killers would be able to do the same with ones it hasn't summoned.

I wasn't sure the system had such a use so this little demoness seemed to be the perfect guinea pig to test it out.

The plan was to make her sign a physical contract which I struggled to write while she was unconscious but luckily I could simply form a contract vocally.

A system that lets me act like a real deal making demon, this… this is perfect kehehe!

Cough… I still need some work on my internal villain laugh.

Now that my slave experiment has turned out successful, I was hesitant of what I should do next.

I clearly needed to have this demoness spill out everything she knew but I didn't know whether I should simply force her to speak with the slave contract, torture her for the additional fun or have her completely submit.

One would entail making her a simple slave, the second would mean that I'd simply get rid of her afterwards while with the third I could secure a second ally for myself.

Let's try having her bend the knee, in the worst case I can just throw her away.

"Stand up."

She did as she was told, a small almost imperceptible grin present at the corner of her lips.

Is she that dumb? Hasn't she already realized that she was nothing more than my puppet now?


Immediately after, her body fell down, moving into a one legged kneeling position.

"WHaT? Why am I kneeling!?"

Her bewilderment was evident, ahh this is so fun.

"Is that kneeling? Do it properly… properly I said!"

She moved again, kneeling with both legs, before moving again at my second order, moving her head and body so low it was almost laying on the floor with her ass raised high.

She tried to hide her face, red from embarrassment and shaking from shame.

I loved this, her confusion, her bewilderment, this reminded me of my second half of the trials where I completely toyed with the monsters.

I squatted down in front of her, like she had done to me mere minutes ago and simply smiled.

"Why are you acting like this, dear little sister? That's not nice. As your big brother it's my duty to educate you properly, we don't want you causing a scene after all, do we?"


"Shush~ I really don't like to use the silence curse like this but you're too noisy… You're the one that submitted to me so why are you so surprised?"

Her eyes widened at my words as she trembled from fear. Fear? There is no reason for her to be scared of me, I'm just her kind big brother after all.

In a way I could understand her, she had lost her freedom to the one she looked down upon, to be honest I would have probably lost if it weren't for this mysterious system.

Speaking of which, this horror summoning system has really been a great help thus far, not only are the gacha summons and the inventory for summons great tools for me but the hidden aspects of it are just as interesting.

I already knew about the titles whose effects and method to obtain are unknown but after my fight with this Kara girl I also discovered a hidden mission reward.

[You've completed your first hunt! Reward : curse of silence.]

This simple line that shortly appeared within my atlas of chaos gave me a great power almost for free, all I had to do was protect myself from an invader.

I never got any instructions from the system beforehand nor did it indicate the presence of missions anywhere. It just adds another unknown variable to this already mysterious and complex system.

My doubts and fears were growing the more gifts it gave me, after all there is no way something with such an ominous name could not have a price. I was pretty certain that its origins were demonic as I had become a devil who owns a dungeon but I had yet to see the devil or entity that granted me this power.

Was it a gift or a curse? There was no way for me to know unless I were to meet my benefactor.

My focus once again shifted back to my new acquisition who was blankly staring at the floor.

I loved this, her confusion, her bewilderment, this reminded me of my second half of the trials where I completely toyed with the monsters.

Such fun times~