Good memories and smut interrogation

Hello to those that have remained after the purge (that's how I will call my 1 month of absence due to personal lack of time.) To satiate your hunger I'm back at it again, ready to post a chapter per week to catch up on my absence!

I left off at a particularly sensual moment of the story for you to enjoy, it also helps bring some worldbuilding without too much info dump so it would be a shame to miss!

I wont say anymore than that so sit back, relax and have a great time :)


My focus once again shifted back to my new acquisition who was blankly staring at the floor.

I loved this, her confusion, her bewilderment, this reminded me of my second half of the trials where I completely toyed with the monsters.

Now that I think about it, I think I now know I got the pacifist skill…

[Pacifist : Survive 100 years in the trials without killing or hurting a hunter.]

(Your attacks will never deal any damage. All attacks have their energy consumption reduced by 100%, all non-damaging actions have a +50% of being successful. You are less likely to be perceived as a threat, you are less likely to be detected, living beings are more likely to listen to and like you.)

I remember my time on cannibal island, a beautiful island with golden beaches and azure ocean that surrounded a large, lush rainforest covering the entirety of the island.

It was one of the rare Realms where the world itself didn't feel disgusting and food and water were relatively plentyfull.

The hundreds of cannibals had the unique ability to eat each other to become stronger, a power that made the abnormally high number of foes even more of a pain to deal with.

I painstakingly survived the horde of deranged tribal humans as they attacked me through onslaughts of raids, ambushes and poisonous traps.

There were a few times I fell close to dying especially because of their annoying poison, but every time I managed to pull through.

After just two cycles, the green rainforest had been almost completely stained red by the liters upon liters of blood I drew from the cannibals using primitive weapons.

Luckily after a few cycles of killing them and seeing them come back after a day, I found out that they would only respawn once all 100 of them were killed.

This gave me the opportunity to restrain one of them in a submerged cave with handmade ropes and weights before I could kill the 99 other cannibals in a gruesome, drawn-out battle that lasted almost a month.

The most difficult being the last two or three cannibals that hid in the foliage searching for their dead tribe members that they would eat to stealthily become stronger.

Shame on them, I burned all the bodies.

Even without food or water those cannibalistic killers didn't die which made them a pain to catch but a blessing once only one remained. It finally gave me a chance to have a long rest amidst the exhausting and painful trials.

For the following century, I lived on that island like an immortal Robinson Crusoe, a pacifist amidst the torture of purgatory.

And in a way, that was probably the most enjoyable time of my life in the hundreds of years I had already spent within that hell. I finally got to think about living and not surviving.

The whole island became my playground, my home. I was able to build myself a comfortable home amidst the trees, waterways made out of bamboos, I even had fresh meat to eat that I would grill over a fire.

Surprisingly, crocodile meat tastes like chicken even when they're ten meters long.

Sadly all good things had an end, after what I counted to be 117 years in paradise, having let down my guard, all of the cannibals spawned back while I was asleep and devoured me alive in my handmade bed.


Back to the present, I met my new captives eyes.

Unbeknownst to me, I sneer grew on my face as the color of my iris erratically changed between acid red, green and purple hues like a glitching screen.

"Now let me think… What would be the best torture for a bitch like you?"

I very carefully caressed her throat with my fingers and in an instant, I tightly grasped it, lifting the still naked girl up off the floor.

Although I wasn't weak before there would have been no way for me to lift someone up like that with so little effort.

"You're a nice catch so it would be a shame to scar your greatest asset, your beauty. What do you think of psychological torture then?"

To my disappointment, she didn't react much. Her eyes were unfocused as if she were in deep thought, there's no way I broke her already?

If that's all devils amount to then I'll be greatly disappointed.

With a wave of my hand, the walls and floor moved bringing me and my new pet into one of my bedrooms.

I threw the annoying succubus on the bed before sitting down near the edge.

She had broken out of her thoughts and now looked around questioningly until her eyes fell onto the bed and widened.

She was a succubus so the acts that took place under the sheets were probably no secret to her, but one question remained…

"What kind of Succubus are you?

After all, there were many stories, myths and folklores containing seductive beings that killed their conquered mates.

Other than the European Succubus there are also the Brazilian Encantado, the Japanese kijo, the hindu Chuiaels and all the other kinds of sleep demons that munch on your soul.

So let's start with a little medical exam… Stretch out your tongue and say Aaa~"

Unable to resist the order, Kara the Succubus opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out.

Still laying with her back against the mattress, her action made for a very seductive temptation.

But I won't put my lips anywhere near that soul sucking monster until I was sure that it was safe.

"Don't move and don't resist."

Her already sluggish body completely laid still, even the slight trembling of her body had stopped. Interesting, this could have a lot more uses than I thought…

I straddled her and gently pushed a few fingers into her open mouth.

Using my fingers I twisted and pulled her tongue, playing with it to my heart's content.

"No signs of forks in your tongue, it has a slight raspy feeling like a cat's."

Her saliva was building up within her mouth, covering my fingers and making me feel a distinct tingling or rather a stimulating sensation. I enjoyed the sensation before taking all but my thumb out.

"While I check on your biology let me test out the extent of our "bond". Now… would you kindly suck on my finger?"

Her body did as told, her lips tightening around my thumb sucking on it with enthusiasm as her tongue swirled around trying to stimulate it.

I took my finger out once again and gave her another order.

"Tell me a little about yourself, who are you? Where are you from? And most importantly, is the Luxuria clan you spoke of a threat to me?"

Her lips trembled but they quickly loosened to answer my questions, reluctance apparent on her face.

"I'm… Kara Suarde von Luxuria, I am the fourth daughter of Fischl Asmodeus von Luxuria, the demon queen of lust. I came here to scout for promising servants for our clan while the 'Hellbreak' is still in its first phase, you are the first and most important target I had."

I had long since taken her information from the system to know if she was lying.


Kara Lux

Race: Royal succubus

Class : Alchemist of desire

Height : 1.65cm / 5.6 feet

Weight : 60 kg

Age : 18

Kills : 3

(The stats and skill tree have been temporarily sealed or restrained due to a forced entry into the mortal realm. )

[Stats]: 79

Rage : 7

Stalk : 13

Ruthlessness : 19

Deception : 25

Cunning : 14

Chase : 11

Terror : 1

[ Skill tree ]

Affection : 0/10❤


"I'm from the land of lust on the fifth ring of hell that my clan rules over and yes, you should definitely be scared of my clan, my sisters and especially of my mother. The day they step foot in this little realm of yours you will realize just how weak of a devil you are! If it weren't for the restraints that the laws pleased on me I would have killed you with a snap of my fingers instead of relying on my potions!"

"Oh~ How I love getting such precious information~

Now Kara von Lux, daughter of one of the seven deadly sins Asmodeus… By the way, isn't Asmodeus supposed to be a guy with three heads? Then why did you call him mother? And… what is that 'Hellbreak' you spoke of?"

As she was about to speak out under the influence of the contract, I pinched one of her small pink nipples that perked up on her small chest. I could feel her emotions that she couldn't express with her restrained body through the movement in her eyes.

"I won't stop defiling you until you answer all of my little questions, you better speak faster if you want this to end~"

"Y-you rapist!"

"Feel happy."

She looked at me as if I were a psychopath. I'm not… I'm a sociopath.

"How could I be happy to-!"

Not even listening to her, I took a hold of her other nipple, pulling and twisting both at the same time. I felt her body shake as muffled sounds broke out of her mouth.

"Ahgn~! Ahh! You- You bastard!"

"Feel the sensation of an orgasm."

Her entire body spasmed due to pleasure as a red hue overtook her face, her eyes turning back while both her lower and upper lips released a steamy white mist.

My brain completely shut off at that point, not due to lust but due to my genuine analysis of her in what seemed to be me playing with her only to satisfy my sadistic urges.

I would have ample time to fill my insatiable need to inflict pain upon my foes later, this was just the aperitif.

It's good that I now have a grasp of the extent of my control over her, from what I saw I'm certain that I have full control over her actions, her body and what her body feels.

However I have no control over her mind or her emotions, in fact it even seems like pushing her further psychologically might result in her mutiny.

Let's let her calm down while answering some of my questions, I'll resume the discipline training later.

1800 words