The Marking

Raven's POV:

After seeing what Malik had to go through during what should have been his transition, my heart broke. This man has lived a life of suffering and it doesn't seem to be getting better. The way he fights with his wolf and how different they are confused me. I was under the impression that wolves and their people were almost alike so this was interesting to see. I knew that Malik's struggles are what made him who he is today but I'm willing to bet he's more like Ares than he knows and it excites me. If I'm going to get Malik to open up and see that he's no longer alone, I'm going to have to try and bring Ares out. Maybe that will show him his life is going to be so much better now.

I stripped off the robe I was wearing after I pushed Malik down into the chair, straddling his lap. My body was urging me to do things I've never done before but it felt right so I didn't fight it. As I got situated in his lap, I could feel how much he wanted me and I was going to let him have it all. He sat underneath me tense and still, like he didn't know if this was okay. I reached my hands to his face and pulled him close to me, "Malik, would you be upset if I asked you to let Ares out?" He looked at me surprised but didn't respond. I continued to stare into his eyes, almost as if I could see the internal struggle. "I don't want to do that to you my sun, I don't know what he's capable of right now," Malik said as he ran his hands up my thighs to my waist. I gave Malik a short and sweet kiss, making sure to run my tongue over his lips before pushing back. His hips jerked and when he opened his eyes they swirled red. "Little bird, is there something I can do for you?" His voice was throaty and seductive tightening my core, I knew Ares was back. His hold on me was tight, pressing me hard into his lap. My body was trembling, my skin was on fire and my head was clouded. I was a sloppy puddle on him, I initiated this and here I was submitting to a simple statement he made. "Not so aggressive now I see," he laughed, "I asked you a question little bird, don't make me wait for an answer." I snapped out of the lust trance I succumbed too and put both hands on his chest trying to slowly rock back and forth enough to tease him. The low growl he let out told me everything I needed to know, it was working and I was going to get my way. I lowered my head so my lips brushed against his ear, "You said Malik should make me yours but I'm starting to think you may also just be a pup who's all bark and no bite."

"Don't play with me Raven, I'm trying to play by Malik's rules here and you are testing my patience with your attitude. You should stop if you want to be able to walk tomorrow," he said through a clenched jaw. I smirked at him as I traced my hand up my side and over my breast, "Make me," was all I said before he jumped up. My legs still wrapped around his waist while he held me tight against his rock-hard chest. I took advantage of being this close and ran my tongue up his neck tracing his jawline before I was pushed into the wall. Ares put his face to neck, inhaling my scent while he undid his belt. When I heard his pants hit the floor a rush of excitement and need washed over me and I tilted my head baring my neck to Ares while he kissed a trail from my jaw down. "Good girl," was all I could hear him whisper before he threw me onto the bed. He stood over me licking his lips as his eyes traced over every part of my exposed body. I wasn't embarrassed or ashamed, I wanted him, I wanted all of him. "Little bird you are so beautiful. After tonight you are ours, forever, and we will spend our days cherishing, protecting, and loving you. I will spend my days enjoying every moment I can eat you up," he said as he kissed his way up my leg. My hands clawed the sheets and my hips bucked up begging to be taken. "Now, now little bird. Patience, I promise it'll be worth it," he breathed out as he explored my body with his hands. He grabbed both my arms and put them over my head pinning me down. I could feel the tip of his cock brush against my thighs and across my sensitive bud, turning every inch of me into a needy mess. Once Ares' face was next to mine I leaned up and started kissing him, tasting him, devouring him as his hand roamed down my side to the spot I needed it most. As his fingers grazed against my core my body trembled and my breath caught in my throat. He was looking into my eyes with such a longing that I didn't want to wait any longer. "Please. Please touch me," was all my brain could put together to give him consent to continue. He let my arms go so he could prop himself up over me while his palm laid against my clit and his fingers worked their way inside me. The intense pleasure I felt had my hands wrap around his neck, digging my nails into his skin with every movement. He started to increase his pace and whispered what he wanted to do to me in my ear. I was on the edge, "Oh my god, that feels amazing. Don't stop, please don't stop." My body tensed and the most euphoric feeling came over every inch of me as it shuddered its release. As I came down from the high of my first orgasm I felt like I was floating. "Were not done little bird," is all I faintly heard before he propped himself at my entrance. I could barley move but was able to spread my legs enough for him. I quickly trailed my hand down his chest to feel the wet tip of his cock. Closing my hand around him i tried to envision how this was going to fit. "Just like that little bird," he said in a raspy voice, "you know where it needs to go. We can start slow but I'll have my way with you in the end." I looked up to see his eyes were closed and his jaw was stiff. "You're mine," I whispered into his ear as I guided him in me. He let out a low growl that sent shivers down my body begging to be consumed by him.

Malik's POV:

I couldn't describe the feeling that my entire body felt. My skin burned and my hands ached to touch her. She was allowing Ares to devour her and she enjoyed it, she wanted it. The moment I filled her and she tightened her grip on my back Ares growled and I fought to push him aside.

"Ares, I need to mark her. You've had your fun now go," I demanded.

I could feel him scuff and grunt but he knew it had to be me that made her ours. Raven's heavy breathing and drawn-out moans pushed me closer to the edge with every thrust. I started to run my tongue up her neck while inhaling her scent and she tightened her legs around me. "One last chance Raven, will you still be mine," I whispered in her ear as I trailed light kisses down her jaw. "Yes, Malik. I want all of you," she said while arching her back and baring her neck. I let out a possessive growl and found the spot I'd lay my mark. I could tell we were both close enough to lose ourselves so I cradled the back of her head in my hand and let my fangs elongate. After placing a kiss on her skin, I sunk my teeth into the crook of her neck. Immediately she flinched but I held her close and started to increase my thrusts. Every moan she let fall from her lips built up the feeling of pleasure until she dug her nails into the back of neck and let her body succumb to a euphoric release. "Malik," she screamed and her body began to shiver. I couldn't hold out any longer. My fangs retracted, i licked my mark and shuddered over her. I laid next to her, our bodies shaking as they came down from the high of absolute pleasure. I turned to Raven and gently kissed her forehead, "are you okay my sun?" Pushing a strand of hair behind her ear, she rolled to face me. "I'm more than ok Malik, I'm yours now. That was the most intense feeling I've ever had. If this is what it's like every time, be ready to never leave this room." Raven laughed which made me laugh. She nestled into me and we both drifted off to sleep.