A New Day

Ophelia's POV:

The jolt of pain hit me unexpectedly. My chest tightened and I was gasping for air. Falling to me knees I let out a high-pitched scream as I felt my life force being sucked out of my soul. "Sister Ophelia, what is wrong? What can we do for you?" Sister Zamora said as she knelt by my side trying to hold me still. Sister Inora knelt beside Zamora and started chanting incantations to help ease my pain. "By Earth and Air, By Fire and Water, so shall you hear our calls. Send the healing white lights from above and surround our troubled sister with all our love. Our Sister Ophelia needs you now. Mother moon come to us three, I call and ask this of thee. Help her feel your strength again and find the sorceress that resides within."

The air around us stood still and all went silent. I could feel the intense pulling from within begin to subside enough for me to catch my breath. The ground began to shake as we all looked around at what happened. A dark mist started to rise from the earth and circled around the three of us. We looked at each other, each more confused than the other. Sister Zamora spoke "the healing incantation should have brought forth the white light of healing; something has gone terribly wrong. What did you recite Sister Inora?" I started to breath faster and more erratic as I thought how this could be happening, but I was unable to clearly think before the mist had fully engulfed me. I could see my sisters yelling something at me but all I could hear were my own screams as the mist absorbed into my body. In a flash the mist completely vanished and my body was free from the pain. As I started to assess myself making sure everything was intact I could hear Sister Inora's trembling voice. I looked towards her and saw Sister Zamora standing still as a statue, eyes in a trance of some sort. I stepped towards her and she immediately raised her hand, halting my steps. "Sister Ophelia, your past will soon catch up with you and the mistake you made will bring you suffering and sadness," Zamora said but in a low, dark manly voice. I stared at her in confusion wondering who was possessing her and what were they talking about. I began to speak, "Who are you and why did you possess my sister? I command you to leave." Sister Zamora flicked her hand and sent me flying across the room into the wall. Inora gasped and stepped back frightened at what was happening, she didn't like fighting, all she wanted was peace. "Who are you to speak to me like that? All this time and you still don't realize what you've done. I should've eliminated you years ago, you are reckless and selfish. You are no where near as strong as you think you are and that is where you went wrong. Out of revenge you cursed that of the most royal bloodline. You're a FOOL," the entity said. I started to get back on my feet, trying to calm my breathing when I finally realized what they were talking about. "How do you know anything of what I've been through or done?" I spit out. Frustration was rising within me and I refused to be treated like this. "You'd better think long and hard before you speak again Ophelia. If you haven't realized now that I could end you if I wanted to, then you truly are a fool. You called upon me for answers yet you dismissed everything I told you. When you dip into dark magic, especially dark magic you are too weak to control, you can not be saved by any incantation. You are cursed as much as the one you cursed." It was that moment that I stood still, paralyzed with fear by the thought of wielding magic I wasn't strong enough for and now the consequences were upon me. "How do I fix this? What should I do to break this curse on me?" I begged. I couldn't stop the tears from falling from my eyes and my mind raced at the thought of my demise by my own hand. Sister Zamora had stepped in front of me, the obsidian black eyes locked on mine and shook her head. "You put us at risk with your insubordination Ophelia. You know better than to use dark magic for destruction because it always ends in just that, destruction. There is no saving you now, you've dug your grave by harming an innocent. The coven believes that the suffering you will endure now is better than a quick death. You should make peace with the Royals and fix what you've done before the darkness consumes you," was all that was said before Sister Zamora fell to her knees gasping for air. She lifted her head and looked directly at me, "what did you do?" she said in a stern and commanding voice. I just stared blankly at her trying to piece together the thoughts running through my head. How did this happen, how did I allow my revenge to become so powerful that I broke our covens' laws. I used dark magic I was not strong enough to yield and did so on a child. My anxiousness soon became rage again and I knew the darkness would win this fight. I looked at my sisters in disgust, not caring what they'd think of me, soon they wouldn't need to see me ever again. "Don't worry Sisters, I'm leaving now. If my future has been fated so be it, I won't go down without a fight though. I will see my foiled curse through and destroy them as well." I could hear them pleading with me to stay and fix this but my mind was made up already. I will go and tell the King and his wretched wife exactly where their son is and what his life has been like. Then I will ensure they know that my last breath will be spent dragging him to hell with me so I can watch their souls break yet again. I turned and swiftly teleported to the banks outside the kingdom walls. I needed to form a plan to ensure it succeeds this time and I needed to do it quickly.

The sun began to rise waking the beauty of nature for the day. Staff were running about throughout the mansion tending to their daily duties. Freya had been up early enough to lend a hand in cooking breakfast and the staff appreciated all the advice she had given whilst cooking. Miss Dupree had entered the kitchen and headed straight to Freya. "Excuse me Freya but I'm wondering if you think Malik and Raven will be down for breakfast or should I go check on them?" Freya smiled and Miss Dupree and put her hand on her shoulder, "I think we should let them be for right now. When a wolf finds their mate, they tend to be very possessive of them for some time until the bond is settled. It's better to let them get it all out of their system before returning to the real world." Miss Dupree gasped and threw her hand to her chest, "what! You don't mean, no, she wouldn't already." Freya let out a small laugh and shook her head, "Jane, wolves are very affectionate with their mates and they don't care who knows it or who sees it. Completing the bond is to strengthen their relationship and is something we don't take lightly, it's very important to us. Once we find our fated mate, we are with them and only them for the rest of our lives. Please do not judge her for what she may have done, most often it's uncontrollable for them. Malik will spend each day ensuring she's treated as the queen she is. He will love her unconditionally and protect her with his dying breath. Some would only wish to be lucky enough to find the love that they will now share." Miss Dupree stood with a blank stare contemplating Freya's word, trying to fully understand the ways of their world. If what Freya said is true, then being fated to a wolf would make for an amazing relationship. Jane shook her thoughts away and headed out of the kitchen in hopes that Raven would be up.

Malik's POV:

Raven began to stir beside me and without thought I wrapped my arms around her pulling her in close to me. Kissing her head as she yawned I whispered to her, "good morning mate." She stopped and turned her head to look at me with a look of confusion, "it sounds so funny to me, mate. I feel like I should respond with thanks bro or something" she said laughing. Resting my head against hers I let out a soft laugh, "well than, good morning my sun. How are you feeling today?" Raven turned to face me, nestling her head into neck and wrapped her arm around me. Having the feeling of utter happiness and full content was new to me but also exciting. The things I've missed out in my life have been worth it if it was all to lead me to this moment. Raven let out a sigh and brought her hand to the mark I left, running her fingers over it she smiled, "even just touching it sends this peaceful tingle throughout my body. You were right, I feel this connection with you but not just any connection. I feel like I'm part of you, part of your thoughts, even your movements." Raven stalled, lifting her head, and running her finger down my neck and across my shoulder. "If I'm human, do I mark you? Feels kind of cannibalistic if I bite you without fangs," said laughed out. I smiled and shook my head, this girl is ridiculous, but she brings up a valid point. "I'm actually not sure, I've never met anyone mated to a human nor do I really know anything about this matter at all," I responded, "but, I think I can ask Ash and he would know. Or maybe your mom?" There was a loud knock on the door that startled us both making us jump. I instinctively pulled Raven to me and propped myself in front of her shielding her from the door. "Raven, Malik, it's Miss Dupree, are you both up?" we heard from outside the door. Raven laughed at me and softly pushed me aside, "I do like this possessiveness Malik, but I'm sure I'm safe in this estate." I let her get up from the bed but grabbed her hand pulling her back to me, "I don't care where we are, I will always put myself in front until I'm sure there is no danger. Right now, I think she may be a threat, so you should just come back under these covers." Raven scuffed at me and wiggled out of my arms, walking to the door. Before she could open the door, I headed into the bathroom to get ready for the day. I needed to talk to Ash and see if he can answer Ravens question about marking me and figure out where to start to figure out who I am. I turned on the shower and stepped in, letting the cold water hit me as it slowly turned hot. I could hear the muffled voices in the room but couldn't make out what they were saying until Raven walked into the bathroom. This woman was steadfast and confident in everything she did, if she wanted it, she got it. Washing my hair, I stood under the water and let it run down my entire body, trying to rid the anxiousness I felt. My life completely changed overnight and it was a lot to take in. The sudden blast of cold air had my eyes fly open to see Raven stepping in the shower. Standing there as awkward as ever, she stepped close to me and wrapped her hands around my waist tightly. I needed to realize that this was ok, if this was what we both wanted then who am I to over think the situation. As I wrapped my arms around her I could feel her relax as she said, "breakfast is ready, she wanted to see if we were coming down. I guess Freya told her that we should be left alone to feed our wild urges or something like that." She started laughing as she pulled away from me, "do you have any wild urges Malik?" The way she could sound so sultry while talking set my body on fire. I could see the water cascading down her hair and over her perky breasts, nipples erect waiting to be touched. She pushed me to shower wall and raised up, knowing what she wanted I met her halfway. The innocent peck it was meant to be turned into an insatiable hunger and need for her. I grabbed her, lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around my waist, turned and put her up against the wall never breaking the kiss. I know she could feel me harden in between her legs the moment she let out a breathy moan. Raven threw her head back allowing me to run my tongue up her neck and over her jaw as our breaths became more ragged. Her moans echoed in the bathroom as she ran her hand down my torso to the tip of my rock-hard erection. I let out a throaty moan and growled in her ear, "I need you and I need you right now." There was no hesitation from Raven, she turned her head and stared into my eyes while licking her lips. The water was falling from the shower head and the steam was building around us. Raven loosened her legs and slid down my wet body never breaking our eye contact. She smirked and turned to face the wall, arching her back and thrusting her ass into my groin. "Then take what's yours" is all she said before my hands were on her hips and my mouth to her neck. I let my hands take in every inch of her body as they moved down her hips and around to her inner thighs. I could tell she was getting impatient and I wanted her to beg. Letting my fingertips gently graze the skin up her thigh and across her core had her shaking with need. "Please Malik, I need you and your being a tease" she finally pleaded. I could feel Ares stirring in my mind begging to surface and play with his mate but I needed her, I needed this.

"It is both of us Malik. You are still here and will feel everything I do. Look at her bent like that ready to be mounted. Let me do it" Ares growled

"She is not going to be mounted Ares, forget it." I spit back to him

"Let him Malik," Raven croaked out. "I can feel the tension, let him have his turn. We always have tonight." Instantly Ares took her consent and pushed me aside. Growling into her neck he nipped her skin until he reached his mark, all while running his hand up her thigh and in between her legs. "Oh, little bird, I love when you're a good girl, it makes me lose all control." Finally hitting her sensitive bud, Ares' thumb started rubbing circles increasing his speed as he started sucking on his mark. "Yes," Raven yelled out as she was edging on release. Ares held her tight while putting more pressure on her clit, "come for me little bird, now." At that moment Raven threw her head back and Ares bit down on his mark causing an intense wave of pleasure course through Raven's body. As she came down for her high, Ares ran his hand up her stomach and licked her mark clean. "Were not done little bird, you'll come for me again," Ares said as his hands reached her entrance and guided his shaft in. With each thrust he could feel Raven inching to her peak again and he wasn't far behind. He wrapped his hand around the front of her throat enough to hold her steady and Ravens body trembled. He smirked knowing that she was minx and he was going to enjoy playing with her. "Oh my god, I can't, I have to," Raven screamed out. Ares let out a loud grunt, tightened his grip and hardened his thrusts until they both shattered together. Ares let her go allowing her to turn and face him, both still panting, trying to catch their breath. She looked up towards his face and said, "I never thought I'd be into a threesome but look at me now." Ares laughed and brushed the hair out of her face, "naughty little bird, but I like it. We need to work on Malik not being so lame." Raven smiled as she watched his eyes change back to the brilliant green she loved. Without words, she let Malik wash her while she did the same to him. Both enjoying the moment together before heading upstairs to breakfast.