Calvin's house

Allison has been standing in front of Calvin's mansion since the last ten minutes hesitating to ring the doorbell. She doesn't know what to expect. She thought she had gathered enough courage but it seems it's going to be harder than she thinks. She had managed to get through the gate with the help of the securities there. They let her in because they were expecting her.

After a few more minutes, she managed to muster a little courage and rang the bell.

'Here goes nothing' she said in her head.

The door was opened almost immediately by a woman who looked like she was in her mid forties.

"You must be miss Allison Brown, I'm Ellie, the boss asked me to attend to you. It's a pleasure meeting you". She said with a smile.

"It's a pleasure meeting you too Ellie."

"Come in."

The woman gestured to her to enter inside with her hand.

Allison tried to carry her bags with her but was stopped.

"ow! you don't have to do that, the maids will do it for you".

"O.. okay" She awkwardly dropped the bag. She is used to doing things herself.

When Allison entered inside, she couldn't help but gape. The door opened to a very large hallway with a mighty and beautiful chandelier in the center. The sight was just so breathtaking. With eyes wide as saucers, she took in everything. Every single thing in this house screamed of luxury. She couldn't help but marvel at the decorations and interior designs. The floor was made of marble. Still in the middle was a grand staircase with brass railings. The house has two floors and she couldn't help but wonder how many people lived in it. Just how much was used in building this?. The house was so big and magnificent, she feared she might get lost.

Ellie said her up the stairs and she tried not to stare too much but that was difficult. Calvin obviously does not know what to do with his money.

Ellie stopped in front of a door. Allison guessed it was her room.

"This is your room ma'am." Ellie said. She turned the handle of the door revealing a large room with a queen sized bed in the center.

Allison slowly stepped inside.

"Make yourself comfortable. The boss is already on his way. You can ask me or any of the other maids if you need anything." Ellie said.

"Thank you. I think I am okay for now."

Ellie nodded. "My room is the second room on the first floor."


Ellie nodded and left.

At least now she can stare at her surroundings in peace. Her jaw dropped when she saw that there is a walk in closet and it was huge but almost empty. She saw about three female dresses and a pair of shoes and few jewelries and she can tell that they haven't been used for a long time even though she feels that the closet was recently cleaned.

Soon after, some of the workers came in with her things. They wanted to help her settle in but she told them she will handle everything herself. They wanted to protest but she insisted so they dropped everything and left the room.

Allison opened another door inside the room and it led her to the bathroom. It was large and spacious as she expected and it has a big bath tub in the center with glass around it.

She wanted to try it but at that moment, all her body needed was sleep, and the big bed in the room seems to be calling for her.

She went back into the room and let herself slump on it. It is soft as she has expected. She raised the folded blanket and covered herself with it. She smiled at how fluffy it felt. Even if she doesn't want to be here, she should at least enjoy the luxury. In less than a minute, she drifted to sleep.


Calvin is sitting on his bed with Ellie standing in front of him. He arrived just a few minutes after Allison came. He had taken a shower and is now casually dressed.

"How is she doing?" he asked

"She's okay sir. But I think she is resting now."

"Bring her here." he ordered.

Didn't he hear the part where she said the girl is resting?

Well knowing him, it shouldn't be a surprise.

"Yes boss." she nodded and left.

Ellie entered Allison's room and met her fast asleep and her luggage scattered all over the room. Looking at her, she didn't want to wake her up, but she knew better than to disobey Calvin.

"Ma'am wake up." Ellie called, gently tapping her legs

"mmm..." Allison moaned and stirred but didn't wake. She tapped her again.

"Ma'am wake up". Allison didn't budge. It seems to her that she is a heavy sleeper so she had to hit her hard.

"Ma'am." She called, hitting her hard on her legs and Allison sprung up.

"I'm so sorry ma'am, I didn't mean to wake you up like that but you refused to wake when I tapped you lightly." Allison felt a bit embarrassed, she knows how heavy she sleeps.

"It nothing... but why do you need to wake me up?"

"The boss needs you" Allison was irritated but tried her best to hide it.

So she can't even get a peaceful sleep just because the bastard needs her.

"Where is he? she asked groggily.

"He's in his room ma'am."

Allison felt her heart leap to her chest. She knew so much what awaited her. She knew that he is going to sleep with her. He said it himself. She heard his cold voice in her head, 'I want to do things to you, things only a man can do to a woman.' and she shivered. Suddenly, two months felt like an eternity.

She got up from the bed and looked around, that's when she saw that the room is still scattered.

"Don't worry about it ma'am, I will have other maids do it" Ellie smiled knowingly making her feel more embarrassed and she looked down. Ellie chuckled lightly and walked out and she followed behind her.

Ellie left her to enter Calvin's room alone knowing that she won't be needed anymore.

She is presently standing before Calvin and the latter is peering intently at her. She hate how she always feel so small under his scrutiny. His gaze was so focused that she felt like he can see through her. He made her feel so uncomfortable. She tapped her feet restlessly as though the floor was burning her. How she feels like running away.

"Allison." She heard her name being called with that his deep and icy voice and she looked up at him. This is it. Nobody can save her now.

"Come here" he said