Why did I call you?

Allison stood unmoving. Her legs felt heavy all of a sudden, the way he was looking at her sent shivers running down her spine. Was she scared? She thinks so.

"Allison". She heard him call again. "I said come here." he called firmly and in a threatening tone. She managed to move her feet forward reluctantly. She stopped a few centimeters from his bed.

"Move closer Allison." He commanded and she took a step forward.

"Closer". She took another step

Calvin reluctantly got from his bed and walked to stand right before her.

"You are testing my patience Allison." The look on his face made her think that he wasn't in a good mood. Well it shouldn't be surprising. He is a devil after all.

He walked towards her and yanked her arm violently. She flinched from the pain of the tight grip but he didn't loosen his hold.

"Why are you daring me?" he asked menacingly. "Or do you want to get me angry?"

So he wasn't angry.

Allison remained quiet.

"Don't keep me quiet Allison."

She looked up at him. What is she supposed to say?

"I...I didn't mean to."

"But you did."

"I'm sorry." she said in a low voice. What is she even sorry for?

"Good. You should keep it in mind that I don't tolerate disobedience."

"Yes sir."

Why is she so submissive? He expected her to be a little rebellious. That would have been more fun. After all, all the girls he had been with were submissive. He then looked at her face, it was as if she is in pain.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" he suddenly asked.

Allison blinked in surprise. Why would he care if she is hurt when he is the one hurting her. She wanted to say something but she ended up blinking again.

"Are you dumb?" he yelled.

Just now he asked her if she was hurt as though he cares and now he is yelling at her. Just what is wrong with him?

"You... You are hurting me." She said in a low tone, afraid that he will get angry again.

To her surprise, he released her hand and brought it closer to his face as if examining it. She rolled her eyes.

Then all of a sudden, he pushed her to the wall and pinned her hands above her head. "Do you know why I called you here Allison?"

She lowered her gaze.

"Answer me." he demanded

"No". She lied

"I don't tolerate lies Miss Brown."

"I don't know." she said firmly. What was he going to do to her anyway? Sleeping with her.

He placed one finger under her chin and raised her head up to face him, while his other hand still held her hands tightly above her head.

"So you mean to tell me that you don't know what your job is as my... possession?" he asked with a raised brow.

"I don't." She answered stubbornly.

He traced a finger slowly down her jaw to her neck and down, just before he touches her breasts, he paused, looked into her eyes and smirked. Then he traced his naughty finger in between her chest making it touch her breasts a little. She flinched at the contact but she did not resist, she already agreed to it anyway.

He moved his lips close to her ear and asked in a deep, low seductive voice

"Are you sure you don't know Allison?" then he bit her earlobe lightly. Is it just her or is the temperature suddenly so hot? She felt her body heat up but she still didn't answer. He then left her hands and put his hands over her breasts almost touching them. She gasped.

"I didn't even touch you."

She felt her legs wobble and she wasn't sure if she can hold on much longer. He brought one hand down just so he can slide up inside her top. He moved his hand up until it came in contact with her bra.

"I don't like you wearing bras. You are never to wear it any time you are in my room again okay?"

"Okay" Her voice came out a little bit raspy surprising her. He moved his hand to her back and undid the hook of her bra, then he brought his hand back to her breasts focusing on her nipples, he pressed it lightly and she let out low moan.

"Are you sure you don't know why I called you here?" he asked teasingly, pressing her nipples continuously between his thumb and his index finger and with his gaze locked on her.

He moved his other hand to caress her thighs moving it slowly upward earning a low moan from her, she was wearing a skirt so his movement wasn't restricted. Just before he touched her panties, she cried out.

"I know! I know!"

"Why did I call you?"

"You.... you want to have se...sex with me". She stammered out. He chuckled and withdrew his hands which were on her body.

"Leave." he commanded all of a sudden startling her. She wondered if he has two personalities merged into one body.

"What?" It's not as if she wasn't relieved but she was surprised. She wasn't expecting him to just let her go. This guy is sure unpredictable.

"Have you cleaned yourself up since you came here?" he asked surprising her again

"Uhm...no. I was tired so I fell asleep" she tried to reason with him.

"I don't sleep with dirty things Allison".

Allison can swear that she hasn't been that embarrassed in her life. She dragged her feet to leave the room in mortification when he called her causing her to pause in her tracks.

"Allison" She turned to face him. Maybe he has changed his mind.

"I hate the way you dress". He said in a mocking tone. She looked down at herself and she couldn't see anything wrong with what she was wearing. Her clothes and okay for staying at home.

"What is wrong with my clothes? She asked with a bit of annoyance.

"They are not sexy enough." he answered with a straight face unbothered by her annoyed expression " And make sure you eat a lot, you will be needing the energy?"

"What if I say that I am okay with these kind of clothes?" she asked ignoring his comment about her feeding

"You don't have a choice but to do as I say".


He walked up to her in heavy strides and stood before her, he looked down menacingly at her like a predator ready to devour it's prey. He held her chin applying a little bit of force, then he lifted her face to look at him.

"Because I own you".