
Allison sat on her bed deeply lost in thought. She thought of the world and how to was so cruel. If only she wasn't poor, if only Kylie didn't have leukemia at all, she wouldn't be here. She wouldn't be reduced to this level.

His words kept echoing in her head. 'I own you.'

Fuck! Who the hell does he think he is? Does he actually enjoy seeing people in pain? He didn't sleep with her like she had expected, but he humiliated her.

Allison has always had high self esteem, she respect herself thereby earning respect from others. She has always worked her to fend for herself and her sister without depending on any man. She even graduated college without financial assistance from anybody. She even had money saved up for Kylie to go to college.

This is the first time she had someone assist her financially and she had to pay with her dignity. It hurts her so much but she she didn't have much choice. It will all be worth it when she sees Kylie standing on her feet and laughing again. She really misses Kylie, her smile, her chattiness, the way she depends on her, everything.

"Ma'am". She was brought out of her train of thoughts by Ellie's voice. She didn't even know when she entered. Did she even knock? Maybe she did but she was too knocked out of reality to hear it.

She looked and saw a man behind Ellie.

"This is Isaac, the chef". Ellie introduced

"Nice to meet ma'am, is there anything you would like me to make for you" Isaac asked politely.

Food was the last thing on her mind right now.

"I'm okay. Thanks".

Two maids entered the room carrying a huge box of clothes.

She looked at them surprised as they dragged the boxes to the closet. She thought that they were going to open it and arrange the clothes there but to her surprise they didn't.

"The boss asked me to give you these. He said you should wear something from there when next he calls for you." Ellie informed her.

Allison could only face palm, that man really did want to control what she wears. Anyway what does she expect? He owns her so he could control everything about her. She almost laughed at the depressing thought, but held back because of the maids.

She looked at them, they all have the same unfathomable expression on their faces. What do they think of her? They will probably see her as a whore who offered herself to Calvin for his money. They were almost right though. Just that in this case, the money was not for her own consumption.

"We will be taking our leave now." Ellie said to her.

She nodded at her. "Thank you for the..." She gestured towards the boxes in the closet. Not that she was really grateful, but since Ellie is nice to her, she wants to be polite.

As Ellie made to leave, Allison suddenly called her.


"Ma'am?" She answered turning back and the others left.

"You can call me Allison, I don't mind and besides, I'm not your boss."

"But you are his..." she reasoned for a moment but she didn't know the word to use. She's definitely not his girlfriend. Maybe she's one of the girls he usually sleep around with. But he does not usually bring them home, and even if he does, they do not stay for more than one day.

"I'm his what?" Allison asked, curious to know what she thinks of her.

"I don't really know ma'am." she said sincerely.

Allison sighed. At least she didn't think of her as a whore. But she can be too sure though. What if she do see as her as one but afraid to say it out.

"Ellie can I ask you a question?" She asked, ignoring the fact that she still referred to her as 'ma'am'.


"Does Mr Bruce usually have ladies over?"

Ellie contemplated for a moment as if she wasn't sure if it was good to answer her before she replied.


"Do they... nevermind."

She wasn't really sure what she wanted to ask. She just wanted be prepared for whatever it is that he will bring her way.

"Alright ma'am. But feel free to ask me anything." Ellie said

"Thank you". she nodded gratefully. "You can go now."

Ellie nodded and left the room. Allison decided to check the clothes out. She wondered why they didn't open the boxes. Or did they feel that she won't like people checking her clothes? but they could have asked. Or maybe it's because she told them at first not to help her pack. Now thinking about it, they have already cleaned up the mess she made and everything was neatly arranged in the closet. She guessed Calvin ordered them not to open the boxes.

She curiously brought the first one out, it was a tight black gown, it looks like it's going to stop right below her butt. She looked at the upper part of the dress, it has slim have a it's sure going to reveal a lot of cleavage. The gown also has openings at the waist sides.

"Now he wants me to seduce him". She said out loud. She brought about another one. This one is a long blue flowing gown with silver designs. With just one look at the gown, she could tell that it costs a fortune. It gown has a slit at the side stopping at the hip. The gown is also opened at the bust area but not as much as the other one.

The dresses are beautiful, but she could not help but be disgusted by them. Looking at them and knowing she has to dress that way to see that bastard makes her feel like a prostitute.

Her eyes fell on the blue gown again and she wondered if he plans to take her on a dinner. She just shook her head, the clothes were probably picked at random.

Her eyes fell to a skimpy red dress and she picked it up. It is opened in so many places and it is so short that she is very sure that it won't cover her at all if she sits down. It also has a strap at the bust area which can be loosened to reveal her breasts.

Another one caught her attention. It was a sexy maid uniform. Does he wants to do cosplay with her? How is she supposed to cope with all these?

She looked into the box and saw lingeries of different colours and designs. Black and red were more and they were provocative as hell. They remind her of strippers.

When she had had enough, she started arranging them in the closet. After which, she decided that she's not going to wear any of it. It won't hurt to be rebellious, would it? What's the worst he can do to her?

She came out of the closet and looked around, then sighed. She had nothing to do. This house was indeed big and luxurious but it was boring. It was so quiet that she wondered if the workers were trained not to make a sound. She opened the door which seemed to open to a balcony and she came to stay there. She took her time to admire the scenery. Everything was beautiful. She could see the well trimmed flowers in the front yard from up there and she smiled at them like they could actually see her.

She had been too tensed to notice them when she came.

She closed her eyes and allowed the cool evening breeze to blow her face and she told herself that shes going to be alright.

After staying outside for a while, she decided to go back inside. She sat on the bed wondering what she could do to pass time. She's supposed to be at the bar by now with Kenny.

She thought of calling Delia but she didn't know what to tell her as she isn't aware of the kind of relationship that she is in. She didn't want to call Kenny either, he would be busier now that she's not there. She felt a bit guilty but it's was the best. She is going to visit him the next day anyway.

She then remembered that she had some movies in her phone that she hasn't had the chance to see, this is just the perfect opportunity. She smiled faintly before bringing out her phone. Then she played one of the movies she had been wanting to watch. Half way into the movie, her eyes fluttered close and she drifted to the land of dreamers.