
Calvin had returned early from work that day. It was one of the rare days he didn't have a lot of work to do so he finished on time and was already home at five o'clock. Ellie had informed him that Allison left the house in the morning to visit her sister and her bar. He had told her to inform him when she gets back. A short while later, he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in"

Ellie entered the room

"She is back sir".

"Call her in".

"She said she wants to bath and eat first". She informed him panicking a little. She had earlier told Allison to answer him first but she refused.

"Oh really! Let her take her time. Call her in when she's done. You may leave". Ellie nodded and left the room.

Calvin sat there for almost one hour before he heard a knock on his door. He wondered what took her so long.

"Come in".

Allison entered and walked closer. She stood right before his bed. It's like she became a little less fearful. Allison has already decided that she has nothing to be scared of. What else can he do. He had practically reduced her to his play thing, he treats her like an object. What could be worse than that. Is he going to hit her? She didn't care.

"What took you so long Allison?" he asked her dryly.

"I just came back and needed a bath. I was hungry too." She replied with the same dry voice. He just nodded at that.

"Why are you dressed like this?" He asked her a bit annoyed. "Didn't Ellie give you my instructions?"

"She did."

"Then why are you wearing those?" he asked gesturing at her clothes.

"I'm more comfortable in them." She replied him. He nodded again.

"Where did you go today?" he asked again.

"I went to visit my sister and my bar"

"Why didn't you inform me?"

"I informed Ellie and the other maids." before he retorted to that, she added "You didn't tell me that I have to inform you of my movements and you said my movement won't be restricted."

"Strip." He commanded her all of a sudden ignoring what she just said.

Allison thought she was ready for this but every passing moment seemed more difficult. How was she supposed to strip in the presence of a person she barely knows? This should be it, the moment she has been dreading. He was going to have sex her and there was no escaping it.

"You seemed bold a moment ago, why do you hesitate now?" he asked teasingly only to be answered by silence. He looked at Allison's face, if she was scared, she's doing a good job hiding it. But her reluctance told him that she was scared.

All of a sudden, Allison held the hem of her dress and lifted above her head taking it off leaving her in just her panties. He froze when his eyes came in contact with her perfectly round milky white breasts. He has seen a lot of naked women but he had never seen any so beautiful. Why is she just so irresistible?

He was in his reverie when she when she held the side of her panties and pulled it down. Her movements were so damn slow and she had her eyes fixed on him. It was as if she was seducing him on purpose. How can a girl be so tempting? He forced himself to come out of his daze, he can't let her see that he is affected by her body. He walked to and took one of her breasts in his hands and squeezed it while maintaining eye contact. It took him every ounce of self restraint not to devour her on the spot.

"On the bed." He commanded all of a sudden taking her aback. She gulped, then walked to the bed and sat on it. There was a sofa just opposite her, Calvin went and sat on it just so he will face her, his eyes never leaving her for a moment.

"Open your legs." he said and she reluctantly obeyed.


'Does he need to make it harder than it already is for fuck's sake? Damn it!'

She tried not to show weakness. She forced her thighs to be further apart. He smirked in satisfaction.

"Good girl."

Silence reigned between them for more than three minutes. Allison was dying from embarrassment. She's sitting there with her legs wide open and he was looking at her, he was just staring intently at her flower. 'Oh my God! Did he call me just to watch me naked with my legs open?' she screamed internally. Every passing second felt like an eternity for Allison, the silence and her awkward position was killing her.

Suddenly he stood up and squatted before her placing his hands on her thighs and spreading it farther apart still looking at her down then without saying anything. If it was possible for someone to die from embarrassment, Allison thought that she would be long dead. Just what specie is he? how does his brain work?

Her body was on fire and she could feel herself getting wet down there.

"Why did you disobey me Allison?" He asked with a low but husky voice and his hands which were on her thighs started moving slowly and sensually upwards. Sure, he was going to kill her. Why are his actions so sudden?

"um...I... they... they are not comfortable." She stammered out, her voice merely a whisper.

"You don't have a say here Allison, I make the rules and you obey them. Do you understand?" he asked, his voice hoarse and throaty. His hands continued to move up her thighs stopping just before he touched her there and moved back down.

"what if I don't wear them?" she asked.

He chuckled a little. She is a bold one.

"Every single disobedience will only extend your stay here baby girl."

"Fine! I will do what you want." She said, sounding pissed.

He continued moving his hands up and down her thighs, without touching her where she ached most leaving her in anticipation. He lifted his head to look at her for the first time since he started looking at her feminine part, damn! She looked like sex.

"Tell me Allison, do you like this? My hands on your body, do you like it?"

"No I don't." She replied sharply trying to glare at it him but she ended up making an erotic face instead. He's turning her on and she doesn't like it. "Who would like this?" She added.

"You might not but your body does."

That's when she realized that her body is arching towards him like she is silently asking for more. Shit! She hates him! She hates him with every cell in her body. She hates the way he smiles at her weakness, she hates the way he dominates her, she hates the way he was playing with her body at that very moment, she hated that she couldn't do anything. Suddenly she felt a tear roll down her right check. Was she crying? She was and she didn't like it, she didn't want him to see her weak, she thought she was strong but this is all too much.

"Are you crying Allison?" His voice sounded like he was just trying to inquire and not concerned. She didn't say anything.

"Leave." he commanded harshly.

Allison stood up immediately, picked up her dress, wore it in haste and stormed out of the room, she didn't look back, she didn't want to see his face. What if he was smirking in satisfaction? What if he likes seeing her broken? She didn't want to look, she hates this feeling of helplessness.

Calvin just stood there and watched her leave his room in a hurry, it was as if she doesn't want to spend a second close to him. She must really hate him. What is this he is feeling? Is he feeling guilty?

No! He shook his head as if shaking of the thought. He shouldn't feel guilty for anything, he has always been able to take what he wants one way or the other, he see an opportunity, he takes it. This is no different. With that in mind, he walked to the dining and called the chef to give him something to eat.