
It has been three days and Allison hasn't heard anything from Calvin. He would go to work very early in the morning and come back very late, he even came back past midnight the previous night and she was already asleep.

Is he avoiding her? Is he finally taking pity on her after seeing her cry? No! the last thing she needed is to be pitied by that man. Or maybe he isn't showing any pity, he just has a lot to do at work. CEOs can be really busy at times. Maybe something is going on in his company that needed him to be there. Anyway she didn't care, She was trying her best to make use of the golden opportunity while hoping that anything taking his time never ceases. Who knows, the dragon lord could get bored and come at her again.

She has been going out since the past three days. She would visit her sister in the morning, giving her flowers and encouraging her to wake up soon then she will spend the rest of the day at the bar with Kenny.

It was as if her days had gone back to normal. It was peaceful and she hoped that it would last longer. She would keep herself busy serving their customers and when there is less work to do, she and Kenny would chat the day off. Kenny has the natural talent of making her laugh and somehow whenever she is with him, she forgets that she has a demon in her life.

Allison was with Kenny at that moment and it was already getting late.

"Ken it's already ten minutes past seven. I was talking to you and I lost track of time again." she pouted

"Don't blame me for being charming." he joked and she laughed heartily. "You know every moment with you here is precious, who knows, you might disappear again." she laughed again

"Whatever Mr charming, I need to go now."

"Please stay a little longer, we've all missed your face here and seven is not that late."

"Fine. But you will have to pay me."

He laughed

"How much does my boss wants me to pay her?"

She chuckled a little at his sarcasm before saying "ten for a minute."

"A minute? that's not fair?"

"Hey! my presence is precious."

"Okay make it three minutes."



They laughed again for a moment before Kenny cleared his throat to get her attention.

"Ally I have been meaning to ask you something." Kenny said, his amusement totally gone.

"What is it?"

"Why did you suddenly decide to move in with your boyfriend? Isn't too soon? And you haven't known him for long." he asked, looking at her curiously.

Allison's heart jumped at his question. She had been wishing that he will never ask. He wasn't in support of her moving away at the beginning and she knows that he will be more displeased if he finds out that she's not in the kind of relationship he's thinking. She really feels guilty lying to all of them, but she has no choice, they would or be against her. Even if they eventually agree to the relationship, they will all be worried. So keeping it to herself was the best. Perhaps she will tell them someday.

"I just want to. I felt like changing my environment. You know I have been stuck in my parents house and this bar." she was glad that her mind was quick to come up with something believable.

He sighed.

"Are you sure you are okay there?" he asked.

Maybe she wasn't so believable.

"I'm fine Kenny." she said and smiled.

"I really do hope so. I want you to be happy Ally. You deserve it."

"Thank you Kenny. We all deserve to be happy."

"Yeah. Especially a cute, adorable and beautiful soul like you." he said and pinched her cheek.

"You are such a charmer. You should get yourself a girlfriend."

"Oh! I don't need one. I have you by my side." he joked and they both laughed. They talked about random things for a while before Allison decided to go.

"Let me drop you off"

"I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself"

"I wasn't asking missy. Now move it." She wanted to protest but he already dragged and her and was pulling her towards his car.

"So stubborn." She laughed.


In a well furnished apartment in town, Delia was seated on the floor with a bottle of whiskey in her hand, she was drinking directly from the bottle. She was staring at the picture of a couple in her phone, it was Mason and Kate.

She knows she shouldn't be doing this, she knows that she will only end up hurting over and over again but she couldn't help it. She just couldn't.The vivid smile on Mason's face could be seen as he faced Kate with his forehead on hers and his hands around her waist. They really looked perfect and made for each other. Her heart sank.

That should have been her. She just couldn't wrap her head around the whole situation. Mason never acted like he had someone else while he was with her, he lavished her with luxury things and doted on her. They even discussed their future together on different occasions. He told her that he wanted their daughter to look like her, having her blues eyes.

Mason had asked her to meet him at one expensive restaurant in town, she thought it was another romantic date. She had even put extra effort to dress herself up and she made sure that her make up was perfect. She never got tired of enticing him. Only for her to get there and he told her that he is betrothed to someone else and that they can't work because of her background. He told her that his betrothed is an heiress to chains of business within and outside the country, she is from a very prominent and influential family. He told her how sorry he was when he saw her heartbroken and he left her. She had thought that it was a prank and she waited for him to come back. Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to hours but he didn't come back.

She had locked herself up for days refusing to eat anything. It was until Allison came and saw her in that stayed and consoled her and forced her to eat. She had grown thin from crying and starvation.

Tears clouded her gaze as she recalled those heart wrenching moments.

"Move on Delia, will you?"

She was indeed broken.